Help! Stuck at Lvl 61 and gaining no points in UVHM

I just finished the Lvl 60 mission “The Once and Future Slab”. I’m at Lvl 61 and I started it with 5985086 points. After turning in to Roland I still have the exact same number of points. The next storyline mission is a Lvl 61.

I’m trying to get to Lvl 62 so that a couple legendary mods will be available.

I could use some help understanding how points are earned in UVHM. I’ve been searching here but did not find it.


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Do you have UVHM 2 installed? The first UVHM dlc raised the level cap to 61, and the second one that comes with Digistruct Peak raises the cap to 72. The simplest way to check is to look for the Digistruct Peak when you hit a fast travel.


I have BL2 Game of the Year on this machine (PS3), and a number of the DLc’s but NOT Digistruct Peak. Only have that on the Xbox One with the Handsome collection.

Required I take it?


Yeah. Without that dlc the level cap is 61. Same thing happened to me when I bought GOTY for PS3. If you’d rather there is a Borderlands triple pack double disc for PS3 that has all 3 games plus all of the associated dlc. It’s sort of like the Slightly-Less-Attractive Collection.


I believe I have everything that is in the Handsome collection except for Digistruct Peak.
If I get it from Playstation, will that solve my Lvl problem?

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The triple pack comes with Borderlands 1 as well as the Handsome Collection stuff, so it’s actually a bit beefier. But if you don’t want that then purchasing UVHM 2 from the Playstation store will solve your issue once you install it.


Game of the year does not include also the HeadHunter packs.


Thanks, I’ll do it.


True. I almost forgot about ponying up the approximately $25 for those.

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Thanks, I bought them recently for the PS3 because I like them on the Xbox.

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Well I got the Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack and Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2 from the PS store. It worked and now shows points to reach the next level, but I need to vent a little on this subject so my apologies up front.

Each pack touts adding 11 levels but each also said in the descriptions that they “could” be combined to allow the additional 11 levels. This indicated to me that both were needed even though each say they add 11 levels.

UVH Pack cost $5 and was only 100 KB of code. Seriously!!!
UVH Pack 2 cost $5 and included Digistruct Peak and was about 230 MB of code.
So it cost $10 to be sure I could get the additional 11 levels because of the way they were described.

If that wasn’t bad enough, It started me out at the beginning of Lvl 61 so now I have to grind through another 270,000 points to get to Lvl 62 after spending a few weeks in Lvl 61 completing missions.

Ignorance is painful enough without being kicked in the head.


yeah $20. I think you are also missing out on the psycho and mechro pack and the 5 headhunters. that’s additional $35.

i think you are better off finding a a brand new or used copy of the triple pack. which includes everything for the 3 games.


You’re not paying for the code so much as the rights to use the extended game-play. If you look at the differences between UVHM and TVHM, it’s mostly scaling, health regen, and increased slag damage. That doesn’t take much code to implement, but it’s a whole third play through at increased difficulty.

I’d also see if you can get a refund on that first UVH pack, but only because you bought something that you already had in the GOTY edition (since you said in your OP that you reached level 61). You actually only need the UVH2/Digistruct pack. See if you can exchange it for a headhunter pack.


I had to call PS to get it done but they issued the refund. I asked about the descriptions and they said it was provided by 2K. For what it’s worth, I suggested they request a description that tells what levels each pack opens.

As it turned out, Lvl 61 was easy enough to blow through with a couple of missions. My reward was 2 Tubby Bones at Unassuming Docks who dropped Lvl 62 legendaries (a Bunny and a Foxtrot) . That was fun!!!

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