Time ta git Wavvy y’all
You all know I love a good argument. We got a lot of mileage out of this one :
This time I’m not starting an argument, just perpetuating one. The genesis of this started with @Kuolemanlaakso wondering what to get his Gaige who was just about to clock over to UVHM :
To which I replied : Get a Tidal Wave!
Now why did I recommend that gun? My inspiration was ( and isn’t it always ) from @bew_'s recent Gaige / Tidal Wave showcase :
My justification was that Gaige loves a two-barrel Jakobs shotgun : lots of pellets for managable ammo & she gains at least one stack ( and Shock & A!! ) with every shot. Gaige is not normally a natural fit for the Lady Fist, which leaves the quest reward somewhat optional for her. The Tidal Wave’s goofy pattern is made mostly irrelevant with Close Enough and Anarchy.
Therefore, this makes the gun an excellent choice to start off UVHM, instead of trying to find a Striker ( which is also not a natural fit for her ) or a Coach Gun.
I was so inspired by myself that I picked one up and spent a couple nights with it ( with Maya and Zer0 ), and was thoroughly pleased with it. @Kuolemanlaakso accused me of being a troll and @HeavenlyAnarchy and @Kurtdawg13 joined the dogpile.
The gloves came off and a challenge was issued.
Now the theory.
- This gun can only be exploited by one skill : B0re. The slow & bouncing pellets and wavy pattern are the stuff of B0re dreams. So Zer0 is the only one that makes this gun into something more than a Coach Gun.
- Maya’s Chain Reaction helps it, but doesn’t make it necessarily better than a Coach.
- The same principle applies to Gaige. Even though it has bouncing bullets, they still hit for 50% with Close Enough unlike the Fibber.
- The other three only lose DPS potential with this gun.
But does that mean it sucks?
Time to decide!
Anyone who wishes to tender an opinion shall have to do the same (I’m glaring at you Kurt)! Video proof required! Anyone who simply states “it sucks” shall be perma-banned ( I have nothing to back that up ).
One-shot BNKR B0re ( OP0 )
Blurred Trickster ( OP0 )
More to come! Betcha can’t wait!