I need some advice desperately for helping me regain my love for this series, so let me clarify the issue I’m having…
In the original Borderlands, once I had gotten up to the max difficulty, the game was challenging.
Once I got some of the better gears in the game, it became less so, but it was still fun and I could still die if I wasn’t careful, but I by no means felt weak.
If I faced off against something equal to my level, I had the gear and the skill needed to wreck it, and I didn’t need anything cheap or exploitative to do the job.
Now that I’m coming back to my old character in BL2 ( OP8 with at least 10% boosts in all BAR categories) after over 2 years in hiatus, I’ve come to realize that it just doesn’t feel the same.
The game makes a big deal out of telling the player they’re a bad-ass.
But unless I’m using slag, two turrets, and the Bee shield, I can empty a full clip of Skullmasher shots into an average OP8 bandit ravager, and his health will barely show a dent.
And in return, it takes him less than three trigger pulls to fully drain my shields and start eating into my health.
With what I can only assume is a white gun, since that’s all they seem to drop…
In the first BL, a similar attempt on an end game enemy with my best sniper would result in their heads exploding after two or three crits.
To be blunt, BL2 isn’t living up to its promises.
It’s not letting me feel like a bad-ass without playing dirty or going through a lot of additional preparations just to get my damage up to reasonable levels.
Even with Grit maxed and a Legendary Soldier COM, I’m spending more time in FFYL than running around killing stuff.
So I’m here to ask you guys, with all your experience, about how I can go about making this game feel like BL1.
Preferably, I’d like to know what level my BAR bonuses would need to be at, to honestly make me feel like a BL1 bad-ass again, or if not that, then any other general advice you can give me to tip the scales.