Borderlands 2 - BL2 General Discussion

Borderlands 2 - BL2 General Discussion

1557735 Unofficial Community Patch Thread
1539174 What is the best class?
580674 What did you do in BL2 during your most recent session?
1248201 [Guide] Borderlands 2 Basics for New Players
1013135 Best class for solo play
77751 100 Ways to stay alive in UVHM
1562986 What did you do in your most recent session, PT2!
1136068 [GUIDE] To BL2 Allegiance
537846 How would you tier the characters?
73886 Desires For Borderlands 3
350861 Wow, levelling up in UVHM is cripplingly slow
1545668 The best Unkempt Harold is not DPUH
1088591 Best Character for Solo Play (Besides Axton)
318557 Borderlands 2 DLC scaling
1084679 Grog Nozzle please :)
77214 Embarrassing moments with only yourself to blame
1640694 Savage Lee not dropping anything?
929915 4 player trick gone... Seriously?
1905962 What did you do in your most recent session, PT3!
324234 Warrior Legendary Drops
318615 Make up your own Legendaries for the next BL!
1557139 Borderlands 2 Alphabet Game!
544477 A Brief Guide To The Dice Chests (Tina DLC)
1542476 Random information
1352714 Enabling the Console on PC version
1640116 Is there a Good way to farm Bnk3r?
1515025 Bunkers & Badasses: The (actual) Tabletop Game
1064274 "The last patch", is it?
