Florentine and Chulainn

How does the dps of the florentine compare to the chulainn? If the chulainn did not have the self-slagging effect, which one would be preferable with regards to gun stats?

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Slagga better than both- on on level Slagga will do enough damage that it will negate the shock/slag benefit of the Florentine. Try not to use the Chulainn past normal though- itā€™s just not worth itā€¦




The Florentine has higher base damage, accuracy and reload between these two, and in that regard its DPS is higher. It also lacks the self-slag. The only downside is ammo cost, a slightly slower fire rate and the need to collect Seraph Crystals to get it.

Chulain is a quest reward that is easily acquired, and per round expended, more powerful in these to variants, but it will take longer, and be riskier to deliver those rounds. But if memory serves me correctly the Florentineā€™s projectiles may actually be slower due to being e-tech. I canā€™t recall.


ā€¦ but it does.

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People here will tell you not to use the Chulainn because of the self slag. Probably the same people who wouldnā€™t use The Bane, despite it being very goodā€¦

Joking aside, Florentine is better, doesnā€™t slag you and itā€™s prettier. But as @Carlton_Slayer says, just get a Slagga, itā€™s one of the best SMGs in the game.


Thank you very much!

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Slagga is very good, & to farm you end up running the same quest that gets you the Chulain, until you get one you have the other.

Another alternative is to farm Bonehead 2.0 in the Arid Badlands for a Bone Shredder. Basically the Blue equivalent of a Slagga in all elements. Very useful with the right builds, particularly with Gaige and Maya.


ā€¦not for all of us. :wink:

When Iā€™m choosing between the two (which I do often since they both share a similar niche in the available weapon pool for one of my Mechromancers) I do look for differences. The Florentine definitely hits harder (and ammo consumption is rarely ever an issue).

Howeverā€¦ when I want to light Deathtrap up with an element via Make It Sparkle, they behave differently. Specifically, the Chulainn has a way bigger splash radius. If you shoot Deathtrap directly with either, heā€™ll light up for shock. If you shoot the ground almost anywhere beneath him with the Chulainn, heā€™ll pick up slag from the splash (where this wonā€™t happen with the Florentine). It does have splash that can turn Deathtrap purple, but the range is relatively tiny.

My favorite part is the high volume of slag PhysX goop that the Chulainn throws, but I wouldnā€™t recommend it just for that.


on single player difficulty the Florentine is really strong and you can kill all but the heaviest enemies pretty easily with it because of the stable firing pattern that Maliwan Plasma Casters and SMGā€™s haveā€¦it starts to struggle as enemy health scales with more players thoughā€¦ For straight up slagging, the Slagga and Slag Pimp are in a class of their ownā€¦ The large magazine of the Slagga helps too, you can fire off a few shots to slag, switch to kill, then switch back multiple times before your Slagga mag is emptyā€¦Iā€™m one of the few who really likes using the Florentine, but I admit I put it away when Iā€™m playing co-op


I love the Florentineā€¦ Since I do not do co-op, it suits my needs and is almost always my main weapon of choice.