Lets talk borderlands 3 couch co-op. Yes or no?

Update 11/13/2018: No lootboxes in borderlands 3 confirmed. Am now using gab.ai the gamers group is the biggest of its type there.

Update 10/15/18: its come to my attention that playstation 5 and xbox scarlet are in development, so couch co-op now looks like a more viable option with added horsepower. Link: https://segmentnext.com/2018/10/15/sony-one-ps4-exclusive-playstation-5/

So as we all know the “unannounced title” gearbox is working on will more then likely be borderlands 3. The big question that many of my friends ask is, will couch co-op be there waiting for us like always or will it be gutted into online co-op only. I for one am confident they won’t drop a key feature they’ve had since the beginning of borderlands. But i want to hear what the commumity thinks to. Let’s hear folks, couch co-op yay or nay? Decent explanation appreciated, not required.


In one of Randy P’s NerdvanaLive podcasts, he mentions how much he enjoys playing couch co-op with his wife. So, if BL3 doesn’t have couch co-op, I suspect one major staff person at GBX is going to be sleeping on the couch - or out in the dog house.


Couch co-op would be an optional game mode. If I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t care that it’s in the game, but I’d be glad it was in there for other people. It’s like duels - I don’t care to duel, but I’m not put off by its availability in the game. Do I think it will be in BL3?

Honestly, I don’t even know what couch co-op is. I’m guessing it means playing two characters on a single Steam or console account? If it was available in BL1 and 2 as you allude to, I can’t imagine they’d skip it in BL3.


343 studios executive producer josh holmes states: Josh Holmes said the decision to remove split-screen from Halo 5 was “one of the most difficult ones we’ve ever had to make as a studio.” He added that Halo 5’s new “massive-scale environments,” better visuals,and improved AI might have been “compromised” if split-screen was in the mix.

I just dont want him to think what this guy thought.


Split-screen on the same console, usually with two separate accounts and two controllers. Can be up to four-player split-screen, although that gets a little crazy. It is the most fun way to co-op - better than private party over WAN or LAN (multiple consoles/PCs). If you ever get the chance to try it, do so.


So it’s a LAN without the N?


This doesn’t sound better? I’d gladly haul my rig over to someone’s house if we were going to play co-op if it meant I got my own full screen.

I did splitscreen once at a friend’s house a long time ago (Goldeneye 007, I think). I’m partial to actual LAN parties.

On topic - if couch co-op still requires two separate accounts, the primary limitation would be the horsepower the target consoles have for playing two games simultaneously, no? If that’s not an issue (as in, the current X-Station Box can manage this without compromising the game integrity), I can’t imagine Gearbox wouldn’t include it if they did in their previous releases.


I think the only actual limitation would be the likelihood of 2 people in the same household both wanting to play the game- high degree of probability if we’re talking kids but teens/young adults/adults and dinosaurs like me then the chances of couch co-op diminish. Still, I’d like to keep it as it’s easier to show a newbie the nuances of the game when you’re sitting side by side…


as a console user, yes please.


Yes couch co-op needs to still be in the borderlands games.


Yes, split screen with friends is great fun. And at least on my ps3 you didn’t need 2 accounts.


Not sure how it works development wise, but it should definitely have at least 2p capabilities.

Has anyone here actually played 4p on the Handsome Collection on one screen? I’m curious how that would be.

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Absolutely! Borderlands 3 definitely needs to have couch co-op!! One of the greatest things I love about the Handsome Edition is that you can play 4 player couch co-op! Almost no games play couch co-op anymore and Borderlands is the only FPS series I can think of in recent years that ISN’T PvP in any way. I really hope they continue the 4 player same screen co-op but even just 2 player couch co-op is an absolute must!


Here’s another vote for couch co-op.


Not only couch coop, but local lan play too.

We had so much fun doing that.

And since couch play split screen was never supported by PC, local lan play is just as important for PC and couch coop split screen for consoles.


Sorry. I play console exclusively so I forgot about LAN support. But, you’re right LAN support any way where multiplayer is possible. While as a PC gamer you may be used to not playing same screen co-op I have seen it’s disintegration over the years, and it’s really depressing. It’s at a point that it’s almost useless to own more than one controller anymore if you own a console.


Oh, I have an xbox and xbox one too, and split screen coop is about the only way I can my wife to play games with me. So, yes, I know how hard it is to find games like that and it just keeps getting harder.

Here is a good website for coop game play info. A pretty awesome site.



Did it while doing the Save Jack mission to level up to 70, i used my another account and 2 guess accounts.


YES for couch co-op, it’s the only way my husband and I play/ this would be a deal breaker for us to buy Borderlands 3. Please please!!


I discovered borderlands 2 thanks to couch-coop at a friend’s house, bought an xbox360 and been through hours of gaming with my best friend with couch-coop (heck literally from lvl 1 to…57 together as mr.Meatman and mr. Number lmao).
We shall not see that amazing bro-linking feature go to the bin!


My wife and I have loved playing all the BL games split screen. We would be really upset if they don’t include it in BL3.