Maya got a boost recently. So, Maya should be re-evaluated

“Various balance refinements and tweaks, with special attention given to Maya to make her more in-line with the other characters.”

Personally I felt like she was kicking ass now.

Continuing the discussion from Sadly Why Maya is Bad:

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My Missus was obliterating hordes on Maya before the patch. At this point some creatures are dying before they get their baring.

It went from Cat out of Hell to; “I am become death. Destroyer of worlds.” In a single patch. Smooth respec too.

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Maya was never bad, now she is just better.

But to those that thought she was bad before, none of this patch will help her solo raid. She got better at what she was bad at, but still weak where she was weak.


WHAT!? We still have trouble soling the thing we weren’t meant to be able to solo easily?

Selling my copy. Erasing my hard drive. Burning the word phase out of my dictionary. Taking enough LSD to forget the experience.

That is the last GBX hears of me I tell you!


As a player that pretty much only does mobbing, I’m definitely appreciating Maya’s buffs!!

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I disagreed with the premises of the parents thread (the one that starts by saying that Maya is bad and weaker because she is a “healer” and other such nonsense) so I’m refuting the call for change.

I never considered Maya weak, so I feel no need to reevaluate her.

Even saying that her weakness is raids is false: she is a weak SOLO Raider… In Normal raids, with other people, she is a blessing and does more than pull her weight. Just 2 points in Rez and that other friendly fire skill (name escapes me) are enough to be a very efficient healer… The rest is just additional damage.

If I’m going on a raid and I have a reasonably competent Maya player that shoots me when my health is low, Rez me when I go down, keep the Boss slagged and adds a bit of damage when he has time, I consider this to be top notch support.


Also converge/ruin is great for hyperious with zer0, or even with others. Group up the bots separate, or with hype for zer0.

She is also one of the best in the peak and the best partner for the peak.


Tell me about it! My Gunzerker could destroy everything until surveyors flew overhead. Then suddenly I needed someone to phaselock or easily target airborne enemies (axton is also useful at that with his turret).

That and you can lock the Black Queens and kill them before they can spawn

Maya was never bad. Before these lastest buffs to her skills she was still really powerful, especially with smgs. She was always a beast when it came to mobbing now shes even more so.

I’m another in the “Maya was never bad” camp. In a game with a lot of great mobbing classes, she is still among the strongest. Frankly, I find her to be better at it than even Grog + Harold Sal, and with some very different builds.

As far as solo raiding goes… Is she really that bad? Boss for boss, is she weak against more than Axton, Krieg, or Gaige? I’ve only dabbled, killing Pete and now Craw, almost getting Hyperius, and getting stomped by Terra. Haven’t taken her to Gee, Vora, Vermi, Dex, or the Dragons.

A re-evaluation of Maya as a whole is not required. Granted, the 10/29/2015 Borderlands 2 patch required certain skills to be re-evaluated (example: Cloud Kill). Prior to the 10/29/2015 patch for Borderlands 2, Maya was already a very viable character. Her only real weakness was (and still is) soloing certain Raid Bosses. The premise of the thread you referenced (Sadly Why Maya is Bad) was flawed to begin with, since it is obvious the OP of that thread had little understanding of the character (Maya is described primarily as a “healer”) and kept comparing Maya to Zer0 concluding that Zer0 was superior.

While Maya is certainly capable of healing herself and even other characters, categorizing (or pigeonholing) her primarily as a healer ignores her potential for both DPS and defense and, therefore, her versatility as a character. If someone is ignorant of or lacks an understanding of Maya’s versatility (which would be a mistake), then it is clear how they could arrive at the same mistaken conclusion the OP of the other thread did. Logically, a flawed premise can only lead to a flawed conclusion. :blush:

Forum ID: Poisd2Strike
GT: Poisd2Strike
Gun Prefixes | Gun Parts | Max Stats
Maya OP8 | Banshee RR / NRR | Binder | Cat | Nurse | Siren | Trickster B / M


Not all raids are created equal either. The difference between the hardest raid boss to the easiest is pretty large. People can say she is bad for “this x raid” but “bad for all raid” is wrong. I think she is pretty useful for Son of Crawmerax. I hope Gearbox evolve the raids more going forward and include minions and mini mobs to fight in-between. Let your character Kill Skill be of use.

Raiding as a whole for Maya is where she should be for a support class. You bring her in for any coop raid and she will be your lifesaver.

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There are a lot of terrible players in pretty much every game and they will often attempt to pretend as if the reason they don’t excel with a particular playstyle because “that’s the bad one”, which is every so often you will hear “Maya is bad” or “Axton is bad” or “Snipers are bad” or whatever.


AR’s are bad :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ahem…but isn’t the Bekah an AR :blush:

Forum ID: Poisd2Strike
GT: Poisd2Strike
Gun Prefixes | Gun Parts | Max Stats
Maya OP8 | Banshee RR / NRR | Binder | Cat | Nurse | Siren | Trickster B / M


Only if you expect them to act like real life ones, which I did coming from a military background. But after learning more about them and playing with Kreig, Gaige and now Axton, I can’t tell you how much I love the Hail…:grin:

I’ve head similar things with pimpernel not being a realistic sniper and I say to that “borderlands not battlefield”

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I’ll see that and raise you a Bekah, Ogre, Kerblaster, Hail…need I go on? :stuck_out_tongue:

[edit]: and Maya never needed an evaluation to begin with. I was doing perfectly fine playing with two others before the patch; the only difference now is how quickly I can steal kills away from Gaige. :dukeballs:

It was sarcasm

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