The Unofficial "Bet you didn't know this" Thread

Alright so here is how the game works. Put in any fact about BL2 and challenge the next person to reply that they didn’t know this. Make a bet on it too!

This game RELIES on HONESTY! So if you are going to play, be truthful.

Bet you a virtual hug that you did not know this: you can kill the Warden bot before he gets to the bloodshot ramparts! You need to have the right DPS build but it is possible!

I didn’t know that.

edit - if you fire the Landscaper at your feet while standing still and don’t move, you won’t take any damage when they pop. If you move, you’ll eat it.

We did that and it was either dead or should be dead since there wasn’t anything left on the health bar. But it still kept going and still took Roland to the ramparts.

Are you saying that you can kill it and rescue Roland early? Or that you could just kill it but it’ll keep going? If its the latter then yeah, I’ve tried it and did it in two tvhm playthroughs w/ different characters.

Challenge accepted.

W4R-D3N: Yep, knew that one. Bahroo made a clip on it some time ago.
Landscaper: Nope, that was news to me.

My turn…
Did you know that you can get in to the Hodunk Speedway and complete the badass challenge “If you’re not first, you’re last”, without having accepted the Clan War-mission? Behind the shack where Mc Nally lives, you can use a section of the cliff as a ramp to jump with your vehicle. Vroom, vroom! Full throttle!

Hodunk Speedway: Nope, I did not know that one.

Bet you didn’t know that there’s a hole in the map just outside Tiny Tina’s workshop that lets you fall through the Tundra Express. If you’re looking at the entrance, it’s off to the right up against the rock wall. No grenade jumps or anything necessary.

Tiny Tina’s Hole of Death: Didn’t know that. But that is good too know now!

Did you know that every level you gain, you get 13%more health than the previous level. This equates to your health doubling around every 5.7 levels.

Did you know that you can complete the “Cowering Inferno” challenge by shooting the blocks in the Minecraft Easter egg cavern with a fire gun?

Did not know about the health amount going up (never really thought about it) ot the minecraft blocks. Did you notice that, as Gaige, when you are climbing a ladder you stop regenerating health because you aren’t holding your weapon?

Ladder = No Regen: Didn’t know that.

Did you know that you can clib around the top of the handsome Tower after killing the Sorceror to find four empty boxes and a drawing of spatula khan?

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Did you know that if you swap from the Grog to another weapon then back to the Grog extremely quickly, it will show in-game that the slag chance is 49.4 or something rather than 46.5?

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Sorry to be a party pooper, but I’m not sure you can actually kill the Warden early. I tried using the Pimpernel and Ahab and it kept on trucking with no health. Though if Bahroo has a video I might check that out.

As for the elemental proc chance, that might just be your BA rank kicking in. Not sure what causes it, but I’ve noticed it from time to time and isn’t unique to just the grog nozzle.

However, in keeping with the theme of the thread, "Did you know that littering in Opportunity is considered punishable by death? If not, you also ought to know that complaining about Opportunity’s laws is considered ‘verbal littering’ ".

There’s a challenge for badass points called Eff Yo Couch which involves jumping on five couches in the bloodshot stronghold.

In the Irish bar spin the chair/stool w/ a teddy bear sitting on it for some money.

You can see terramorphous from the bunker. Use a scoped sniper for a better view.

Borderlands 2 is better than The Pre Sequel? Does that count? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ladder with no regen only applies to Gaige using the skill that causes regen with a full magazine. Since you put your gun away, regen stops.

Did know about seeing Terra from Bunker. Didn’t find on my own, watched one of Bahroo’s “10 things you don’t know” videos.

There is a giant teddy bear in the W.E.P.

Did you know that the tiny Tina “hole of death” isnt actually a hole of death. There is a spawn block located there that you can land on if you hold up right on the analog stick.

Dang i didn’t know that. Do you know how much health is has on all three playthroughs?

bl2 is way better than the pre sequel

I did know that, actually :smile:

Bet you didn’t know Tannis jumped the shark.

In Sawtooth Caldron, bottom, barrel puzzle. If you get the right order, Tannis does a dance with a shark.


(a bit more well known) The Little Evie gun. Where if you go to Magny’s Lighthouse and kill a guy named Mr. Bubbles and not damage the character Lil Sis, they’ll give you Little Evie: An electric weapon that, with each kill, drops your cooldown rate 25-50%. (I’ve heard different officially unofficial numbers since it was patched)

The barrel puzzle is actually in all three games!

In BL1, you need to head to Treacher’s Landing.
In BL2, as mentioned above, head to Sawtooth Cauldron.
In TPS, you need to head to Regolith Range.

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