Old forum links produce error

This is the link that I want to open

The result is: “The page you requested doesn’t exist or is private.”

For a while I could append “old” at the start of the URL and get to the page, but
that seems to no longer work. For example

The result is:
Pywb Error
No handler for “/showthread.php?t=240556”.

Why does this error happen, is it just some links to old forum threads?

Right now, you can access it by using this link: http://oldforums.gearboxsoftware.com/oldforums/20150308064910/http://oldforums.gearboxsoftware.com/

Source: from a not that old topic: Old forum topics :slight_smile:

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Thanks marmot, I have successfully gained access to the page I wanted by
pasting “showthread.php?t=240556” onto the end of the URL you gave



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Quite, but links inside it give the same error message, and having only a post count rather than a thread count (a very common link format out there) yields the same.
As the not that old topic states…

Obviously not meant to criticize you, marmot, quite the contrary.

I just feel that it deserves being repeated that this isn’t solved yet, and a BL2 resource entirely unlike any other is still crippled.

@joe_king said few weeks ago they were still looking into it.

You can see the discussion about it here: It's Official: Welcome to the ONLY Gearbox Software Forums!

Yes, the team is still looking into it, but we’re hoping to have more news soon.


Nice, I’d like to check something out on the old forums.