LLM Doctors Orders- Question related to drop rate increase in May

So I have recently got back into BL2 after a layoff from the PS3 version and now on PS4. I got to 72 and decided to go to the old route of using Doctor’s Orders/Animal Rights to farm 4 midgets in the one room. I have definitely noticed the increase in drop rate in the world, especially on boss mini boss farming where the rate seems to be 1/10 runs on average. However when farming the midgets I have got 2 drops in 40 runs. So 160 midgets with 1 pearl and 1 legendary. I’m not here to complain and I understand this could be RNG, but I wanted to know if there was a decrease that I’m unaware of to LLM after the increase in the drops from bosses etc. This could be to encourage playing the game in other areas then just farming midgets.

I am getting relics as normal, but what I found odd is I am now getting green drops. I got about 15 green drops during the run.

Again, I’m not complaing about drop rates. Just wanted verification if I missed something.


Yeah, they were nerfed.


I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but are you sure you launched the game into UVHM, and didn’t accidentally continue in TVHM or something? In normal mode, LMs drop mostly cash and ammo; in TVHM, gear with the odd legendary. Here’s my total for just two runs tonight, with one extra loot midget from an ammo crate where the respawn station is:

Skin of Ancients - (Elemental resistance)

Heart of Ancients (Pistal dmg)

Bone of Ancients (Corrosive)
Heart of Ancients (Pistol dmg)
Skin of Ancients (elemental resistance)
Royal Deliverance (Shock)

That’s one legendary and 5 relics out of 9 LLMs.

WHen UVHM first came out and LLMs were introduced, there was a side-effect that resulted in legendaries every run. They disappeared and reappeared with less generous rates, but I haven’t noticed any nerf since then in my own game (fully patched, always most recent hotfix).

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Their drop rates have gone up since May, you are just having a bad streak of luck is all. Even after the update I have had dry streaks only to come back and pretty much pull a Scrouge McDuck or whatever and be swimming in gold.

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I was definitely on UVHM.

I did about 10 to 15 more runs and got nothing, so around 170 midgets or so with 2 drops. Relics drop all the time, which have to be around 50% chance to drop.

This was all done on my Gunzerker with 0/4 notes. Getting 4 midgets all the time. I switched to my assassin and got 4 legendaries and one pearl in about 8 runs and I usually only get 3 midgets because I gathered 2 parts of Doctor’s Orders. I guess it’s all RNG. Just seemed odd to go so long on the Zerker and get nothing. Including getting green items.

If there is no known patch for it, then I’ll just go with bad luck.

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Boss drop rate is increased 3x from 1/30 to 1/10. So you are right.

However LLMs are nerfed if you played when the UVHM patch dropped, due to unexpected exploit with Doctor’s Order quest (and some other place).

This. You get a chance for a high-level loot item, which then can be of legendary, pearl, or e-tech status. Those relics are all basically e-tech. Sucks when you get nothing but legendaries, but it does unfortunately, happen.

On the plus side I farmed the Ultimate Badass Varkid on part 2 wave 5 of the creature slaughter dome for Vermi and got myself a Norfleet in 15 tries. 3 vermi spawns.


I really need to do that.

Are there waves AFTER the Varkid?

Heres’ how I do it.

I blow through the first three waves in about 2 minutes.

In wave 4 a super badass varkid spawns. I give him about 1 to 2 minutes to evolve, if he doesn’t I blow him away. (There is a safe spot behind some crates against the wall, I’d recommend). In the final wave the Ultimate Badass Varkid spawns. Use the Hyperion Crate that is out in the open to hide as it protects you from a lot of attacks. I give him about a minute to 2 minutes to evolve. If he doesn’t, I save and quit WITHOUT killing him. The problem is if you kill everything in that wave you have to turn in the quest.

If you get Vermi kill him, if you get the Norfleet you want, you will have to turn in the quest. If you don’t get what you want dashboard.

I won’t go into Gib, because I’m not sure that’s kosher on these forums but it’s possible to reset the quest.

As long as you haven’t killed everything in the wave, you could save and quit. I realise that’s probably unlikely, but worth checking the minimap quickly for any remaining red dots. (Also, your quest progress indicator.)

The software-that-shall-not-be-named is definitely not kosher (or halal, for that matter)

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Honestly… It’s pretty dumb that those quests are not repeatable without resetting all progress. Murlins temple being the exception.

It would be tough to not kill all other enemies, as the small skags and varkids are jumping around at you in that crate. Unless you can man up and defeat vermi without using that crate.

Also I’d highly suggest NOT using the boxes against the wall against the Ultimate Baddass or Vermi. They both can mysteriously fly away or disappear if you do.