Getting myself ready for TVHM

I just finished the game with Axton and now it’s time to get myself ready for the true Borderlands experience. (well parts of it.)

I need to get myself ready, I need better class mods , better guns , shields and so on.

Axton- Level 36
Assault Rilfe- Cowboy Gatling Gun 595x3
Pistol- Evrisceration Aegis 1193
Rocket- fwap a Deee! 28604
Shotgun- Desperate Ravenger 1088x16
The Sham (level 26)
Sentry Engineer Class Mod (level 29) +3 Sentry/Cooldown Rate 26%
Crappy Grenade lol
and Cooldown Relic 17.2%

That’s my gear I currently have, any idea’s on which gear I should try to farm for? I want a new Class Mode but I don’t know if I can get a Legendary Class mode yet D:

You can get the original legendary class mods from loot midgets and other sources as random drops - see the Borderlands wiki page. There was another set of class mods included with a later expansion pack and, iirc, you can only get those ones at level > 61.

I honestly wouldn’t worry too much about farming gear to start true vault hunter mode, especially if you’re starting it at level 36. If you already tipped Moxxi to get a Bad Touch, you can keep tipping her for a levelled Good Touch as often as you like. If you have the Torgue DLC, you can farm tokens in normal to purchase from the vending machine in True, which will keep an explosive-build Axton happy. You’ll find stuff as you go that will soon out-class any legendaries you’d get in Normal anyway. The maps in True have fixed min/max level ranges; item ranges are set within that range depending on your character’s level when you enter for the first time in the story. Just have at it and have fun!

TVHM isn’t bad and your already over leveled going in, I would just go. You don’t need legendaries to play at any level, tvhm you really don’t need them.

Could you help me level up?

Lets keep powerlevel reqests in the multiplayer categories please. Cody is looking for advice, not offering powerlevel services. Thanks.

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Alright sorry

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Ooooh heheh…overleveled huh? Kinda awkward considering I haven’t even done all the DLC stuff yet, walking into TVHM is gonna be a cake walk if I do the DLC stuff before TVHM. ^-^’’

I would strongly advice against doing the dlc’s at this time. You’re already a bit overleveled, and doing the dlc’s will make you WAY overleveled. The game will automatically give you very low XP until you’re at par with the main storyline. Farming for better gear at this point would only be a waste of time, since you’ll only get gear that are around level 32-33. Save the dlc’s for when you have finished the main story in TVHM. The game will then scale everything to level 50.

I wouldn’t worry too much about farming. Your gear becomes too weak after a while anyway. Use this as an opportunity to try out different types of guns, and see which ones you prefer. Some guns will match your playstyle, and some won’t. Here’s a chance to find out.

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At most with the DLC I just did the missions in Oasis…I haven’t even left the town or even gotten on that boat.

Things are way to easy to kill so I believe I will take everythings tips and hold off on doing these. It’s a shame I couldn’t get a better class mode but least good enemies like chubbys will begin spawning once I do TVHM. :slight_smile: making getting them alot more easier <3

Alright my next question for TVHM is which side-quests should I save for level 50 items? I’m pretty much accepting quests that I know won’t give me anything worth while.

For my future Krieg character I know I’ll want a leveled up FireHawk Shield so I’ll be saving that mission, however I don’t know what else I should save? any suggestions?

Even if some of the items are better on other chars, I would consider these missions for later:
Cult Following: The Enkindling (Flame of the Firehawk)
Rakkaholics Anonymous (Rubi or Sloth)
A Real Boy: Human (Fibber)
Best mothers day ever (Love Thumper)
Animal Rights (Trespasser)

Most of Axton’s top gear are either drops from various bosses, or come from the dlc’s, but these are worth having for your other chars.

When TVHM is done, you could try the Creature slaughterdome in the WEP. Completing round 5 gives you the Creamer, which is a really good launcher. It’s a Moxxi weapon, so it will also heal you.

When you get to UVHM, you should keep in mind that the level you’re at when you accept a mission, is also the level of the mission reward. A mission that should definetly not take until you’re at level 72 is “Doctor’s orders”. When you do accept it, you should keep it open by NOT picking up ANY of the recorders. That way you will ALWAYS have 4 Legendary Loot Midgets jumping out of the 4 boxes in WEP. This is probably the best way to farm for legendaries, Pearls and E-Relics.

Keep that one in mind! :wink:

Another loot option are the golden keys for the chest in Sanctuary…that can be a real lifesaver for if/when your gear isn’t quite doing it so well after awhile.

Definetly a good place to gear up a bit. Probably the best place to get Plasma Casters, if you have enough keys. Tipping Moxxi for the Bad Touch (only once per character) and Good Touch (as many times as you want).

It is possible for Moxxie to hand out more than one Bad Touch…my Maya has a lvl 71 BT given as a reward for I don’t remember which quest. It may have had something to do with her (Maya) not having any Moxxie weapons on her at the time, and I still wish I’d thought to get a screen of Moxxie handing it over…I was absolutely flabbergasted when it happened.

I doubt that I’ll ever see it happen again either…the odds must be astronomically huge.

You get the Good and Bad Touch when you tip Moxxi a lot of money and you can only get one each unless you restart the game.

You can only get one Bad Touch, but you can get as many Goods as you want provided you keep tipping Moxxi.

You sir helped out alot for this :slight_smile: thank you, I am planning on doing other playthroughs with other characters. This just saved me a whole bunch of time for them once I get them at the right level.

Seems like Axton might end up being my item holder for my other characters lol I’ll put down a mental note/right them down to make sure not to accept these missions until I finished TVHM/default level cap 50.

I’m able to go to level 61/72 but I’m considering level 50 as a good check point, I mean it would suck having these level 72 items when I can’t even use them for my new characters lol.

Well I guess I was wrong. I never really tried to get a second one from her.

There was a great guide on the old forums about which missions to save, don’t know if you can still find it, but as a good rule of thumb, blue+ quest rewards should be saved until after you finish the main story.

As mentioned above, quests like Cult Following: the Enkindling, Safe and Sound, Best Mother’s Day ever… etc.

Why couldn’t this be accepted at a lower level? It’s not like accepting locks in the level of the loot midgets. I always grab this mission as soon as it becomes available and just keep it open; the reward isn’t important so it doesn’t matter what level it’s locked at. Same idea with Rocko’s Modern Strife.