Favorite Psycho/Lunactic/Maniac Quotes?

Mine are pretty obvious based on my screen name but … My wife and I are really fond of “I made you a salad out of worms!” and “You’re gonna be my new meat bycicle!”. I wouldn’t have stuck with it because UVHM was pretty frustrating if this game didn’t have ridiculous and hilarious lines like this. What are your favorites?

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Even though it didn’t reach the public until Krieg came along, it has to be one of the most defining lines for a psycho: “I HAVE THE SHINIEST MEAT BICYCLE!”

Kinda hard to beat that one! :grin:

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‘‘Drop-kick your babies!’’
’‘Bring me a bucket and I’ll show you a bucket!’’
’‘Weakness leads to deathness!’’
’‘There’s going to be a feast tonight! Hear that boys? You’re safe for now!’’

Too many favorites to count.

“I’m going to fill your lungs with my future children” - Shiv Spike

“They told me to bring a pale lunch, but you look delicious!”
“You shot my friend! Now I’m going to eat you!”
“Look into my eyes when I’m charging at you!”

I’ve never played Kreig but I was playing with a guy online once and he said “I’m losing blood. Give me yours!” and my wife and I laughed pretty hard.

I believe it’s: “They told me to bring a pail lunch, you look pale enough to eat” or something along those lines.

“Stop looking at me!”

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There’s on in bl1 that kills me every time I hear it.

I think its “you look like my mother, I ate her”

All of them. The Psycho is genius.

It’s always so funny.

Been sense the old forum that I posted anything, but I’ve been playing BL2 again lately, lurking a little on this forum. This topic got me to actually post something.

My favorite maniac quote, cracks me up every time.

“I like my sex like I like my coffee…IN THE BUTT!”

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“I wonder if I plant you in the ground, if you’ll grow taller?”


What game is that from I’ve never heard it

'Bout time you came back. :dukejk:

I thought it was BL 2, but could be the first one.

Anyway, back on topic: “Come to me, my pasty cake!”

OMG, just finished the ‘Defend Slab Tower’ mission at Thousand Cuts and heard a surviving Maniac rambling. We followed him around, he was quoting a monologue from act 1 scene 2 of the original text of Hamlet. Never noticed that one before, but it was hilarious. Shakespeare actually makes for good psycho ramblings.