Question about when you delete your character

So I have a level 54 gunzerker and before I made a new character (Zer0). With that character I got like 400 badass points and like 4 badass tokens to spend. I deleted Zero0 because I wanted to start another character. With that said, will any of the badass points or badass tokens that I spent on my zer0 character prior to deleting him be deleted as well? Or will my main character (the gunzerker) still have those badass points and bonuses that I received with my zer0 character? Only thing that got deleted was the challenges I completed with zer0, correct? Nothing else?

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In my experience, you should still have those points/ranks. If at any time you get hit with the badass reset bug, however, you’ll probably not get them back. (The game code checks your mission progress with your character to try and rebuild your BAR if it gets zapped, but it can only do that for each character save you load up.)

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Your badass rank should remain unchanged when you delete any of your characters. May I ask you why are you deleting your character, though? You don’t need to delete a character to start another one. You can have as many as you want, including multiples of the same class.

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Just don’t delete them, stop playing them but you don’t have to delete the

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Slightly off topic, I know.

The only way I know, to reset your BA ranks and points is to delete your borderlands 2 settings file in your BL2 saved games folder, on PS3 not looked on PS4. On other devices I do not know.

Simon Burling

Edit - inserted text.

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