2474020 OP8 players keep OP levels after reaching level 80
250486 Seraph Crysyals?
1563394 Stay 72 or go on to OP8?
723739 Community Day skins
2429380 Make a level 80 build and post it here!
2571275 New level cap? New OP levels?
383802 Red chest farming?
42348 Borderlands 2 golden keys
93453 Favorite quotes in BL2?
1251938 Norfleet drop discussion
1539306 2 players, all 6 classes each, Duo Star
320500 Captain Flynt drop rates
508266 Warrior loot drop rate
1511519 Who is most fun to play in your opinion?
1484874 Top tier rocket launchers
495639 Worst type of enemies in the game (discussion)
1558999 Tubby farming location?
1560107 Things You Found Out Ridiculously Late
186293 When should I do the dlc?
1543306 XP farming question
654514 Borderlands 2 about Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode game balance
1643059 Avoid Community Patch; is it possible?
310659 Farming the BNK3R
1278272 Need help with hyperius the invincible
325417 Krieg or Zero for my playthrough?
1281924 Things that annoy you in online play
2486240 New DLC & OP10 Balance?
1577442 Which characters would you say are top tier?
1558846 Hodunks or Zaffords.. does it make a difference?
2544906 The Amigo Sincero is completely ridiculous
348502 So tell me about the Overlook grinder
1546148 Headhunter 3 Mercenary Day level scaling question
1119745 Digistruct Peak enemy typing issue and why your fire guns suck there
519224 How the hell do you guys get to OP8?
1332512 Best prefix for Ravager?
129932 What after lvl 72?
1540736 Weapon sacrificial table
2172829 Drop rates in borderlands 2
1483665 Playing Gaige without anarchy?
1542992 Verm farming after hotfix for Solo Players
281794 End game content for Borderlands 2 and all DLC
2482921 Gear list for Create New Level 30 character
1637992 Borderlands 2 on Nintendo Switch for Only 1 Million Tweets
475518 Cobra drop rate
1140372 The best "Tank" type of classes in the whole series
507478 A warning about Windows 10
1559615 OP Levels and Farming
1749791 Fastest way from getting to 50 to 72?
1560266 Bitch Drop Rate (by damage type)
560622 Favorite skin combination
87924 Good Touch/Bad Touch clarification
1485285 How many hours have you played Borderlands 2?
1558167 'Official' unofficial community patch
974314 Deathmark plus Kunai have been nerfed back to 20%
1324657 Why is the Kerblaster good?
1555712 Uvhm solo builds
338930 Hardest Gear to find In BL2?
1562067 Badass Rank or BAR Does anybody use it?
536737 Where is your favorite place to farm in BL2?
1639913 The Florentine Love/Hate Thread
353557 Things the AI has done to piss you off
583811 TVHM farming help
374814 Borderlands 2 Drop Rates 3x shouldn't happen and why
1766817 Mission Level Chart
1640620 Quasar Farm Updated?
351590 Tribute to yoteslaya
218910 Tiny Tina DLC difficulty?
217775 What are some Borderlands related names that are good for pets?
1636748 Trouble farming pyro pete.. feel so noob
30651 Your Favourite Character Combination?
1642738 Join our organised multi platform Borderlands discord server
1546806 Zer0 vs Maya, Who is the Best Sniper?
1043242 Dahl Efficiency and those other skins
1550396 Badass Rank Formula
4536913 Se puede Jugar borderlands entre Epic y Steam?
1196882 Zer0 or Salvador?
1552510 Borderlands in Ultra Wide Screen (21:9): Support isn't too bad. But it can improve
1710772 Noob questions about TVHM and UVHM
310852 Where is jimmy jenkins
1119234 What item(s) have you tried and found not to your liking?
2569237 Commander Lilith DLC Known Bugs Master Thread
1559425 New to BL2, Choosing a character
1641657 Matching grip vs. Off brand grip and other part based things
1554061 World Traveller Trophy
1550824 Best 4 player coop team?
1698507 Borderlands 2 is (in my opinion) a badly written game (and here's why)
1542458 I hate Arms Dealing mission
1910341 BadAss rank prioritization
1129454 How do you handle re-farming quest weapons?
