I know how many guys here love to memorize all the different gun parts and stuff, so my question is this:
given all the different gun parts that can make a gun, with different gun brands making guns better (or worse) could it be possible that a green ranked gun actually is superior to an equivalent but in blue rank??
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(So long, and thanks for all the fish)
Depends on what you consider to be “equivalent”. If you mean same body, parts, and level but higher rarity, then I believe the blue would be better. If you take a simpler view and just compare green versus blue SMG at the same level, it’s possible that the green might surpass the blue in some stats. Whether that makes one better than the other depends on what stats you value and how it fits with your play style. You would not, however, have the situation you had in BL1 where some under-levelled green rarity weapon could actually out-perform a higher rarity at-level weapon of the same type.
If you compare Jakobs snipers, you’ll find that the blue ones have a very low rate of fire. Thus making the green ones a more appealing choice. I also seem to recall some blue guns having a smaller mag than some of their green relatives.
I know they’re both green but now yeh more sure answer to my question can probably be yes
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(So long, and thanks for all the fish)
I think a blue rarity Hand Cannon with the same parts would score better than the green Explicit Slapper. But this is why the parts system makes the game so interesting! Did you test-fire the two to compare actual performance? Some of those non-legendary Torgue pistols are pretty dope.
Wasn’t aware of that items part version Jefe! Good one, will probably replace my old Imgur bookmark. I’ll have to look if they have one with Laser from TPS.
Statistically blue weapons are above green weapons in every way, but there is an exception : Jakobs Snipers.
There is no reason to use blue Jakobs Snipers over green ones because of that lousy bolt-action mechanic.
Once again that is a situational thing. I agree with that in most situation, notably at higher level but. when you’re leveling a character especially the first one for a new player. You’ll be better to pick up that blue Jakobs SR then to keep n under level green one and live with the slower fire rate. They still provide better one shot damage than their green counterparts.
OK I guess many would say Blue is superior, but I would have to say Green (Jacobs barrel right?). With just a slight boost to Fire Rate (even high level Badass boost would do), to me the damage bonus makes it the better gun.
Pure New Game level, the Blue might be better.
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(So long, and thanks for all the fish)
I’d go blue on that one. Single shot damage is indeed lower but look at the fire rate, reload speed and mag size…
Edit: Base DPS (ignoring mag size and reload) is higher for the blue; factor in mag size and reload speed, and you’re putting out way more hurt faster with the Angry TMP. And, since this is UVHM we’re talking about, you aren’t really going to be one-shotting with those guns.
Reload time
Base DPS
(Goodbye friends and not friends, it's been a fun ride)
Yep I’d go blue. Damage isn’t everything when it comes to some guns
Not enough to make an impact on your reserves though.
Seriously, try that green one with it’s terrible reload speed and tell me you don’t want to chuck it off a cliff. Like VH said, mag size and reload make a huge difference to your ability to put out consistent damage.
Incidentally the reason the blue is so much better is the matching grip. Vladof grip on a Vladof gun : gives larger mag size and faster reload speed with pretty much every gun.
Otherwise they have two different barrels so they are different in that sense too.