The tournament has started. Rules and everything you need to know!

Good morning everybody. Everything seems to be ready for the tournament to begin. We finally gathered enough people, 13 to be excact , so in this post i will write the rules, the time limit, the voting system.

Lets begin with the rules: 1) Map and characters.
In this first section of the tournament every person that participates has to run through the map of “Southpaw steam and power” . You are allowed to choose any character you want but keep in mind that you are not allowed to change your character in the next phases of the tournament e.g You upload a run with zero and you move on to the next stage of the tournament. At that time you will have to upload a run with zero again and not any other character.

  1. Characters and gear
    You will not be allowed to use any gear you want. There will be banned items for all the classes. We do this to bring more build variety. The items that are banned for every single class will be named WORLD BANS. Lets take a look at them.

1. Unkempt Harold
2. The norfleet
3. Bee
4. Sandhawk
5. The Sham
6. Badaboom
7. Interfacer
8. Twister
9. Logan’s Gun
10. Grog Nozzle
11. Hive
12. Pimpernel
13. Every legendary class mod for every single class
14. Shock, fire and corrosive Bone of the ancients
15. Tattler

These are all the gear bans. You are not allowed to use any of these guns during your runs..

  1. Backpack
    During your run you will be able to use only your equipped gear. You will NOT be able to open your backpack and change something.. Furthermore, while you will not be able to change characters in the next phases of the tournament you will be able to change your character build and gear in future stages of the tournament.

4)Voting system
The voting criteria will be 1. gear rarity, 2. time, 3. level difficulty, 4. number of second winds and deaths. The score will be capped at 100 points. Each and every one of those criteria can give up to 25 points. Now lets examine them a bit more in depth.

1 gear rarity : if the guy uses white/green weapons/shield only, then this should be taken under consideration because green/white gear isnt as powerful as unique,purple gear etc. For example an all white gear run should be rewarded with 25 points. . An all green gear run should be rewarded with 22. An all blue gear run should be rewarded with 19. An all purple gear run with 16. An all legendary/seraph/red text/pearlescent gear run with 13. However players are allowed to use mixed gear and not neseccarily all white/green etc. So if someone uses 4 white rarity items and 4 purple then he should be rewarded with 20-21. You get how that goes. **BUT there are some uniques/legendaries/seraphs/pearls which are pretty bad and mediocre so these should be awarded as if they are white/green/blues.**For instance the lanscaper is a unique weapon. BUT because it is awful is should be treated as if it is a white weapon.

2 time : Thats pretty straight forward. When you vote you will want to see how much time it took the player to finish the map.Less time better voting. In this first map which is Soutpaw steam and power the perfect time will be anything under 12 minutes and it will be rewarded with 25 points. 12-13 minutes equals 23 points. 13-14 minutes equals 21. 14-15 equals 19. 15-16 equals 17. It keeps going like this. For every extra minute after 12 you lose 2 points. Time starts as soon as the video begins and ends as soon as you kill every single enemy.

3.Level difficulty : You should take under consideration the level of the player in order to vote too. Its another thing making a run on normal mode and another on OP8. . From OP6-OP8 players get 25 points for this section. From OP3-OP5 players get 23 points. OP1 and OP2 get 21 points. UVHM levels get 18 points. TVHM levels get 15 points and NORMAL MODE levels get 12 points.

4.number of second winds and deaths:
No deaths and second winds gives 25 points. 1 second wind takes away 4 points while one deaths takes away 6 points. 2 seconds winds take away 8 points and 2 death 12 points. It keeps going like that.

The voting is pretty straight forward aside from the gear factor which is completely up to your judgement for certain weapon rarities. Now i was wondering how we were going to do the voting. I was thinking about opening a poll for a couple of days at the end of the week but i am not really experienced with that kind of stuff. The other thing i had in mind was, each and every one of you to send me a message which would include the voting about every seperate video and then i would do the maths and finally post the average points of each run. Please leave a comment on how you want it to be done because that seems to be the only problem so far.

  1. Videos and time limit
    You have 1 week to post your runs. From today 20/7 to 27/7 until 11:59 pm. You dont have to upload your run on youtube. You can upload it wherever you want. Just make sure we will be able to watch.

Badass ranks have to be disabled. To make sure they are at the end or at the beggining of your video you will open your inventory to show us your gear quickly and then move on to the skills and finally the badass ranks WHICH MUST BE DISABLED.

7) Glitches, exploits and merges are not allowed!!

Edit : I noticed that quite a few people disagree with the bans for whatever reason and they think that they wont be able to make it without specific gear. As a result i am going to erase the seperate class bans to make it somewhat easier. The 15 bans for all the classes though stay. Also here is the thread on reddit for everyone who wants to check out the discussion there

Forgot to mention that anyone can upload their run as long as it obeys the rules and not only those who replied to my other posts.