145662 Noob questions about TVHM and loot
4537742 BL2 total skill points with DLC/max level
1556124 Exactly how rare is a hive drop in normal mode
359527 Best three player combos
595806 Where to find Ultimate Badass Varkids
1508379 Different rocket jumping method. Get insane height and distance!
1321463 Explosive damage? What?
1562739 Which do you find more fun? NVHM, TVHM or UVHM?
1862271 How do I start True Vault Hunter mode?
1642482 BL2 DPS Calculator with Skills and Gear
1540256 Levelling - TVHM
1549065 How the fuck to beat invincible bosses
1523495 Relic for leveling?
2401682 Do not raise the level cap
407475 What's your favorite Borderlands Theme Song?
4538466 Question about mission reward levels/scaling
1498923 Zero or Kreig for Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode, Single Player
350024 Keep running out of ammo during boss fights
372779 3x drop rate PERMANENT increase FTW
695435 What is one thing (or more) you never get bored of seeing or doing?
1553789 Shotguns and Characters
1552172 Infinite Backpack Size Glitch
2822714 Haderax's loot pool?
1485258 Best order to go through all Borderlands and DLC
1541493 How do you bore Terra?
1546967 My BL2 Experience
1548654 Is anyone else having trouble getting elemental infinities to drop?
1560837 Zero or Krieg who is better melee?
296674 Is there a way to skip normal mode?
463263 Has anyone created a list of missions to leave open for farming?
1540913 Any way to level up bosses?
1560473 Should I farm at UVHM, or OP 1 at level 72
1012753 A possibly reasonable response to the Oct 29th, 2015 Patch
1754636 You. Will. Die. Quite. A. Lot (BL2 NVHM Challenge!)
232879 So about Tubbies
1641529 Axton, Maya, Gaige, or other for solo UCP?
1316848 Question about Slag damage relics
1542441 25 golden key giveaway
349652 E-tech Question for E-tech Enthusiasts
1559306 Community Day Heads/Skins still obtainable?
1559315 Understanding how The Flakker works
502994 Things you wished the classes had?
1639233 Does leveling up take too long?
542109 For the PC gamers here, how do you play Borderlands?
1640364 Lets talk borderlands 3 couch co-op. Yes or no?
572288 OP Level question
614479 Master gee gate kill not working?
1586129 Unpopular opinion thread
1638027 Weisenheimer - Not as rare as you might think!
565330 Which "Side Mission" do you just not look forward on doing...again
1541177 Are God-Liath's worth the level up?
375367 Annoying things in Borderlands 2 (Discussion)
1559897 Never can kill a Raid Boss
1675305 Whats the hardest character to use?
1323079 Bone of Ancients... explosive?
1192750 Best tubby farming spots?
1190774 How do I reset missions in UVHM?
1172788 List of things still weak and pathetic
1859288 Self-imposed challenges to spice it up a bit?
1544661 Difficulty: OP8 solo checklist
1726928 Hyperion Slaughter round 5 wow hardest thing I ever did
1367449 Best Player for Survival?
590984 Help with Tiny Tina's DLC
1636537 Favorite and least favorite area(s) in the game(s)
89073 In terms of video game difficulty, how hard is OP8?
1379723 Is op8 Hoplite even useable?
1276032 Who should I play as?
181906 Shift codes for new people to gearbox
626614 Gentlemen's and Ladies' Guide to Claptrap's Place
333288 Resetting UVHM after a few missions
1999976 Cannot get Conference Call
621516 Quitting game doesn't save start location
1085411 Hunter Hellquist: Elemental Bee Drop Rate
1638917 Time to get rid of non solo able challenges?
1545280 Your For Worst BL2 DLC?
1442885 Max possible damage of Big Badaboom, and is it good?
395051 1life2live runs
1708525 Which Borderlands game did you play first and what's your favourite?
1543823 How to Crit Hyperious UHVM
1547556 Badassasaurus UVHM Hellborn
1283885 BL2 goty dlc installed... but not installed?
1539254 Best headhunter?
477160 Just reached 72, barely learning about OP8
1547155 10 levels above TVHM - and still can almost get one shotted?
