When you run out of missions how do you find more? The last mission I did was one that was from Tannis. It said it was an impossible mission and it was apparently impossible. Finding the lair of this creature and killing it. I have not killed the creature. But I did that mission because I couldn’t find any others. How do you unlock “undiscovered” missions?
if you have undiscovered missions, travel to whichever map it says they are on, go to your map look for the exclamation points and accept the mission/missions from whoever or whatever has it.
this lists all side missions’
What level are you at, sounds like you are ready to jump to TVHM?
I did try TVHM. But it’s way too hard. I tried to free Roland from the prison. That’s as far as I got. After I died about 20 times and spent all my money re-spawning I gave it up and went back to normal mode. But there are no more missions available in normal mode so my only option is to just go around to the different places killing things and getting money.
What level are you versus the starting level of TVHM? What’s your build (go to www.bl2skills.com to insert a build link) and current gear? For farming money, if you have the Mercenary day DLC in normal, you can farm the loot boxes by the tree for cash, but you are probably over leveled for farming gear there in normal. The Tiny Tina DLC in normal might be another place to farm gear or levels as it’s at a higher starting level than the other DLC’s usually. Those two DLC’s I mentioned and the Scarlett DLC are good value for the money if you don’t have them.