Vermivorous suicide?

I recently just started farming vermivorous, and after about an hour I got lucky with 2. But that’s not the problem, my issue was that after getting both spawns to about 30% they died. Just like that, simply got on their sides and died. Worst part about it is they dropped nothing but whites and greens, and maybe like 6 eridium. Has anyone else had this occurrence?

Were you at Tundra Express? If so, the train that goes through there has been known to kill Vermi.

Was at caustic by the threshers, but they double teamed the crap of those so I know it wasn’t that. From what i saw is one sec it’s hitting my turret, the next it’s dead. Made no sense to me. Happened with both creatures.

That’s weird. How far were you from the Vermis? I have tried to spawn one several times and I have noticed that the Varkids tend to die when I get too far from them. I once had an Ultimate Badass on 4-player difficulty that just died off and he didn’t drop anything good either.

1st one was down to 30% hp left and the second at 40%. Another weird occurence was I spawned him and he just flew away, never to return. Vermivorous just hates me I guess.

Yeah, Vermi supposedly has a surprisingly unagressive AI sometimes. The one that flew away probably died because he went too far. Caustic Caverns has a lot of mobs so he died to ‘‘make room’’ for the other ones. Can’t think of anything about the other one. At least you got them to spawn, I haven’t been able to do that so far.

Been using 4 player difficulty and blood of terramourphous which helps a ton. It also makes you die a ton solo too xD

[quote=“Tete, post:7, topic:521827”]blood of terramourphous which helps a ton[/quote]…to stay alive or for an increased chance at Vermivorous spawning?

One of my fave BL2 YouTube vids (I think it’s one of Masterkizz’s, IIRC) has Vermi spawning and then immediately disappearing over the building that you enter the area from…a MASSIVE pod forms, V pops out and promptly leaves the game. Boom, done.

Apparently the relic may or may not have an increased chamce to spawn him. It makes sense to me as it says " I could inspire". Lemme see if i got a phote of the spawns.

[quote=“Tete, post:10, topic:521827, full:true”]
Apparently the relic may or may not have an increased chamce to spawn him. It makes sense to me as it says " I could inspire". [/quote]

That’s just a myth. It’s been debunked a while ago. It’s like the Mysterious Amulet (it gives your character a completely aesthetic, useless shiny aura and nothing else) and wearing the Vault Hunters Relic hoping to get more legendary drops (it doesn’t actually increase the chance of legendaries at all). Health regen is the only thing Blood of Terramorphous will give you and it has no effect whatsoever in anything else in the game, Varkid evolution included. The red text ("…his blood could inspire…") is just a line from the poem that you complete by putting together all of the red text lines on the Terramorphous exclusive items. It “inspires” you to regenerate health. That’s all it means.

[quote=“Gut0nez, post:12, topic:521827”]wearing the Vault Hunters Relic hoping to get more legendary drops (it doesn’t actually increase the chance of legendaries at all)[/quote]Did you read Gearbox’s article about it? It does, just not in a way nor at a level that I think people were expecting.

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Ok, fair enough. Still, the increase for legendaries is so small it’s practically negligible. Maybe after they tripled the drop rate for legendaries with the permanent hotfix, the relic became a little more useful. I haven’t tried wearing it after the hotfix, might do some runs with it soon to see if there’s any difference. I doubt there will be any difference, though. The only noticeable effect the relic has is a decrease in the chance of whites and an increase in the chance of greens. You could get a few more blues with it, but in practice, the probability of purples and oranges stays almost the same, even if there is a very small increase.