Anyone still use green and sometimes even white guns in UVHM?

I’m level 60 and still use many green guns, I recall even using white Maliwan slag pistol and sniper also

I’m just not one of these ‘must use legendary’ guys

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It depends on which character. If I have gear handed down from another character, sure I’ll use whatever (blue, purple, orange). But if it’s not on-level yet, I’ll use the best of whatever is to hand to keep moving forward. A white turtle shield is not to be scoffed at!

I’m one of those guys (though it’s “must use E-Tech or anything red-texted”, not just Legendary. It’s not the rarity of the weapon I’m after, it’s that red-texted gear usually brings some extra game mechanic to the table, for better or worse, and I prefer my combat as saturated with as many mechanics as possible. If I wasn’t doing this (specifically, I wasn’t comfortably parked with my standing library of OP3 gear, and was proceeding through the game using whatever I found), I’d use whatever rarity weapon I came across if the damage worked.

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yes that’s a good point Adabiviak, and would certainly make for a more interesting game

don’t get me wrong I definitely love to use rare weapons when I come across them (I’ve been lucky enough to find Plasma Casters in weapon chests and things), just that usually it will be standard blue and green stuff

It’s a good question though… other than players who use those lower-rarity weapons as part of a self-induced nerf, I am curious who’s playing the game like this.

I don’t farm for stuff before reaching level 72 and I don’t keep an army of multi-level mules to carry gear for new characters, so I pretty much have to use white, green and regular blue guns when leveling in UVHM. I’ll definitely upgrade a lower rarity weapon to a better one when a better one drops, but I make do with what the game gives me. Never had much of a problem.

My level 72 Zer0 relies solely on non-elemental and non-unique Jakobs guns, but all of them are purple.


Not me.
I have a thing about white gear , mostly because it looks so tacky.

I use underlevelled blues and at a push greens rather than whites which is stupid I know , but its a mental thing.

Meaning I’m probably mental! :crazy_face:

Hell No! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

In UVHM(especially OP8) anything below a blue rarity is to be avoided like cow pies or road apples. Don’t step in that! :laughing:

I’ll use white or green gear in a pinch, usually a shield or grenade mod, if what I’m using is getting seriously underleveled (and I don’t want to use hand-me-downs from other characters.)

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Like others have said, if it’s the best item for the job, sure I’ll use them. Until last night, Sal was wearing a green level 62 adaptive shield (he found a blue absorb, and since he’s in an area with mostly gun damage that’s a definite upgrade). Krieg is holding onto a green level 70 Coach Gun, Jakobs grip, since it looks to be an upgrade of the level 65 purple Coach Gun Sal will use as his next Deputy shotgun. :slight_smile: I think there’s a green Tumtum Muckamuck with good parts waiting for Zero someday as well (I prefer green Jakobs snipers to blue Jakobs snipers because of the terrible bolt-action fire rate the latter have).

I use green grenades are fairly regularly - if it’s Longbow 0.0 fuse time, who cares if it’s green, that’s a good grenade! :slight_smile:

I can’t recall using white in UVHM, but it’s possible, most likely a short-term grenade or shield option when I didn’t have anything better. At this point I have four characters well into UVHM so there’s generally plenty of blue, purple, or legendary stuff to go around though.

if i’m doing a raid boss coop, i always use white turtle shield with elemental immunity depending on the elemental attack of the raid boss.

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That’s uh, that’s in a totally different context, you know. :sweat_smile:

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Count me in. I’m clinging onto common weapons until I get to 72. I farm chests more than bosses.

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If I’m playing thru the game trying to get to level 72 sure- but once I get there it’s usually blue gear or better, especially for the weapons. Relics and class mods are a different story, depending how far into UVH mode I would be. The exception to this is any white shield with an elemental immunity, as any type of immunity is always a welcome thing…

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