Bar Room Blitz Enforcer Spawns

Hey, so I recently finished off the UVHM storyline at around level 65, and wanted to get to level 72 as soon as possible to try for the OP levels. The only problem is that when I try to do the Bar Room Blitz mission (tier 2, not even tier 3), the Badass Enforcer enemies that are supposed to spawn spawn very rarely, if not, not at all. I went to TVHM to see if this problem occurred there and the Badass Enforcer enemies spawned very frequently there at all tiers.

Am I doing something wrong, or am I just too slow at killing the enemies? I tend to stay around their general spawn points around the back-room stairs.


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Hmm, usually they only spawn for me after Iā€™ve killed a good percentage of all the other miscreants. They also spawn in 3 places - both ā€˜doorsā€™ upstairs, and the door downstairs, so I tend to circle around, killing as I go, and they come out at various points through the fight. Finding the last one in time can often be a challenge though.


Are you actually doing the Barroom Brawl missions that Mr Torgue gives out from the machine or are you just running into the bar shooting it up? There are 5 of them that spawn from doing the Mr Torgue mission- if you just walk into the Bar and start shooting their spawn rate is more random. As Hattie said they do have specific spawn points and usually require that you kill off a few other patrons first. I usually use the back stairs to move quickly between the first and second floor while tossing out my best AoE grenades- Storm Fronts, Firestorms and Quasars can kill enemies on either floor because of their wide damage radiusā€¦


@hattieinduni The problem is not the last Enforcer having trouble spawning, but just an Enforcer spawning in the first place. I could clear out the entire back room area and not have an Enforcer spawn, and the same goes with the upstairs area.

@Carlton_Slayer I am doing the tier 2 mission (so not even tier 3) of the Bar Room Blitz mission so that I get the experience reward, as well as the Torgue Token reward. Even though I have no trouble killing the enemies in the bar in UVHM, the spawns seem much less frequent than in TVHM, and I felt like I was killing the same, if not less, in TVHM. I have got a Bonus Package grenade in my inventory that I tried using, which can clear out most of an area, but again, the Enforcer still will not spawn.

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Are you going into the room to fight, or standing outside? Iā€™m not sure, but you might have to go up to the doors to get them to turn up.

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I am going into the rooms to fight. I can try standing directly outside of the doors now to see if they spawn.

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The most I was able to spawn was three, and that was cutting time as well. I am not really sure what the problem is here. I clear out the back room with some grenades, and kill all of the enemies upstairs and it will be very rare that the Enforcer will actually spawn.


And you canā€™t complete the mission because they just donā€™t spawn? Thatā€™s weird. I just tried the fight in UVHM, and they all spawned for me (this was tier 3), though only after Iā€™d killed the others.

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This only seems to be persistent in UVHM. I can level up to 72 by using the bar, but it will take a lot longer without the experience boost, not to mention Iā€™d have to farm the Torgue Tokens in TVHM again.

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I had the same thing happen to me in a co-op session a couple of weeks back, it was peculiar but we got normal spawns when we retried the mission.

Are you on console? The game occasionally starts getting a little odd if I leave a session up for extended periods using the resume feature on Xbone (what a godsend that is for Gaige), maybe try restarting the game?

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Do you have to kill just the ā€œenforcersā€ or is it all bad-asses in the bar? I havenā€™t done it in so long canā€™t remember.

If you are on PlayStation I might be able to join or you join me to help.

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Just the Enforcers. In UVHM theyā€™re called ā€œUltimate Badass Enforcersā€. In tier 3 I think there are 5.


@FunkJunkie I have been trying since last night when I got to the mission. I figured the same and tried all sorts of solutions, from retrying the mission to restarting the game. I have also configured my network settings so that only friends can join, but I suppose I can try changing that to private to see if anything can change from that.

@darla Oh, they are Badass Enforcers. What Iā€™ve noticed is that they only spawn a good one or two minute into the mission, which is very annoying.

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I figured that resetting would be the first thing anyone would try, was just kinda spitballing

Hope you get it worked out

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Iā€™ve had a few get stuck back in the black. Norfleet AoE usually kills them right quick.

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@kgk4569 The only problem here is that Iā€™d have to farm the Norfleet more than twice; once for farming the Bar Room Blitz mission and then another for general gameplay at level 72, not to mention more Norfleet farming for OP levels.

I donā€™t suppose anyone else has alternative methods of farming? This mission seems a bit pointless to do without mission rewards.

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A PGFG is more or less a Norfleet just with a single projectile as I understand it. The trouble with that is thereā€™s not a great farm for it, youā€™re at the mercy of RNGā€¦

I canā€™t speak much on other launchers as I donā€™t use them, but maybe a Storm Front would reach enemies that are trapped? Youā€™d need some good elemental buffs to take down the enforcers without being able to slag first though

Edit: Frosty would be a way to at least chance into a PBFG

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Treasure room is an Epic place to farm the PBFG, Iā€™ve gotten a ton there.

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Always forget about that
Iā€™ve been stopping my progress through Scarlett after grabbing my Pimp lol


Yup. Using a mule to grab the stuff, saving the mule, then dashboarding the main, means you can farm it over and over.

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