Shotguns and Characters

Hello guys, pleased to find your forum, I have some serious question for you.The quiestion is about character, who are most comfortable, most useful for shotguns.Because in BL1 I have, for example, some skill for soldiers, which affect only Shotguns, and some class modifer, which have same effect.BUT WHAT I SEE IN BL2:
Axton-damage, crits, acc. for all weapons, or Assault Rifles, class mods for Assault Rifles
Salvador-^ same, for all weapons, in class mods only for Assault rifle, if i wish to found only for specified weapons class
Zero-acc, dmg, crits for all weaps, or skill for Sniper Rifles, in class mods ~ for sniper rifles
Other characters-SAME
There is no skill only for Shotguns, same for class mods, its kinda like shotgun is common weapon, for using until you find good assault rifle\sniper rifle\rocker launcher\etc
Tell me WHY?
I play all classes and I cant decide-WHOS better for Only SHOTGUNPLAY game, like i can in BL1?Please help me, I’ll be very grateful.
Can you show me example number of skills for shotgunplay?Not only for Gaige if you think that something is better?
Sorry for bad English.Greetings from Ukraine.

Thank you in advance.


Gaige. With her Anarchy and Close Enough skills (combined with Lighter better faster, the better half, and the one that heals you if your mag is full (I forget the name)), she DESTROYS with shotguns. Especially if you go the Shock route.


Cooking Up Trouble. And I completely agree with you. Specially if it is Jakobs.


Guys, thanks you.Can you show me example for tree of Skills for shotgunplay?

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Krieg has Salt the Wound and the Deputy’s badge and other shotgun relics exist, but yes, it’s more that there are skills that work well with shotguns like many in Zero’s sniping tree and Rising Shot. Zero’s Leg Sniper COM is great with shotguns with the right build. Maya does well with weapons with multiple pellets because of Converge and Chain Reaction so she crushes with the top tier shotguns. As Poetic Nova points out, Gaige likes low mag sizes for health regen and anarchy. Sal just obliterates with shotguns because of his ability to transfer weapon skills while gunzerking and also because of money shot. Krieg and Axton love explosive weaponry, and there’s some great shotguns in this category. Krieg also can generate large magazines, which compensates for the low mag sizes normally on them. So shotguns may not get specific skill boosts outside of Krieg and a few relics, but they are top tier weapons that every character class can get use out of. The top of the shotgun class are generally considered some of the best overall weapons in the game.


This is an example of the mechromancer build I use :smiley:

Although it doesnt have the full magazine heal it still gets the job done for me in op8

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Personally, I can’t stress enough how well Jakobs shotguns work for her. Coach Guns, Striker, Twister, Quads, you name it and she gets excptional use out of them due to her skills having such great synergy with them.


[quote=“Maxmanishe, post:1, topic:1553789”]WHOS better for Only SHOTGUNPLAY[/quote]I don’t think any of them stink at it; I’d recommend choosing a character that you enjoy and selecting the appropriate shotguns as needed. I think the shotgun variety in BL2 is more varied than BL1 as well, so this isn’t as easy as “this guy is the king of shotguns”. Here are some of my favorite shotgun techniques as examples:

  • Zer0: Execute into an enemy, which will force them to face you, presenting their crit spot, applying Death Mark, and activating Be Like Water. The target will be stunned for a moment for a relatively free shot (from a fully loaded shotgun for 0ne Sh0t, 0ne Kill) for a shot to the head. Almost any shotgun works for this, but I’m partial to the Striker for the extra crit damage and tight spread.

  • Gaige: Twister and a whole lotta Little Big Trouble. Zap! There are other shotguns that can come in shock that are great for this (Omen, Slow Hand, Conference Call…) You can always stack a ton of Anarchy and spray shot all over the place like an animal.

  • Axton: His grenade damage buffs will buff some shotgun damage; I’m partial to the explosive sorts (Swordsplosion, Ravager, Stalker, and who doesn’t like tossing a Deliverance?).

  • Maya: Maya’s a rock star, and can crush with pretty much any shotgun. I like high-pellet count ones just to take advantage of Chain Reaction (Butcher, Interfacer, but I won’t say no to a Heartbreaker either).

  • Salvador has some popular build based around the Orphan Maker. Seriously, who plays this guy? :stuck_out_tongue: I’d give him a Heartbreaker and slag Conference call with a Devastator COM with +6 in Divergent Likeness and call it good, but this is best left to the professionals.

Also: Flakker? Landscaper? Retcher? Carnage? Bandit E-Tech things? How do you want to use your shotguns… we may be able to find an easier fit if you answer that question.


Maya… much of this run is done with a purple incendiary Practicable Face Time:

Salvador, using Chuck80’s Deputy Sal build:

Sal again, with a conventional pistol skill set, switching from Grog Harold to Rustler’s Orphan Maker on the fly:

Demonite has a very cool video for shotgun Zero on an OP8 Digistruct Peak run with a Twister.

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[quote=“Handsome_Dad, post:9, topic:1553789”]a purple incendiary Practicable Face Time[/quote]What is it about that particular gun that you like? Not that it’s a bad one. I get the double Jakobs barrel over the Tediore one, but is it just because it’s a nice one you found, as opposed to a specific barrel/brand type? I think the public at large, if looking for a shotgun for that niche, would take a Heartbreaker and take the healing over the second barrel.

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Gaige or Maya

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I’m extremely partial to them in BL2 and in TPS (I have purple cryo and glitch shock). What draws me to them is the high pellet count, relative to the rounds used per shot. It has enough punch to one shot some standard enemies up close, which is really fun.

I love the Heartbreaker, Conference Call, Butcher, and Interfacer, but that Face Time is my favorite.

Edited to add:
My Maya saves use either 5/5 Life Tap, or Sweet Release and Sub-Sequence, so I don’t really sweat the healing. I use the Heartbreaker a lot on Axton, though.


Krieg has Salt the Wound for +200% shotgun damage, and he’s probably the class that uses shotguns most generally because he’s not great at the precision game, he generally thrives closeup and he can seriously up their fire rate and magazine size.

More specifically, I would say Zer0 gets the most out of Jakobs, Krieg of Torgue and Maya of Hyperion.


It’s not a stretch argument to say that Sal probably gets the most out of Jakobs, since the Deputy build has been used to solo all content in the game, from Voracidous and the Dragons to Murderlin’s and Appetite, tier 3. Zero is definitely great at mobbing with them, but I haven’t seen a shotgun Zero solo Terra, Vora, or the Dragons.