"The Crit" and why people seem to hate it?

Oh the Crit. A gun that isn’t even underrated at this point, it’s absolutely forgotten. I myself actually forgot this gun existed until recently but when i was completing quests i came upon it and decided to try it for fun and honestly… It’s really good I enjoyed playing with it a lot so later i decided to look up some videos and forum threads about it. And i was absolutely stunned by the lack of acknowledgement and coverage for this gun… and even worse thing is that the other two Moxxi SMGs aka The Touches are generally used and liked all around to the point of being included in Maya’s Top Gear…so here is my thread looking for info why do poeple seem to dislike this piece of equipment while at the same time praising the other two. Is the “drop reload” gimmick that bad? Because i know it’s not that bad so what’s the problem.


I can’t speak for anyone else, but for me it is the drop reload. I’ve seen speed kill videos where drop reloads are a thing, and I’ve heard that it’s something that PC players do intentionally, so I suspect that on PC it has some benefits and isn’t that annoying. But on PS3 it’s just a PITA. It interupts my flow and I wasted some time looking for it when I tried it out, so I’ve not bothered to grab one since. The Crit’s drop reload and the Chulainn’s self slag are 2 of the 3 things that make me wish I could try the UCP.

I feel the need to add a qualification for the sake of transparency and clarity. Namely that I don’t think it’s a bad gun, I actually share the opinions that have appeared down thread, it just has a shortcoming that I don’t necessarily want to practice working around. I might one day, that day just hasn’t come yet.


Yeah it’s gimmick ruins the weapon for most people. I’m sure some people have had it fall off a cliff or something due to it slipping


In the few minutes that I have ever used it I had it go off a cliff and had been incapacitated once when it distractedly fell out of my hand. It along with the Bane and the one SMG you can receive from the clan war story line have horrible gimmicks that render whatever advantage they have obsolete.


I was fortunate to have a good first experience with it. I’m also known to have a thing for 2nd rate guns. :wink:
So yeah. It’s strong. But unreliable.
Like anything RNG it seem to always strike at the wrong moment. Either it behaved for a while and hit you off-guard or strike multiple times in “that one fight”.
I’ll probably equip it before speccing in Silence the Voices.


That’s such a common rating for most gear outside of the top dozen or two though… it’s really worth asking and/or doing your own peer review if you’re curious.

I, for one, think the Crit is insanely good (though I am using it with Gaige with many points in the Little Big Trouble tree). It doesn’t drop that often, and when you pick it up, it goes right into your open slot so you can rotate right back to it. In practice, I find that it drops so infrequently (and it’s such a non-issue to pick it up) that I don’t even do the drop-for-a-free-reload trick.

I think it has the highest shock DoT value of a weapon in the game?

edit - took it out for a spin. Here it is on its way back to me after a reload drop (barely caught this before it hit the ground). It falls right in front of you and you automatically swap weapons. If you’re on the run, it’s a drag because you’ll run right over it, but if there’s no forward movement, you can tap the grab button and it’ll go into your spare slot, or you can hold the reload button and it’ll go into your open slot and be re-equipped.


The Crit is an amazing gun. You simply learn to work around the drop thing. It’s a great way of exercising situational awareness. The crit increase is I believe higher than the Bitch.

Just give it a proper chance.


That goes to the Storm actually, because of its special mechanic… despairingly so.

But yeah, the drop mechanic makes it about as desirable as bringing the lubed up d*ldo it’s referencing to an actual gun fight. That and even though it has better stats than the Touches, shock is the lesser preferred element in min/maxing.

So with it being unpredictable (which includes potentially permanently loosing the gun), having the inferior element, and the DPS loss you get from not having it in your hands at times; Makes it so there’s really no reason to not just use the Touches instead.


To the contrary, I never forgot the Crit. Moxxi’s smgs are always good, and the crit essentially makes the elemental trio.
The reload gimic gets a little old, but I actually became really good at it over time. Often I can hold the button and re-equip it before it hits the ground.


I’m talking about the value of the individual electrocute tics, not the total DoT from all the available DoT. The Storm certainly throws more total electrocute damage (since each of those five orbs can throw shock and the electrocute odds are way higher), but the damage from each tick is higher with the Crit (220k vs 202k for me).


As am I. The actual DoTs from the Storm’s orbs are the only DoTs in the game that scale with gun damage. So even very little gun damage makes the Storm easily win, and something like Anarchy’s 700-1050% makes it the king by a despairing amount.


I see some PC streamers use this gun effectively, they just do drop reloading.


Honestly I never gave it much of a fair shake because I never felt like dealing with the gimmick. I tried it out for a little while, had it slip out a couple times, and from then on I was like “meh, pass…” and never thought too much more about it. Kinda mentally filed it away with other oddball-drawback guns like the Chulainn and the Bane. But after reading this thread I may give it another whirl. :slight_smile:


This, although I know Ada knows it too. Along with EB you can effectively nape half a map in a couple of magazines. It’s borderline evil.

On topic I frequently drop-reload but have never given the Crit a chance for the reasons others have given. Might be my loss, will give it a spin.


I wasn’t sure! This is an odd enough mechanic that I wanted to do my own research to confirm, but it sat on the back burner, and I never got around to it. When I did my testing in Sanctuary, it was with 0 Anarchy, but it should be easy to test by watching the Storm’s DoT value increase with stacks (so yeah, it should only take a few stacks before it outpaces the Crit in per-damage tick).


I used to love this gun and use it along with the florentine and sand hawk, but one day i was playing the game and it literally dropped four times in a row during the dragons of destruction, I died because of this, threw my controller against the wall, and got rid of my crit for good. It’s a fun gun but the reload drop ruins my fun completely with it


Hot tip : don’t use the Crit in the Dragons arena :stuck_out_tongue:

( I learned very quickly to only use it in safe areas - never near an edge )


Rat infested areas are also no-go’s when using it too, I’d assume. :wink:


It’s like a shell game : which one of you bitches stole my gun?! And don’t you dare bury it!


That most famous Pandoran street hustle, 3 Rat Monte. :smile: