Story of your "First"

This is Inspired by a previous post.

Share us stories of your many “First” in Borderlands 2, whether it be a first Legendary, first tubby, first raid boss kill, first coop, first peak run etc.

It’s great to look back on the story of our first time since it greatly affects how we approach the game.


My first venture in Pandora.

Bought the Borderlands 2 stand-alone game back in the PS3 but did not play it immediately yet, since I i just found out that I have FPS motion sickness while playing COD and Battlefied. So the game stayed unopened for a few weeks before I decided to try the game. Impression – Great cutscence, possibly good story. I pick Axton and test out the controls in windshear waste, looks good, no headache yet, maybe it’s due to the cartoonist graphics.

Then off to retrieve claptraps eye and then boom, I can’t kill knuckle dragger, seriously. After I think 2 more failed attempts. I quit the game. Then I search on how to kill that bastard, I read somewhere that beginner’s way to kill knuckle dragger is to just stay inside the container and he will not damage you. The next day tried again, this time I adjusted the sensibility, familiarize further the controls and kill knuckle dragger inside the container.


The first of my first most memorable “Firsts” :grin: would have to be from a while ago now, even though i’ve had some amazing personal firsts in recent times, this one just can’t be topped.

My most cherished first in BL2 would have to be the first time my son and i played BL2 together on the couch back on the 360. The game wasn’t new at that stage but new to us, and as we had already started toon’s for solo play, this was our first set of co-op toon’s.

We had just cleaned up Liar’s Berg for Hammerlock after he “fixed” Clappy’s eye which is something my son still loves to watch even now, (it just cracks him up every time) and were heading off to get some Bullymong fur and the fuse for the elevator when not long after fixing said elevator then buying a shield and thinking “What’s up there you reckon?” he jumped up and found the second Vault symbol and a loot chest and put his hand on my shoulder and looked at me and said … "Love you Dad, this game is fun!"

I could list a whole bunch of great firsts from BL2 (and i might :wink:) but nothing will top that first for me. :heart_eyes:


wow, that was amazing.


My first OP venture I think was the most remarkable thing for me. I’d been a casual BL2 player for years, having logged many hundreds of hours, but was at the mercy of YouTube idiots as my source of info ( it never occurred to me to come here ). I’d intersperse a lot of other games in between.

To me OP8 was this thing that only “gamers” with liquid-cooled PCs and wrist braces do. Whatever factor it was that made me actually start checking out this forum, I joined ( first and only forum ever, mind you ) and started seeing that it was not such a rare thing after all. Some didn’t bother, didn’t care ; but most did.

So I started a fresh Maya and went straight to work on getting to 72. Then I hit the Peak…and died, a lot. This completely narrowed my focus to a singular goal : to master BL2 ( I’ll never be a great player, but I can aspire to be ).

A lot of people gave me some great advice and help at every Peak stage ( I won’t clutter this post with names, but all the Maya experts were there ) ; and with every section completed, I’d pause the game to walk around the house and wipe the sweat from my hands.

When I finally got OMG at the OP7>8 run, I was actually terrified I’d fall off a cliff just getting back to Tannis and fail the run.

Now I run OP8 Maya with absolute confidence, and wouldn’t consider playing her at a lower level ( other characters have different comfort levels, but they’re all at least OP4 ).


Great story Boss, i can relate much especially the sweaty hands🤗


My first legendary was a React Hornet from my first Knuckle Dragger fight on my very first playthrough.
It carried me through Boom & Bewm, and did respectable damage to the other bandits/bullymongs until I reached Sanctuary.
I would still have it today for sentimental value, but I accidentally sold it to a vendor and did not know that you could buy sold things back until a session or two later.


First Legendary: Thunderball Fists. Didn’t see it until I started a second character (ran my first character all the way through Normal mode and never saw a single one except the head the Warrior drops). It was a level 4 and that early in the game, it was insane. I thought I’d be clever and keep it to share with other characters, but by the time you get to Sanctuary, you’ve way outleveled it, so nobody else can really use it. It was fun while it lasted.

First Tubby: A Rakk in The Fridge. I’ve still only seen like five ever (where I’ve seen several dozen of the other types). Maybe I need to look up more? :laughing: I didn’t get that it was supposed to be fat… it just looked like a turd with wings (I couldn’t get a close enough look at it; it was kicking my butt).

First Raid Boss: Terramorphous. Few are the people that can solo raid bosses without bringing the cheese (as is by design), and I am not in that group. I think I was still using the old Evil Smasher glitch back then. :roll_eyes:

First Peak Run: not really memorable… I dragged nine characters through OP8 before I started playing it “recreationally”. I was well into my dedicated allegiance play, and was having a fun time seeing how far they could each go on their own merits before I had to break down and use my pool of high-end gear (Grog Nozzle, Bee shield, Pimpernel… that sort of thing). Tediore Siren and Torgue Commando got the farthest, where Dahl Commando fared the worst.

