Can't find any Legendary or anything else

Hi Folks,

I am new to the forum’s so please be kind to me.

I have completed the game on every mode (normal,true,ultimate) doing all mission’s inc side and the Dlc on normal/true.

Now I’m lv72 I thought I would farm some boss’s to get some legendary weapon’s etc but I’m not getting anything, I can’t seem to find any Tubby’s or Loot midget’s.

Is there something I’m missing or is it just pure bad luck? I want to be able to do the dlc and raid boss’s then try my hand at doing the raid on digistruct peak (uvhm) to unlock the op lv’s and try them out. Could some point me in the right direction to what I’m doing wrong or give me any tips to help increase my chance’s.


  • Somsumi -

From what you have described, I would say that it is little more than bad luck. Can I ask, what bosses are you farming, and where are you trying for tubbies? I get days where I get nothing, how long have you been trying?

Also, welcome :slight_smile:

Tubbies and LLMs are rare spawns (unless you stlll have Doctor’s Orders active and go to the WEP room), so it will simply take time to catch those enemies. There’s still a bunch of bosses you can farm for gear, as well as the red chests scattered throughout. Remember that the designated drops from bosses have a 1 in 10 probability, meaning you might get one in only a few runs, but you could also go 20 or 30 before you hit pay dirt.

There’s a set of maps you can access to see where the red chests and farmable bosses are here:

Some of the easier and faster farms are:

  • Savage Lee and Boll (Three Horns)
  • The Four Assassins (Southpaw Steam & Power)
  • Henry the Stalker (Overlook)
  • The TMN Rats (Bloodshot Stronghold)
  • Mdme von Bartlesby (Tundra
  • Handsome Sorcerer (Dragon Keep)

Some red chest farming tips here:

As you gear up, you’ll be in a better position to tackle some of the Raid Bosses.

From what you have described, I would say that it is little more than bad luck. Can I ask, what bosses are you farming, and where are you trying for tubbies? I get days where I get nothing, how long have you been trying?

Also, welcome :slight_smile:

Thanks for the welcome :smiley:

I have been doing Knuckle Dragger, Scorch, Bnk-3r, Warrior. I been trying last 2 days, spending an 1 hr doing each boss and then hunting around Dust/Cavern for Tubby’s.

I though it may just be pure bad look but it will come I hope.

Knuckledragger is usually not too bad for me, BNK-3R on the other hand is a nightmare. Warrior always drops me Flakkers instead of anything I want.

If you have access to Hallowed Hollow, I often get good results there for tubbies. Here is a video showing the route to follow for the spiderants

Thank You for post, I will look through that link in a bit.

How are you running this guy? There’s a way were you can do that run in ~2 minutes tops, which means in an hour you should easily have a couple of Hornets. Travel to Liar’s Berg, jump up the cliff to the map exit to Windshear Waste and go through. Save and quit inside the Hyperion Barge. Now you can hit “continue”, kill KD right outside the barge, check for the Hornet, quit and restart, and you’ll be back in the same place.


Knuckledragger is usually not too bad for me, BNK-3R on the other hand is a nightmare. Warrior always drops me Flakkers instead of anything I want.

If you have access to Hallowed Hollow, I often get good results there for tubbies. Here is a video showing the route to follow for the spiderants

Ok thank you I will have a watch and give it a try.

Thank’s for you help, I will sure to give it a try maybe I will get a bit more luck later this evening.

I never knew to this day that you could jump up that cliff. I always just fast traveled to Clappy’s place and walked, killed him and then exited to southern shelf and then went straight back, using the method you mentioned.

You can do it if you pick the right path, although it’s not like coming from Claptrap’s Place is particularly arduous. Once you’ve figured it out, either route is easy enough.

@VaultHunter101 has pretty much nailed it there. As covered in that link are the Headhunter dlc packs if you have them. Sir Tinder Snowflakes pack can be quite generous on occasion, although the legendary drops will be random items. And at least another two of said packs (Hallowed Hollow as mentioned by @Vinterbris being one of them) can be very useful also.

Good luck my friend :thumbsup:


How are you running this guy? There’s a way were you can do that run in ~2 minutes tops, which means in an hour you should easily have a couple of Hornets. Travel to Liar’s Berg, jump up the cliff to the map exit to Windshear Waste and go through. Save and quit inside the Hyperion Barge. Now you can hit “continue”, kill KD right outside the barge, check for the Hornet, quit and restart, and you’ll be back in the same place.

I didn’t know that I was just running down to him kill and quit, Rinse and Repeat. Thanks for the tip

While it may seem tedious, try to open every container- I’ve found legendary items in boxes in Sanctuary on two separate occasions. This also applies to any other area of the game, including the main 4 dlc (with the Tiny Tina dlc being good for the rare ‘legendary in a pot’… Also, vending machines will on rare occasions have a legendary as the Item of the Day…

This has only ever happened to me when I have had no money and everything I owned sold wouldn’t have bought it :smiley:

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You forgot Hunter Helquist who drops a Bee very easily. he right next to the fast travel location and there is vehicle spanw point right by the fast travel.

Yeah, although the Treants are probably quicker.

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We have all been there. I also played through 2 play throughs and only found 1 legendary in a dahl chest in fyrestone. I started with Hunter Helquist because hes easier and I really need the bee for my Zer0. I sat with The bee as my only Legendary until I purchased the Unkempt Harold from torgue vending Machine after repeating the bar room brawl. After that I faced Terramorphus with a moxxis Incinerary Sub machine gun just to get a Legendary Slayer of terramorphus Mod. finally killed him after 3 tries and got a mod but for a siren!!! After 3 More tries he dropped one for Zer0. After that I sat with only those 3 Legendary’s for a while

Its also good to know that some of the best gear in the game can come from quests.
When you get around to the scarlet dlc the Sandhawk and Pimpernel are gamechangers.

Also , although not legendaries you can find the Gwens Head in small boxes at the dust , and in a pool in frostburn caynon the Lascaux.

This. Not to mention some of the often forgotten weapons in the vanilla game, like the Heartbreaker, which is a very good shotgun, the Rubi is worth a mention because it’s a permanent alternative to the admittedly superior Grog Nozzle. The Sloth is a great sniper rifle, the Trespasser is niche but is decent for certain things. The Triquetra is decent, the Octo is overlooked. The Blockhead is a great shotugun too. There are probably many more but I can’t remember right now.

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