I’ve been meaning to make this for a while and was spurred on by a little discussion in the Borderlands 2 session thread.
Can people share their strategy and tips for taking down Pete the Invincible? Thinking OP8, with Maya or Krieg, but other toons too if you know.
Even though many say he’s the easiest, I don’t find him so, and I’d like to pool knowledge. I can do the fight easily via grenade jumping or hiding behind the metal sheet, but it must be possible to do it ‘properly’.
Updated for questions -
Is the Bee feasible given DoT?
Do you wash off after every nova?
How many novas can you take?
I just shoot him with a shock sandhawk and bee, when he nova’s I wash it off with the spiders, phaselock a spider close to him so I get wreck and chain for a bit, keep shooting him.
I use the old 'hide behind the standing tower structure" method and block his novas with the sheet metal sections of the tower- after that it’s just a matter of keeping him slagged and then hitting him with the most powerful weapon I have (which is usually a DPUH) while wearing a Bee…
Yes. Get an Inflammable or Alkaline prefix if possible, Alkaline is best as his first nova will always be corrosive unless you strip his shield before his first nova, the he will always pulse double novas. Still, one DoT is better than two, Grounded prefixes have no place against Pete unless it’s all you have.
Most videos you’ll see on YT show people hiding behind the scaffolding to avoid the novas, I doubt this was intentional and personally view it as an exploit (no offense Derch) so yes, unless I fail to strip his shield before the first nova as it’s a corrosive one which I’m immune to (at least the DoT, not the impact)
As many as he can dish out, though you typically want to put him down quickly, the novas aren’t the problem it’s the increasing levels of the adds. I run SS on my Maya, when I shed the DoT I PL a spiderant when Pete is nearby so he gets slagged by Ruin and to activate Wreck, CR clears the adds pretty quickly. I usually kill him in 2-3 novas, the choreographed one when his shield is down and one more after that, sometimes a spiderant hits and strips my shield so it may take one more nova, but with Ward it’s usually back up quickly and I can take him down in two novas even after a hit.
Try to avoid spawning the rats as they’ll shoot and disrupt your Bee, though the adds are low level for the first few spawns so a Quasar usually kills them all if you’re not running SS or if SS decides to hit Pete instead. You don’t even need a Chain Lightning or Grog Nozzle to kill him though it never hurts to have a safety net, just run a Grog if you need but keep a Quasar for CC and to kill adds. I fight Aria the exact same way I fight Pete, in fact I should credit Pete for lending me the simply strategy, just gradually walk backwards and fire away, when his flamethrowers get too close stop ADS so you can move away faster and strafe-jump away from his, um, globs? Whatever those land mine things are. It’s a pretty systematic fight, he does have a lot of health but shock wears down his shield quickly and his crit is hard to hit, plus his attacks aren’t really threatening so he goes down a lot easier than he probably should, keeping your Bee up isn’t hard once you learn to anticipate his predictable attacks and once you’ve done it a few times he’ll never give you trouble again.
Since there’s no mention of it yet: Pete can’t be crit until his helmet drops off after his shield is depleted. Except if you carry a Trespasser into the fight. It ignores shields and you can use it to remove Pete’s helmet before you’ve even touched his shield at all. It might take a few shots but it still makes the rest of the shielded part faster as you can now crit him while his shield is on.
Sal: Grog/Lady Fist in main hand, Twister/Rustler’s Orphan Maker in the off-hand, 11/5 money shot.
Start by shooting him in the head with a tresspasser. Keep him slagged. When your gunzerk runs out, throw stormfronts to stay healthy. Should take about 2-3 minutes.
(Wh-?! A mask?! This is tooootally my face! I... uh... )
Did this for the first time with Zero today. Got him first try, but it was not fast. I passed on using a Bee to roll with a Big Boom Blaster. Legendary Siren, shock Bone, Storm Front, shock Pimpernel.
Same basic strategy everybody uses with Maya and Zero, except that I intentionally ate the first nova to turn myself into a booster sprinkler for unlimited Storm Front use. When Deception came on CD, I would pop that, kunai, SFx2, slag Pimp to re-up slag, then back to shock Pimp. Very easy, very safe, kinda long process.
Thanks for the shoutout Chuck. As an aside, it’s very easy to manipulate Pyro Pete’s actual movement mechanics while using the Deputy Sal build. Here’s Dep Sal vs Pyro Pete in 35 seconds without NKLOK.
How long did that take? And did you have to wash off at all?
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(Wh-?! A mask?! This is tooootally my face! I... uh... )
Didn’t have to wash off. I didn’t time it, but it took a loooooong time. It was easy to avoid novas with a Legendary Hunter + shock Bone. I will not do it again, of course. The novelty made it fun for a one off.