Why I came back to BL2

Decided to come back to BL2 to learn again the RNG of items and hope to make new friends here also.


Welcome Back


Welcome back friend. I hope that upon your return you were greeted with the warm embrace of bullets, explosions, and the steaming remains of your enemies that is traditional here on Pandora.


Welcome back. Depending on what you play on and how long you’ve been gone a lot has changed. Either way we all welcome new players!

Welcome back! Over the last few years, I don’t think I’ve gone a couple of weeks without playing BL2! What platform are you on? xbox one here.

Thanks! Started out on the Xbox 360 then played Destiny but the game feels unrewarding atm. So I thought of getting the Handsome Collection to see the different graphics from the old to new looks lol

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PS4 x.x

Start out on the Xbox 360 then played Destiny but the game feels unrewarding atm. So I thought getting the Handsome Collection to see the different graphics from the old to new looks lol Just want BL3 NOW! >:( lol

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Ya, I think everyone wants BL3 ASAP!!!

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Plus, I don’t know how the Hunt work here for BL2.

BL2 is not as hard as BL1, but it is the most fun of the 3 BL games.

Meant the Event that Gothalion started for looking weapon on a list in BL2

I’m not sure if this is what you’re referring to but an event is in the works. Check this thread from this post :


It’s a game I always end up returning to eventually.

Welcome to the forum.


I was thinking you came back to BL2 because of all the awesome forum members. Welcome back, friend. :innocent:


I am.

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Just had to get away from the toxic part of Destiny. It’s getting out of hand over there. Don’t feel like I’m having fun over there plus everyone being immature and acts very negative also. Too much salt for me.


Just want to thank everyone for not treating me like I’m a idiot in the community because posted something on the Overwatch forums and got shredded for saying a character that needs to be balanced. So thanks for the welcome feeling.