289902 Best build for pyro pete
1549770 Bee Shield in Tiny Tina's Dungeon Quest
2155127 Is UVHM really necessary to enjoy the game?
1541272 Other than Sal, who is best at raiding?
2730822 Borderlands 2 - PhysX performance possible fix or explaination?
1555377 YOTESLAYA easter egg in borderlands 3
113041 Non-staple guns that are still fun and powerful?
410099 The Unofficial "Bet you didn't know this" Thread
1547965 Assault Rifles vs Pistols vs SMGs
641408 Gentlemen's and Ladies' Guide to Murdering Bullymongs
1534825 Who is a better farming/ OP level character?
328548 UVHM final boss = impossible
695051 Thankful for one last BL2 update
1559368 Bone of the Ancients
1552494 Movement/sprint and idle camera/screen shake
1046239 How do you level up ? 1-72
1116809 What does "spec" mean?
236116 Items to avoid such as DPUH
1562484 What Things Have You Still Never Done?
2722681 Can you link PC and Xbox characters?
291132 Any body else not OP leveling this time?
206604 Gun rarity in borderlands 2
1561982 Fastball Grenade
1556331 Why pearlescent weapons needs a buff
1796734 What is your favourite build
366741 Heeeeyooooo! (this is at least 15 characters!)
1636640 Saturn is basically impossible in UVHM
1543116 Worst Possible Build Challenge
1561968 Farming Savage Lee
495642 Advice needed: How do I make this feel like end game BL1?
1230285 Storage in the next Borderlands
1639957 Any plans for Loothunt 2018?
1548344 Immortal midget rat in Fink's Slaughterhouse
1690641 SOLVED( weird fast travel bug)
1118819 Maya got a boost recently. So, Maya should be re-evaluated
2261426 Where is a good place to farm a slag weapon for uvhm?
57588 Borderlands The Handsome Collection - Cross Save Request
78735 Multiplicative and additive skills questions?
1559242 Real life equivalent of Borderlands gun
1578493 Medical Mystery X-Communicate mystery
576123 Do you enjoy using OP characters?
1559836 Hated Enemies (But Not Because They're Difficult To Kill)
1159347 Do you name your characters in the Borderlands games? If so, what?
1559542 Difficulty scaling with players
1641838 How much do BAR stats really do?
1639823 Hardest vs. Easiest character to play without moxxie weapons at OP 8
1517144 What "bad" guns do you like use
390579 Save game in Creature slaughterdome?
573788 Windows 10 breaking BL2 and TPS
1181027 Noticing the little things
1642441 Affecting Bullet Speed : Vel0city, Accelerate and Salvador's RL glitch
1545177 Bar Room Blitz Enforcer Spawns
1349598 Least played character online?
1065029 How many characters? How to manage? Methods of levelling?
268805 Stop at level 50
1511768 I have discovered a fantastic way to replay Borderlands 2
185042 When is a good time to use the golden keys?
1377211 Inflammable prefix
1636312 Story of your "First"
1532594 Best BL2 skill?
1540334 Legendary drops from tubby/chubby
91050 Incentive of Shield Capacity
1548041 I have run out of missions. Where or how do I get more?
1201458 Tubbies / Chubbys spawn rate?
1546161 Borderlands Yo Mama Jokes
618404 Multiplayer balance is killing single player experience
1264818 How did you like the playable character's personalities/stories?
692899 Diversity in Gaming!
712115 Favorite overall gun?
219792 The removing players from game got real
1549169 Caustic caverns hidden room
1560907 BL2 is the hardest out of all the BL games
1064561 Can't decide on a new char! Help?
2313503 Axton, Krieg and Gaige Community day Shift codes still TBR?
1558665 Trickshot Infinity
612600 What mod should my siren use?
1556288 FFYL Timer formula
374820 Theories for borderlands 3 characters
1559827 Can't find any Legendary or anything else
1642724 Think they will let us carry over our badass ranks to BL3?
2488637 Beware before you install the new level cap system irreversible?
1922695 Problems farming lady fist
1641589 YOUR BUILD SUCKS!...But It's not your fault
1545746 Sheriff's Badge vs Elemental Relic?
1549550 Match character to manufacturer
1067831 Fix what's wrong not the glitches
472402 How to level up, cant find any more quests, stuck at W4R-D3N
379305 EXPLOSION NOISE! And other great sounds of Borderlands 2
1640626 The Return of the Love/Hate Thread, the Sequel Part II : Tidal Wave
2905165 What relic do you use?
331217 BNK-3R Farming Log
1130513 A better understanding of Fire Rate?
1640247 Best all-round weapon: 1-shot Hyperion shotguns
555939 Ever ditched a character?
1559491 Baby Maker Farm
1215561 BAR stats pushed off the list...?
1540596 Mods on console for borderlands 2
364929 The Sham Shield On Holiday
1010810 What happened to the loot train?
1010810 What happened to the loot train?
591193 I broke my gun...grrrr
308893 UVHM Advice Please
588523 Siren skull head?
346615 UVHM Difficulty and preperation
670203 Hot fix or not as it seems to me
385906 Consistent sensitivity?
482380 The tournament has started. Rules and everything you need to know!
1550032 Favorite weapon/item in Borderlands 2?
1805030 NVHM General Question
2330408 First time player, who should I play as? BL2
1545560 One shot mechanics is lazy design
2604179 Toothpick vs Fire Sandhawk
318427 Why no female enemies?
375867 Everything you need to know about legendarys
1640296 New To The Borderlands Community
1798646 Today I found Michael Mamaril for the first time!
1543925 Overpower Levels Wasting Lvl 72 Farming?
135000 Looks like we'll get a another patch for Borderlands 2
2830899 Take Tannis to the Prom Club
543537 Do you allow OCD to control you?
1640543 Best Build to Solo Raid Bosses
1262512 What are some of the best farming places?
1550669 Things you've never done in the game
618313 W4r-d3n uvhm aghhh
1678689 About Tubby Varkids
1051502 People seem to put extremely much work into building classes
1852447 Can anyone please help me help my 82 year old Father in BL2 Xbox?
1870791 Character-based damage scaling with OP level
1540190 Are the add on characters canon?
2694256 Fight for Sanctuary leveling issue
1557238 Does anyone else REALLY enjoy the process of leveling?
1557396 Removeing UVHM?
2030 Wow...our new home
632237 Farming qustions
533983 Pearl Weapon Question
1546916 Why all Classmods need to change in BL3
2959680 SHIFT Logout Borderlands 2
3000237 How to best utilize bee shield!?
569838 Is there a way to quickly see if a legendary is dropped?
1548189 Calculation of melee and skill damage at OP levels
1543886 E-tech Snipers Critical Hit Guide
390592 A few BL questions
2495471 An important point ppl missing - Digi Peak will be EASY at level 80
462596 LLM farming strategy
2370884 Farming son of mothrakk
1640043 What makes Borderlands, Borderlands?
1742132 Unofficial Community Patch
1114967 Controller Sensitivity?
525757 Borderlands Manufacturer Shoes
1559829 Borderlands in Haiku
1541346 Elemental shield DoT? What is the worse to have on yourself?
2540573 Voice-over cast listing for the new DLC
249626 PS4 side missions trophy
499313 Old forum links produce error
1641475 Which changes in UCP 4.0 have made useless skills not so useless anymore?
522505 OP levels... supposed to feel weaker and weaker?
2837725 VIP season 2 rewards
1563106 Some characters are better around lvl30, some around lvl50 and some lvl72, did you notice that?
1291317 What are some characters who don't work well together?
1503005 Need help choosing a loadout for everyday Borderlands
2578348 Bfff's( commander lilith quest)
1558308 To the Developers of BL3
379301 What is up w/ all the rush to level 72?
1642111 Master gee drops confused
25637 What do you call the little square boxes
1132925 How rare are the Aquamarine Snipers?
1544245 Do gunzerkers and lawbringers ruin the depth of the handsome collection?
135735 Future borderlands anti-cheat measures
1541703 Op8 XP vs Level 72 XP?
4543915 Adding XP Past Level 72
565822 Can't Farm Leviathan?
497442 Getting myself ready for TVHM
309783 Tier 3 battle: the death race
451178 Is Marcus father to Ellie & Scooter?
1376131 Omg WTF Hornet Bug
1014583 Guide to Making a Better Build
1128502 Not gonna say it's gonna be easy
1562967 Can someone help me level up in borderlands 2
1085323 A question about barrels
1936853 Finished the game, what's next?
1549839 King Mong - Badaboom and Flame o t Firehawk questions
1640230 *HELP* - Less Treants Spawning After Beating Tiny Tina's DLC
1327865 Bl2 not about loot
1639543 My idea for a siren for Borderlands 3
1178410 Zero vs meatman
1282895 My friend can't get quest rewards? (Spit screen OP4 playthrough)
1918096 Slagga drops from Sorceror's Daughter
1640286 Disturbing Things You Forgot Existed in Borderlands 2
90315 What I want Borderlands 3 to be
87175 Quick question about Digistruct Peak
2993759 Are You Aware That Many People Can No Longer Run Digistruct Peak
1544834 If you could only choose 1... (your favourite character)
79517 Any1 excited for Borderlands The Handsome Collection?
1639045 Borderlands in Real sexy robot stuff
1193950 What if BL2 could be expanded
1542302 Borderlands 3 Character Idea: The Nomad
1643002 Butcher/Slag any good?
555809 Do you accept a 1 level difference?
82995 Why does this keep happening?
1859780 Tiny Tina DLC in UVHM
2608458 OP Levels from 9-10
1546030 Legendary drop rates seem underrated
1583851 MidgeMong is incredibly hard to beat in TVHM unless your Axton
1766987 Questions about OP leveling and stuff
1539281 Favorite Psycho/Lunactic/Maniac Quotes?
1637883 Seraph Crystals in Normal Mode
1130096 Borderlands movie casting call 2: revengeance
583876 I guess I should have expected this
1545880 Playthrough 1 Story Route?
1642645 Can green weapons actually be superior to blue?
1562726 Character you're most efficient/productive/deadly with vs. character you have the most'est fun with
2141912 Endgame activities for borderlands 2
3057138 Borderlands 2 Comprehensive DPS Calculator
2625594 Hyperius farm solo with Morningstar glitch
1170900 Can I transfer my PS3 characters to the PC version
269696 Not using Badass Ranks and OP 8 / YouTube videos etc
1291050 Im trying to do a "no deaths" run, wish me luck. any tips, anyone ever done this before successfully?
1548173 Bloodwing kicking my Maya
1485530 Very Overwhelmed
1105050 Main Quest, DLC, TVHM order and timing
703919 What's the best class WITHOUT using the Class Skill?
1594876 Woundspike Farming
605239 bl2 jarred's 4 player difficulty mod
1548642 Garnet Anarchist or Seraph Stinger
1555504 Legendary drop question
269610 Just finished story in UVHM
421188 @Devs Grog Nozzle
1796117 Where/how can I find Jimmy Jenkins?
224017 Borderlands 2 newbie questions
1284706 How lucky am I?
2312139 Borderlands 2 DLC Question
1727964 Help! Stuck at Lvl 61 and gaining no points in UVHM
2805418 Fight for Sanctuary - thoughts after it's been around for a while
1799307 "The Crit" and why people seem to hate it?