First gun that I fell in love with: a purple-rarity, Tediore shock Gentle Triple Barrels. I was still largely unfamiliar with the weapon ecology, but this was the first gun I got that really kicked ass and was fun to use. I kept it for a long time and let all my new characters use it as they leveled up. It was level 13, and I seriously think I didn’t put it down until maybe level 25? To this day, few things are as satisfying as hitting an enemy with the Tediore shotgun reload throw.

First character: Axton. His skill tree seemed the “simplest”, so I went with this guy to get a feel for the game without the added learning curve of a slew of odd mechanics in one’s skill tree. I had played Borderlands 1 pretty extensively, so I was familiar with “builds”, but I knew BL2 came with a lot more game mechanics and different enemies.


ow the triple barrels, the memories, i remember back in the days i use to level up my gunzerker via fleshsticks using the Triple Barrel reload throw. it feels so OP.

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My first Legendary

It was a Lyuda, no element level 18. Funny thing is I never knew that I have a legendary in my hands and only became aware of it when the warrior drop me a flakker and notice that it is color orange and check my backpack and notice that I have a color orange weapon as well. Never knew who drop it until I search that it was Gettle in the dust that drop it.

This was also my favorite gun in the game, got in on my gunzerker playthrough and I rarely gunzerk when holding this gun since enemies die faster and also due to the limited ammo. It is still vivid in my memories how i snipe from the distance the constructor in thousand cuts as well as saturn and the constructor in arid nexus. I also love the sound that this makes when you fire it and because of this first experience I prefer a high fire rate vladof sniper rifle than the rest exception of course is the pimpernel.


My first character was Axton; I didn’t play Borderlands 1 before, so I just took one character randomly. I’m not a good Axton-Player, but I liked the versatility and the pacing. But he wasn’t RPG-ish enough for me. I got through NVHM and TVHM though until I started my Siren, which still is one of my 2 main characters today (the other being Krieg).

The first weapon I fell in love with was a purple Three-Way-Hulk that dropped for me somewhere around Frostburn Canyon. Shredding enemies to pieces has its own charm and never gets old.

My first legendary was a Lv. 35 Trick Shot Maggie, a world drop from a (I think) Rabid Skag. That thing lasted me until Level 43 and it served me well. Up to this day, the Maggie is one of my favourite legendaries and I sincerely hope that Borderlands 3 brings back the Mashers of Borderlands 1.


Hard to believe now but when the game first released instead of grabbing Clappy I sandboxed.
Got to the back Bullymong area and got swamped. Of course no BA XP so was easy to kill.
My first impression, based on something so simple.


First legendary was A level 4, very first play through on zer0, bonus package from boombewm. Zer0 ■■■■■■■ loved it. But then I’ve always been an in yo face shotgun player. chuck the bp from way back, mass chaos and everything dies. Soon as the bombs stopped, run in and deception shotty to the face :smile:
Good times


My first-ever playthrough on my first-ever character (Maya) was so memorable. All those events and sights seen for the first time, the re-introduction of the original four Vault Hunters and other BL1 NPCs throughout the story… I could write pages of that stuff. :slight_smile:

But on to specifics:

First character: Maya. The cool chick with blue hair, and that phaselock power which looked awesome and tactically handy to me. Lilith was my favorite from BL1 so I had to continue the Siren tradition.

First legendary: Nasty Surprise as a world drop somewhere in Three Horns. I wish I’d kept it as a momento! My second was an Infinity from Doc Mercy the very first time I ever killed him.

First tubby: technically a chubby since it was NVHM, but it was a chubby varkid hopping out of a shaking dump truck in Caustic Caverns. Killed it, got the Cute Loot achievement, yay! And a Bunny which I killed myself with.

First raid: Terry. I died.

First raid killed solo: Pete, of course.

Speaking of raids, the first time I soloed Hyperius was just silly. Running Axton. Used a non-elemental Infinity and a Bee to kill all the minion loaders first. Took forever! :slight_smile: Then I switched to a DPUH and kept the Bee on while Hyperius went into spazz mode. When his novas got too strong, I switched to an Antagonist (farmed up from my first Maya thanks to Pete) thinking it was giving me damage reduction against his novas (it doesn’t…) Its big capacity helped though. I was depending on Axton’s self-healing skills and transfusion grenades to keep me alive (ran out of grenades eventually…) and finally just barely beat him. His next nova blasts would have put me down for sure. I’ve since revised my technique against him. :wink:

First peak run: not memorable since I did it in Normal mode, heh. When I got my first character to OP1 (in this case it was that same Axton who barely squeaked by Hype) I felt pretty good though. :wink:

First pearl: it was a Storm, won from one of Tiny Tina’s slots, the very first time I played one. Amazing bit of luck there! I was playing co-op with my wife at that moment, and she always runs shock Gaige, so I let her have it.


