Lately, when I have been playing BL2 on my switch, I get the occasional person that comes into my lobby/session. But within the last week, I’ve had two people in my session that are seemingly Instakilling enemies with ZERO effort. The latest being tonight when a Lvl 1 Zero joined me on TVHM(I’m playing with my currently Lvl 42 Siren) and doing the same exact thing I mentioned above before I kicked him out. I was wondering if this is some kind of unique glitch to the switch, or something that has been around for a while. As much as I think that glitch would be useful, I would rather put in the effort and kill enemies and bosses without having to rely on things like that. And before anyone asks, I usually play by myself and don’t have any friends to grind with.
Beyond flakker swap i dont think its close to being legitimate; sounds like they’re using homebrew to edit weapons in - or duping off someone who did
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I may be late but to answer your question they are using an unpatched developers code on the switch version of the game. just pause the game and press “left>right>left>right” on the dpad. when you unpaused the game every spawned enemies will be dead.