Krieg or Zero for my playthrough?

I’m going to be starting a new BL2 playthrough. Completely solo up to level 72… or even OP8. I’ll be farming for my own gear, not even going to transfer loot from other characters.

Which is more fun?
The easiest?
Most gear dependent?
Also who works better with guns?
Who’s better at raids?
Any tips for either of them?

I’d greatly appreciate any answers and tips <3

I never really played as either of them. My favorite characters are Maya and Gaige.

6.- Zero:

Ask anything you want. And welcome :slight_smile:

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Do you prefer a melee tank or glass cannon? Shotguns or snipers? Elemental or deception?

Zero is super squishy but has massive offensive potential. Krieg is super durable but relies on conditional skills for damage.

Personally, I found Krieg to have the best skill tree design of all the characters in BL2.

I like both snipers and shotguns, but my favorite is using smgs. Which is why I loved playing as Maya.

Being squishy scares me ;~; but I can learn to deal with it…

Zero is much better with the Sandhawk and Bitch whereas Krieg is better with Plasma Casters and the Hellfire.

I love the hellfire and plasma casters <3 Krieg is calling out to me :ok_hand:

Thank you for the help :smiley: I’m even more convinced to play as Krieg. Still curious about Zero though.

Actually, Zer0 can excel with both Snipers and Shotguns. But you’re a glass cannon, so be careful, and be sure you have a good shield. As for your questions:

Krieg is my 2nd fave of the whole series. But others don’t like his unorthedox playstyle. Up to you.

Depends. Are you good at aiming? If so then Zer0 will be easy early on, but Krieg will be super tank-y once you reach level 31 (assuming you’re melee).

Up in the air. Krieg can have ridiculous damage with ridiculous fire rates, but Zer0 has significantly better one-shot potential.

Zer0 with Critical Assention stacking. Past that, I don’t raid, so I’m not sure.

You’ll really enjoy Krieg then. Bloodlust and Hellborn skills trees pair really well with gun builds. But keep in mind they are dependent on kills, stacks, or elemental status effects (DoT). One reason why Krieg has a harder time with Raids that don’t have minions.

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I think that the big difference is that Krieg is more forgiving while Zer0 requires more precision.

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I absolutely agree and it’s a precision I never mastered. Zero is the only character with which I never managed to reach L72. I’m not sharp enough.

Krieg, on the other hand, is my BL2 favourite. It took me back to playing Brick or a melee Lilith in BL1. I go for “Release The Beast” as fast as I can and then move to explosives. Guns are my secondary attack after the buzzaxe. And then they are usually DPUH, Ravager & Creamer. I do understand how powerful Hellborn skills are but I play for fun rather than best possible build.

I’m sure you’ll enjoy either of these characters. If you master Zero, you’ll be one-shotting raid bosses (ish). But if you love running headlong into mobs, buzzaxe in hand, Krieg’s your man :smile:


Maybe since you already have some familiarity with the game, check each ones character threads here on the forums. Theres a ton of useful information on both plus you’ll probably find some gameplay footage of each to help you get a better idea of which seems more appealing to your interests. And I just realized xmngr posted you links for both so disregard my post if you need.

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Zer0 + Hawk-Eye does the highest damage ever when scoring a critical hit I think. At least, my highest damage was with the Hawk Eye, Critical Ascension and him and a critical hit.

Beware though, the HE is rare (must kill the super hard Voracidous on UVHM) and it has average normal damage. But really super high critical damage.

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Seems as though people are pointing towards Krieg.

Krieg seems complicated to play as. He has skills that increase shield recharge delay and can be set on fire…which kinda turns me off him…but at the same time he seems better for elemental weapons.

Here’s something to consider then: Zer0 is meant to do lots of damage while not taking much damage. Krieg is meant to do lots of damage while being completely batshit insane suicidal.

Yeah, about that set on fire thingy, if you actually use a specific Legendary class mod which I forgot its name, you have pretty much a 100% chance to be set on fire (not specifically 100% though, just close to 100%). But you must invest in specific skills which I also forgot. Didn’t play him in a while, sorry.

But don’t worry about fire. It’s hard to be killed by it in L72/OP.

I only got killed by it 15 - 18 times IIRC.

Krieg is THE elemental character of BL2. Increased Burn Damage, Elemental Effect Chance, and most importantly, life steal from DoT, all scale well throughout the game even into OP8. Here’s a run that I did at Southpaw and the Assassins that shows a bit of that potential.

Krieg requires a bit of balance to play, especially when you start getting into melee because then you have to take greater risks to get your health lower so that you can Release the Beast. But I’ll try to simplify the two points you bring up. The skills increasing Shield recharge delay is ideal for melee-focused builds that utilize Roid shields or the Rough Rider, but it also is tailor made for the Flame of the Firehawk. High risk, high reward. That’s melee Krieg in a nutshell.

Self-ignition is pretty simple really. Whenever you apply an elemental status effect, you have a chance to self-ignite. When you self-ignite you get greater bonuses to the damage that you can deliver. More points in certain skills like Burn Baby Burn, Fuel the Fire, and Delusional Damage means that self-ignition becomes a natural part of gameplay.

Hope that helps.


Just a quick question about Zero…

Do you need an evisceration grog nozzle, or will the rubi work fine? I am doing self farmed gear only…and you can’t get a grog nozzle drop…although you can I guess re enter the game until I get an evisceration grog nozzle…but that seems very time consuming.

A blade helps but just having the 65% healing and higher chance to slag makes any Grog the better option.

Oh, so use the rapier…then switch to grog…which won’t have a blade just to heal? I always see Zero’s with bladed grog nozzle’s so I assumed it was mandatory xD

It adds melee bonus but Zero already has massive melee damage.