Today I started thinking about stuff I’ve never done in this game and thought I might make a topic out of it.
Some of the stuff I could come up with pretty fast are:
I’ve never reached the cult symbol at the roof in Terra’s area.
I’ve never prestiged my BAR on any of my characters. While I do enjoy playing with BAR on and getting more of it I enjoy my full bars and completed challenges more.
I’ve never played through the game as Gaige
There’s some weapons I’ve never got. Volcano springs to mind, I’ve never seen one.
So, what are some of the things you haven’t done in the game to this day?
(Wh-?! A mask?! This is tooootally my face! I... uh... )
I’ve never killed Vora or Gee (I haven’t really committed to Gee). I haven’t spawned the ‘secret boss’ in Hallowed Hollows. I haven’t done much of anything with BAR challenges, because I never pay attention to them. I haven’t run Krieg in UVHM or a Gaige of my own (I have run my daughter’s OP8 Gaige).
There are a great many things I am still yet to do. I have never made it to OP8 (Sal is closest with 4), and i still need to defeat several raid bosses in UVHM. In my defence, I changed to a new PSN when I got a PS4 and THC and thus reset all my progress by doing so (had a 72 Zero and Kreig as well as a lower level Sal).
I have never played as Maya or Axton as my coop partner does and I didn’t want to double up.
I also have never prestiged. I too like having the completed challenges more than earning more ranks. Can always start a new character to work on BAR if I want (maybe a Maya or Axton).
I have never played Krieg, but I think I’ve done everything else the game has to offer at least once? There is an allegiance relic that I’ve been searching for that I’ve never found, but that’s pretty random.