Thats all from me. Have fun preparing your runs. Post them as a comment in this topic. Ciao :wink:

Edit: I decided to put all the runs here, in this first post, just to not get things too messed up.

Here is my run:

Here is MOLMF’s run:

Got 2 more hellacious runs

Here is Adabiviak’s run:

Here is xmngr’s run:

Here is Less_than0’s run:

Here is Derch’s run:

Here is Spunky117’s run:

Here is ChaoticSmiley’s run:

Here is bew’s run:

Here is browesq’s run:

Edit: I am going to post the rating and the second round’s details tommorow. Would do it now but I’m kinda tired. :unamused:


No RR for Krieg…?, so my Hellborn Krieg is almost out of tournament.
That’d may be somewhat hard to run xD

Pretty much my entire Maya setup is banned

Also by legendary relics did you mean class mods?

@Derch Yeah you are right thats what i meant. Also i will do some changes because many people have complained and i hope that you will be able to find a proper setup.

I was mainly joking, I can play her with all sorts of gear. Restrictions just encourage creativity and I think that’s good.

Just letting everyone use the most OP gear can get quite dull pretty quickly.

Also your hosting this on reddit right? You should link that thread I the op.

I have to strongly agree with the ban of DPUH, Bee, Sham and things like that. I’ll figure out how to do a run without my banned staple stuff (Rocket Launcher, RR and Legendary Torch).

By the way, is still “mandatory” that the run must be on Southpaw?

Awesome! Glad to see things getting under way here. Looking forward to keeping up with it!

You were joking but others think that with these items banned it will be more of a chore and not a challenge so i removed some of them. Yeah i have posted the same thing on reddit too and left the link on the original post ;).

@xmngr Yeah those things have to be banned. You can use your hellborn Krieg now that i changed the banned gear. Also yeah it has to be on this map. Otherwise stuff will get messed up with the voting (mainly with the time differences).

@joe_king appreciate it :smile:

Congrats on the initiative and good luck organizing this event, looking forward to watching the runs.

The following is just my 2¢ on the some of the rules.

The WORLD BANS are a little to biased don’t you think?

Could you clarify 13?
13. Every legendary class mod for every single class
Does that exclude every orange CLASS MOD or only those with Legendary in the name?

And you didn’t cover Flakker swap, it’s “perfectly legal” exploit and only costs points in gear rarity.

Why the Tattler is banned? Why not every Moxxi weapon? And the Flakker? And E-Tech launchers (Vladof actually)?

First of all thanks for your good words. By “13. Every legendary class mod for every single class” i mean every orange rarity class mod, not only the ones that have the word “legendary” in their name. Also i didnt know a thing about the flakker exploit so i just wrote a general rule about exploits and stuff. Tattler is banned because i consider it to be the 2nd most powerful smg in the game. I didnt ban every single moxxi weapon because then there would be a lot of controversy. I didnt ban the flakker because it is underused and not everyone can use it to its full potential. Didnt ban E-Tech launchers for the same reason why i didnt ban moxxi weapons. Also by “controversy” i mean that more guys would complain that the bans are too rough and that they cant handle it. Hope i answered your questions.

Will only point out that this is perfect for a melee Zer0.

I understand, thanks for the response.

It’s a shame the class specific bans weren’t well received, it’s hard to find a balance, it would be interesting to see runs outside the players comfort zone. Restrictions breed creativity after all.

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Lol there’s gonna be a lot of chaotic evil Sals, blurred trickster mayas, and flesh crunch krieg out there

Shh don’t tell him my trickster ideas…

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The Flakker swap isnt this good while mobbing to be honest. Also, the Tattler is a lot harder to use than a Bitch or a Plasma Caster due to its effective Range.
Also, there will be a lot of Chaotic Evil Monks and Blurred Trickster but I bet that a Fox Maya is going to get a lot more points :smile:

Also, the Hide of Terra and the Rapier would be nice bans. Maybe the FotFH too. Just saying!

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Already banned the Flame, vizinho. The issue with the Rough Rider with Krieg was because Silence the Voices.

My chaotic Butcher is gonna have some fun!!!

I thought that he reverted some bans, vizinho! I can see the issue with the Rough Rider and I dont think that it should be banned for Krieg or even Salvador. The Rough Rider is pretty much like the Blockade for the others VH in my opinion, there is no reason to ban a shield only because of its damage reduction.

Wait, he reverted the Flame ban and the RR too. oops xD

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No problems! Haha