OP10 Flame of the Firehawk

Does someone know of a farm spot for the FOTF. I tried incinerator clayton but no luck, had a level 80 then got to OP10 and dont want to start a new character for the shield

If the wiki is to be believed, you can only get that shield via the mission. You don’t need to start a new character, just reset your UVHM playthrough and accept the mission on OP 10. By the way, Clayton has a chance to drop the pyromancer, not the FotFH.

Awesome thanks! I had seen older videos of people getting the hawk from Clayton but might have been only for PC. Thanks again though!

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I have a funny feeling that it can be obtained from the loot train from the mercenary day dlc, but that would be 100% rng and, as i said, am not sure it is part of the train’s loot pool.

If you’ve seen it come out of any other source than the mission reward then there have been some mods at play.

Also if you are going to farm it for good parts you can cheese it a bit by dashboard farming on console. When you get the reward don’t accept it, just look at it (or I guess you can accept it but don’t move so you don’t trigger a savestation) and if you don’t like what you get just quit the game and restart it and check the reward again.
Farming quest rewards is the dullest experience ever but still, that method does win over having to restart the campaign every time the parts aren’t good.
EDIT: And if you are on PC you can just set your save file to read only to make the process faster so you don’t have to keep restarting the game, just reload the character until you get what you want.