Porting Pre-Sequel Grinder to Borderlands 2?

Hello guys.

First of all sorry for my bad english.

I dont know this or similar topic are already on this forum or not, but i want to talk about the Grinder Machine in Borderlands: TPS. The idea is basically awesome You get tons of items through playing, and you can do at least other things than selling stuffs to vendor machines. Because basically money in the Borderlands universe is not that important like in similar games with RPG elements, so getting too much money is pointless in the game especially in BL2. And this brings with himself the fact in BL2, after a time you just leave all the loot what you find in their places, because most of the items are simply useless for you (thanks for the drop rates of the higher quality items and such).

But in TPS with the idea of the grinder you just simply switched to swindler mode and you pick up every piece of items, and when your inventory is full you go and grind them into the Grinder in Concordia for the small chance to get better items than you already have. At least all of the items what the game drops we can use for something.

After all of this, i want to ask you guys how about the idea to ask Gearbox Software to porting the TPS Grinder into the BL2 too?

To late in the games life to do something that big.


I think its never too late for a game with such amount of fans and active players. Its depend only on Gearbox Software’s loyalty to their fans.

You do realize how much new code and things the devs would have to add for this to happen. I’m thinking maybe atleast a 1/2 gig update.


If they are not willing to do such things for free, im ready to pay 1-2€ for the machine as DLC for BL2. This single element can bring a new stroke in the game.

Isn’t that like 5 dollars I don’t know other countries currency.

Don’t forget that originally TPS didn’t have farmable bosses and many legendaries didn’t have assigned drops. The grinder was needed in TPS so people wouldn’t have to vendor farm all their gear. BL2 has farmable bosses and a plethora of great spots (like the snowman, treasure room kind of, the Tina DLC, etc…) to farm gear. In context of this game, this late in its life cycle, it makes no sense to spend time porting the grinder.


Yeah I could farm the train for purples and then grind them for legendaries. I would be rolling in gear even more then I am now.

It would be cool, but it’s probably unrealistic. I do hope they bring it back for BL3 (or something similar).

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Also, the last generation of consoles (Xbox 360 & PS 3) are at or near their memory limits with the game as it is, so there won’t be anything added to BL 2. Anyway, it’s life cycle is over regarding new content so we won’t be seeing a grinder.

@KeXeS: Wait until BL 3 or play Battleborn in the meantime. :dukecheese: Personally I don’t think BL 2 needs a grinder.

We already have a Grinder. It’s in Overlook. :smiling_imp:


And it’s more useful! Well, satisfying anyway



although it wouldn’t take much to put in a fix, to have better gear show up in the vending machines like TPS :wink:

It does, but it’s very, very rare.

agree, but it is a slightly better chance then them writing all new code to put grinders in.

Besides theres already something like a Grinder in Sanctuary , the Gold Key Chest :wink:

why you need a grinder when you have loot midgets and tubbies?


this right here :thumbsup: , was waiting on someone to bring them up and probably takes less time (depending on where you farm them) then scavenging gear to haul back to a grinder.

so with the raid bosses added in there’s no real need for a grinder in Borderlands 2

The grinder was great for TPS because as others have pointed out it filled a missing niche. The first two games had their own ways of filling that niche. Is it fun to use? Sure but you don’t really need it in those games if you know what you’re doing.

I honestly see the Grinder from TPS to be really poorly implemented. All it was really good for was at endgame for grinding crap into something less crap in the hopes of getting something decent after enough attempts and getting class mods as you leveled.

I would much rather they release one more DLC as a lead in to Borderlands 3 laying the groundwork and taking place after the Tell Tale game and after all that happened, Overlook finally cursed their outbreak of Skull Shivers and Karima ends up opening up her own customization shop.

Her full name ends up being Karima Gibs and her shop ends up being called Gibbed Gear where you pay her to break apart your weapons, shields, grenades, coms and mods into their base parts and rebuild them as you see fit. And she will even store and sell you individual parts for a price.