That was awesome. Thanks for sharing @SomeRandomGuy11 This made me smile in that “warm heart” feeling you get. Good stuff… :blush:

This is me. Exactly the same. Coming here opened my eyes to so many misconceptions and properly learning the game mechanics and the exploits there-in. So much info I gained just by coming here. What started out as a source of information has quickly become my “internet stomping ground” so-to-speak. This is like my facebook. I post. I reply. I PM. I gain friends. Love this community too much. :blush:

lmao…yes I bit of this too.

it’s taking a while to read through all this. I really don’t have the time unfortunately. I’ll have to come back and peruse…

OT: my first memorable moment. There have been many, but what stands above all the rest for me, is my first Vermi spawn. My hands were shaking and I paused my game to reach out for co-op support. A buddy I reached out to ended up joining towards the end of the fight. I had no idea what to use. I was nervous to say the least. Ended up pulling it off. Got a damn Nasty Surprise for my troubles. lmao

What still remains is the “feeling” that came over me when I realized I had finally gotten the spawn I had been trying for so long to get. It was a feeling of success as well as what the hell do I do now kinda feeling. :open_mouth:


My first legit raid boss kill (with a slight parmesan sprinkling) - Terramorphous.

I used my 72 Maya , hiding behind the rock and laying down damage in between healthing and occasionally rezzing my son who was face-tanking with his Gunzerker.

I fell off the rock no end of times , my son got launched off the map so I had to hold on for dear life whilst he respawned and ran back.
We were both being complete spazz’s and took so long we ended up with Terra going full on blackhole as we both went into ffyl!

Luckily I had specced into immolate so we clutched the kill , to much wooping.

Oh and the mod was for Assassin. :laughing:


I’ve seen and done most of that stuff so many times already that I honestly can’t remember any “firsts”. It certainly doesn’t help that when I first started playing I didn’t know squat about rarity or unique enemies and probably never gave any of those things much importance when I found them for the first time. I think my first legendary was a KerBlaster from Midge-Mong, though. Maybe. I’m not really sure.


Borderlands 2 is still in my heart as my favorite game. I didn’t play B1 and my mate Gaz was always telling me to get it. When i saw Borderlands 2 coming out, I pre-ordered it. I played through to 50 with Axton, Zero, and then Maya. After that i left the game, probz for Call of Duty or something as i used to be big on those games. After some time my mate Gaz sent me an email with a Legendary guide for the Bee Shield on youtube…I HAD NO IDEA about all this stuff, and it made me get back into the game, AND THEN SOME…at least 2000hrs. Hard to say, maybe 3000+. But the memories from Borderlands just covers so many great times.

My First: RAID. So Gaz and me get Torgues DLC, co-op it and get to the end. Mission for Invincible Pyro Pete…ummm. So we go down to have a fight, totally green and clueless about how to do this. Still using trash weapons and gear. We ‘tried’ and ‘tried’ and could only get his shield down, and then a bit of health of him. I think i was using a Vladof AR with shock to help bash his shield whilst Gaz used a Torgue Rocket Launcher…a lot. I just love to memory of TRYING SO HARD to kill him. Funny how these things go when your utterly clueless. Yes, nOOb status.

My First Legendary: Well, this always cracks me up. I don’t remember the intricate details, I just remember running around the Fridge with an Infinity Pistol. I ‘actually thought’ it was bugged as the clip didn’t reload and just kept on firing. LOL. Oh dear. Super nOOb.

My First UVHM: Oh dear lord, how hard was that? I honestly just couldn’t believe how hard it was. I did it with Axton, and cowered behind 2 longbow turrets with shields. Kinda worked. Took me a long time to really understand the game, and get better. Now, I can run UVHM with Maya using lvl50 gear.

My First Sandhawk: Well, me and Gaz binned them as we thought they was CR*P… Mega nOObs.

I haven’t played for some time now, but I ALWAYS want to go back and play, even having played through the story over 100 times and owned every item possible, just playing the game is what i enjoy. I love just starting a new Maya, and using what ever comes my way.

Happy days.


I thought it was complete crap too. I got my first one through my first run through Scarlett’s in normal mode, and I kept it in my backpack even though I thought it was garbage. It was a shock version, and I ended up using it to kill Bloodtail in the Hammerlock DLC because I thought “oh I can use that weird Sandhawk gun against him, it’s shock and should kill his shield quickly…” After that I vendored it.

I thought the Pimpernel was crap too. I got my first during that same first run through Scarlett and I thought the Volcano I had gotten from the Warrior was vastly superior. :expressionless: I remember thinking “well, I guess that’s kinda cool… those extra shots flowering off could hit other enemies nearby… nahh screw that I’m going back to my Volcano.” It never occurred to me to aim for the dick. :slight_smile:


My first meeting with Boom and Bewm

Me as a Noob Playing as Axton, I easily killed Bewm, but had a hard time on Boom which is on top of Big Bertha. I ended up at the back of the house near the Dook Hut kiting Big Bertha and only shooting it when I deployed my turret, then I was caught with endless spawns of Psycho running at the back of the house. The fight took forever but manage to kill Boom in the end. Sadly no Bonus Package for my efforts.