Best BL2 skill?

So, I’ve been thinking… Which skill, out of all, is the best? Defining what makes it best is pretty much up to each and every one of us. But there are some skills that stand out from the rest. I picked three skills on each char, that I think rise above the others. Now, I would like to try and find out which single skill rises above every other skill.

Your reason can be anything… Game changing, extremely powerful, fun, practical… Anything! What makes you tick?

  • Double up
  • Grit
  • Gemini
  • Converge
  • Chain reaction
  • Ruin
  • Money shot
  • Yippie ki yay
  • Get some
  • Bore
  • Death blossom
  • Many must fall
  • Wires don’t talk
  • Anarchy
  • Discord
  • Blood bath
  • Bloodsplosion
  • Release the beast

0 voters

Personally, I prefer… clicks on a skill…


Were those skills chosen at random?


For the classes I’m familiar with it kinda looks like they’re fairly representative of skills that serve as the basis for builds or have a greater effect on the trees they’re in.
It’s subjective, but (without knowing if the thread starter was constrained by poll option limits) I think it’s an ok selection to choose from.

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They were chosen based on how they are ranked in the [DDD] guides, and also based on how they stand on their own. I know there are other skills that could have gone in there, but I had to draw the line somewhere. Do you disagree?

Feel free to suggest other skills!

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By character my picks are
Axton-double up
Maya-Converge or cloud kill
Zero- Kunia
Sal- Money shot
Krieg- bloodsplosion
Gaige- close enough

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Critical Ascensi0n? No Kill Like Overkill? Sharing is Caring? Reaper? Death Mark? Execute? Many Must Fall? Silence the Voices? Strip the Flesh? Cloud Kill? Battlefront? Grit?

I’m sure there are more useful skills for the respective character classes.


Absolutely! But like I said…

It’s in there!

Also in there!

There are several skills that become awesome when they get synergy with other skills. I tried to pick skills that can hold their own. I could have picked more than three on a couple of the chars, and I had to think hard to come up with three skills in one case. The point isn’t to disrespect or praise any of the chars.

The point is to get a feel for what makes us all go warm and fuzzy inside. :heart_eyes:


I voted many must fall because I love to chain kills but if I could I’d also vote Bore.

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Nah… I figured they would be all the came category like “capstones” or “game changers” or something. Anyway, outside of Krieg’s skills because I don’t own that character, the only one of these I don’t use is Grit. I’m sure it’s a fine skill, but I still can’t stomach a measly 20% chance to not die for five points, much less bringing this to only 40%+ at the cost of including COMs that don’t seem entertaining to me.

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Release the Beast… as if there were anything more characteristic and game-changing than this.

Probably there are but I really don’t care much for anything outside the psycho’s melee.


You know how borderlands math is…that 20% is not 20 in practice. It procs a lot even at 5/5.

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Yeah… it’s weird how often it seems to proc, like I don’t buy the stated percent.

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Considering it tends to proc 3+ times in a row a lot.

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I think WDT has no place in here. Why don’t you replace it with Sharing is Caring? SiC does a lot for DT’s dps and feels really gamechanging the first time you get the profit from it. Nearly as good as SiC feels Upshot Robot for me. Over time, it becomes absolutely broken, if you can keep DT alive long enough.

My personal pick is Release the Beast. The reasons are pure and simple: The synergy and power it provides to Kriegs kit. Run into some badass “guns blazing”, get healthgated and then unleash the payback called Release the Beast! For one point you get: Consistency, dps and survivability! Whatelse could a melee-oriented Psycho want? Meat? Ok, you have a point, but nothing else!


WDT is a great skill, especially after that January hotfix, but I’m not sure it holds its own. It seems more like the cornerstone of Gaige’s skill synergies (particularly Anarchy and EB)

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I don’t know which is “best”, but I’d probably go with money shot or the second one I list, simply because the best should be the best in every situation. In terms of my bias, Maya is my favorite character to play, though I’ve taken all of them to op8.

Most powerful skill: Money Shot… I don’t think anything else causes that much damage on a consistent easy to achieve basis. Yes, maybe melee zero can do more damage on a single hit or melee Krieg in a bloodsplosion or maybe with blood bath high enough, but those are trickier to setup than just grog harolding with a roughrider and a chaotic evil monk COM.

Most powerful “hidden” (not explicitly stated in the game) skill: Sal’s ability to merge weapon abilities from his left to right hand while gunzerking.
In addition to money shot, this makes him the raid boss king.

Most character changing skill: Release the Beast… Krieg is a different character with this skill as compared to without it, I don’t think anybody else’s capstone skill changes the char so greatly where you are playing them completely differently as a result.

Most game changing (solo): Phaselock… I know it’s just the action skill itself, but bar the biggest bosses, this, imho of course, is the biggest game changer. No other action skill stops an enemy from attacking immediately. Once you add in Ruin and Converge, you then add a slag singularity grenade to every phaselock as well, but even without those, the ability to just freeze an enemy solid in the middle of battle is pretty much as powerful as you can get.

Most game changing (co-op): Res: Nothing else can revive downed teammates from distance instantly. It’s easier to beat anything if you are alive :grin:


The choice was between Sharing is caring and Wires don’t talk. Maybe I should have gone with SiC instead, but the thing that kept me from doing it was that SiC is questionable unless you run a DT build. WDT is great on all builds. This was the character I had most trouble picking out those really awesome skills on.


Technically the most overpowered skill is bloodsplosion because you dont need any gear at op8 to one shot a raid, all you need is that skill.


I know you had to draw a line somewhere but how about putting sweet release in for ruin.
Sweet release is an awesome skill in both single player and co-op allowing for healing of you and a team mates. Unlike many of the other skills it is excellent without ever becoming game breakingly good. The skill is a tier one skill and present in all types of Maya builds.

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Sweet Release is an awesome skill. No question about it. But I don’t see it rising above Axton’s Preparation, Sal’s Hard to kill or Gaige’s Cooking up trouble. They’re also really great, and also tier 1.

Ruin is a pretty unique skill that makes life on Pandora so much easier.