1090663 "Enemies on Pandora grow stronger"?
1010780 Buff verm spawn chance
1316419 Non-elemental Damage? What?
1367603 Porting Pre-Sequel Grinder to Borderlands 2?
1556332 Shotgun Open Wide challenge
1641552 Has Pyro Pete Been Patched?
1560385 Niche Playthrough Ideas
1950022 Why is the "Inspiring" Prefix never listed in any of the prefix list?
2879572 Increased max health - good or bad?
131013 Gaining no XP from story missions in co-op
2476902 Borderlands 2 fight for sanctuary is BROKEN
1759165 Question about elemental guns and UVHM
1350372 Ogre vs Puple Nasty Spitter
1550973 Blood of the Ancients variants
545098 Iron Man Playthrough....BL2
1270948 Would it be worth saving "The Bee" mission for TVHM?
4508054 There was an internal error setting the display name
512292 Best Freezes/Crashes
1234038 Real Life Gunzerker
1081910 Best DLC to buy?
325034 Pete The Ultra Invincible drop rates
1559637 Playing Borderlands 2 as an FPS game
1974506 First try at UVHM
1191949 What to do until lvl 72 after completing uvhm
663209 Sooo... How insanely lucky is this
1544336 What Would It Take For You To Stop Playing?
1378491 Rifles of the Jakobs variety
1555367 Why doesn't Roland have any personality?
445376 Best gun to Farm bosses with? OP8
112 About the BL2 - General Discussion category
1558398 New to BL2 need some advice
1544064 LLM Doctors Orders- Question related to drop rate increase in May
1634376 BL2 - Home Movies mission - Moxxi's footage?
1641148 Kurtdawg13's Borderlands 2 COMMUNITY BADASS thread
1675547 Are OP levels the same as being level 73 - 80 According to (See Below)
1639990 Do low-level gear work well on high-level enemies?
1631571 Does anyone know the actual damage cap in the game?
518437 Tournament Round 3
1640952 No Hard Feelings - Tundra Patrol Does Not Spawn
506736 Here comes the PAIN TRAIN! (WOO WOOO!)
1640605 Hyperius being greedy
639987 What if the world was like Pandora?
2588783 Fight for Sanctuary new boosted character question
1478058 Best mobbing areas
1641090 Ultimate Baddass Vault Hunter
1561985 Gunzerker annoyances
1550122 Where is Man of Low Moral Fiber?
1265834 Co-op mechanics
2791687 They seriously expect you to solo through OP6 without running out of ammo?
1263573 Poll: Theory vs. Practice?
1540301 Rare loot midgets
1147770 Please Excuse The Language
283506 Cross platform request
4169305 OP levels aren't working, what do I do?
1087145 What relic for dpuh?
1638577 Pyro Pete the invincible again
134649 Cross Save Question Jeffybug
1154120 How long did it take you to get your Legendary Class mod?
2075517 The best boss killers in BL2
2255884 Worst skills debate
1640838 Buying Interfacer in TVHM for use in UVHM?
532351 Overpowering On Borderlands 2
1552413 Borderlands 3 Character Idea : Ryuga, the ex-Lost Legion Eternal
1212637 Outta every class, which one has the worst heads?
1593437 Don't have to grind in UVHM?
4549989 InstaKill Glitch used on enemies in BL2 for Nintendo Switch
1637891 Getting the most Out Of Borderlands 2
132144 bl1 and bl2 comparison
1640460 Why I came back to BL2
1539960 Poll about Mysterious Amulet
1545538 At OP8, What is the difficulty of Attack on Dragon Keep DLC compared to the base game?
588550 Vermivorous despawn rate
1641690 Guessing Game (Name the Main Boss in Borderlands 3)
335930 Starting a new charcter
449838 What is your opinion on the best BL2 add on
357680 Incendiary Flying Sand Hawk
413091 Need Advice in regards to levelling a friend without ruining the game for him
586977 Things strange or funny (or both!) that you've witnessed on Pandora
1542947 Legendary skullsmasher shot gun
2941666 Saying farewell to Borderlands 2 on console
