Character war!?

Probably it already exists, but i did’t find it. Anyway, which character is the best and why? Which is the worst and why?

Whichever one best fits your playstyle.

Whichever one does not fit your playstyle.


This won’t get out of hand :smile:

Pick whichever character fits your playstyle.

If you like sniping, you pick Zero. If you like tanking and shooting, Sal. Tanking and melee; Kreig. If you like Medic, Maya… yadda yadda yadda

No character sucks. It just depends on how you want to play them.


This don’t help me… I have to chose an other character and i don’t know who i can use, so i asked for some opinion for each one u.u

Gaige. Why? She’s the first to pop in my head.

I like Zer0 the best, he’s the most fun to me. His playstyles are the opposite of each other, melee or sniping. ^.^

Worst are Axton and Maya. They’re the weakest. Maya’s catacylsm tree is the worst in game, there’s only 3 good skills in it. Op8 health regen out damages those pitiful dots, but her phaselock is a great action skill. I’m not one for pet classes, and due to the extreme scaling in this game, Axton’s action skill is pretty bad. The turrets are only good for slagging/taking aggro (assuming you go to uvhm). That doesn’t mean I hate them, though! My brother’s main is Axton and mine is Maya, we’ve gotten them to op8. They’re still plenty of fun, and I’d rather play as the weakest than playing as the easiest character; Salvador.


Zer0 is the best because sword.

Zer0 is the worst because effort.

If you don’t have a Zer0, start one now.

If you already have a Zer0, start another one now.

If you have multiple Zer0s, seek help or pizza.


Ah, then why didn’t you say so??

What’s your playstyle?

I personally enjoy Zero a lot. Many people do not. He’s a very tricky character to learn.

I’ve heard good things about Krieg though. Haven’t played him, myself.

Krieg’s my favorite, but he has an unorthodox playstyle (aka, completely suicidal) that can turn people off. Maya’s my second favorite, because I love Phaselock. And ignore figureitout saying that Axton and Maya are weak, because they are not. Maya has immense crowd-control skills, and Axton is the master of EXPLOSIONS. So they’re not weak, not by far.

My main is maya too and probably she is underestimated… i’ve tried zer0 yesterday (to get the trophy) but I didn’t like his skill, but probably at 72 it will be very different

All the characters are pretty powerful in their own right if specced and geared correctly. Check out some youtube videos of people trying to kill raid bosses solo in a matter of seconds.

However, Salvador is probably the easiest to figure out.

Two guns at once, check.
High fire rate, check.
High damage per second, check.
Low action skill cooldown, check.
Massive health regen and survivability, check.
Ammo regen, check.
I was going to put faster reload speed but almost every character can have that.\

Granted, you don’t get ALL of these at the start and I could make similar arguments for other characters, but the two guns part is really the driving force.

Zer0 is the only character.


Lies. You have videos of you playing Maya :P.

Not to mention Krieg.

Borderlands 2 with Zer0 as the only playable character would be a superior product compared to Borderlands 2 with the other 5 characters and no Zer0.

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There are any problems with him or something you would change?

Have you played bl1 or tps? We can help you make a decision based on the characters you like.

Gaige and Krieg really. Maybe Maya but I never got her on a high enough level to figure out how she plays on UVHM.

Play with me and you’ll find out :P.

Sounds wrong.
And when I should return to 2, I’m going to focus on Krieg.