507125 Less slag on OP8?
263456 When does Maya stop being awesome?
1555486 Has anyone done a "Cursed Equipment Challenge"?
886709 Gearing Up during UHVM
1638872 UVHM without Regular/TVHM
1179644 Rant Time! Friend bugging me
1559657 Michael mamaril
977316 What exactly happened to splash dmg?
1257121 Krieg head rarity
1605736 Removed in response to Epic Store deal
1541609 Sooo... my game crashed
2564133 Commander Lilith DLC MAJOR BUG
1547967 Who has the most characters?
2858411 Problems redeeming VIP rewards in game (BL 2 on Xbox One)
1455963 Norfleet vs Badaboom
1515897 Chubby/tubby rakk
1548738 So... The Bunker
4464464 OP10 Flame of the Firehawk
1551488 Is this a glitch or was it intended? (+%grenade damage affecting guns)
572399 Is it hard to play "Normal" after playing TVHM/UVHM
1553453 Ideas for BL2 Fifth Anniversary
1561254 Uvhm back to tvhm
1485232 Assault Rifle Build Discussion
2592374 Can you farm Pimpernel, Sandhawk and other DLC mission reward items at lvl 80?
521827 Vermivorous suicide?
390226 Character war!?
1558965 Fastball for Maya
554066 Weapon slots in pt2
541252 Tournament Round 3 Results and Final Round Details
1560308 Weapons That You Love (Even if they aren't considered great)
1370478 New Ideas for Borderlands 2, Weapon Sandbox Idea
1604427 Must do/can't miss things in BL2
73240 How to keep the game fresh?
1557279 Need help with build/weapons for Digistruct peak 6th part
1640628 Kuolemanlaakso's Random Playthroughs Thread
1638151 What's the Best fire element pistol?
1514787 Am I the only one filled with shame?
328802 The difference between modding and hacking a video game
573800 How to deal with poor matchmaking?
2509932 Op8 guns stronger than lvl 80 guns?
1636167 Anyone still use green and sometimes even white guns in UVHM?
1333808 Really confused about weapon parts
506083 Question about when you delete your character
438253 Farming Tubbies
990395 Magic Missile Post October 29th Patch
1554713 Help after I died
1915880 Florentine and Chulainn
2494110 Borderlands 2, OP10 Weapon Damage Numbers
2801727 Is it a bad thing that
1548770 Raid surgery: Pyro Pete
1539345 Could there be trans Sirens?
2067770 Angel Graphic Change?
436874 Deadly Bloom question
1082710 Patch drop rates?
1913696 Effects of Gear Transfering to Vehicles
1913696 Effects of Gear Transfering to Vehicles
1637655 September 18th 2017
376054 Gibbed editor question
1551693 Which class should I be for my return to BL2?
1541257 Need some builds/suggestions to help me kill raid bosses
1562500 Probably the thousand'th time its been asked here, but just what does it take to get 2nd-gen pearls to drop?
498774 Did you have trouble thinking who you should TVHM/UVHM with?
2639011 BL2 worst things
354334 I need to kinow all about farming
1638419 Borderlands Miniatures for the Tabletop
2563324 Lt. Hoffman sniper bugged
4539263 TVHM to UVHM transition timing
1096851 TVHM quests, Starting UVHM, a Golden Chest, and Options
1555925 Uncommonly heard dialouge
1991103 Can you list all the areas a Goliath spawns in? (Off the top of your head)
1770176 Personal DLC4 Raid Boss Ancient Dragons Guide
524538 Is TVHM really neccesary?
343418 Best way to get to OP8(?)
1636275 HELP! Can't get past Op 5 - Tips, Tricks, Gear
1365527 OP Buzzards (Sawtooth)
79001 [Concept] Weapon bench for BL3
2873028 Finally! First Max-Level Toon
1558359 Rock god tiny Tina dlc
1563590 A Blue-gear only run?
416474 Reseting UVHM and OP levels
1509660 Sand hawk variant guns
2998498 Not Receiving VIP Items
499181 Spawning Vermi for Dummies
555714 What are your ideas you would like to see implemented in Borderlands 3?
1318965 Too much damage?