Backstory : Ryuga is an ex-Dahl Miner. He was sent by the Dahl Corporation to mine the Vaults and he was among the first ones that entered Tycho’s Ribs. Unfortunately, things didn’t go well and they got cerebrally corrupted by Eridium. He mutated into an Eternal.
When Dahl left them for dead, he became one of the first Lost Legion Soldiers and one of the strongest, being an Eternal.
10 years after that, while he was working out, he blacked-out. When he woke up, he had a huge lapse of memory. And then he remembered that he got corrupted by the Vault purple fumes and he became … this. He tried to convince his squad to stop fighting … then they tried to kill him for “betrayal”.
When he realised how corrupted the Lost Legion was, he hunted them, just after the opening of the Vault of the Sentinel. By hunting the remaining Lost Legion operators, he discovered his abilities and how powerful they are, and the Eridium corruption gived him an immunity to mind-control.
After hunting the Lost Legion down, he came to Pandora. He studied Eridian technology and Eridium properties. When he heard about the Vault of the Warrior, he went to it but just watched the combat, knowing that an interruption could have massive consequences. While watching the combat, he noticed something watching the combat : a Guardian ! He decided to stay calm and go away before he would notice him and engage combat, but the Watcher knows he was watching. -
Playstyle : crazy Movement Speed, melee/gun berzerk or Elemental Tank.
Appearance : Eternal trooper, Dahl suit with a grey and purple Elpis vest (those that Scavs wear). As tall as Zer0. Normal head but with purple eyes and. His melee is a fang attack from his corrupted left hand.
His class mods are Eridian masks attached to his torso. -
Personality : melancholic, wistful, reflexive, gloomy. Sometimes shows signs of sympathy to his colleagues, never gives up. Pityful to innocent victims, knowing how hard being dragged into trouble is. When Ascending, he becomes very aggressive and edgy, he will show no regard to his enemies’ suffering.
Action Skill : Ascension
Cooldown time : 35 seconds, duration : 20 seconds.
Ryuga releases a Slag Nova, replenishes his health, and transforms into the following forms : -
Eternal Phasewalker : Increased movement speed by 100%, 30% Grenade, Melee and Gun Damage. You have a 30% chance of dodging bullets when sprinting.
Eternal Frenzy : Melee attack speed increased by 70%, +450% melee damage, +100% health, movement speed increased by 50%. Shields are constantly depleted. Killing an enemy regenerates 10% of your health/second. Right click : melee attack (maintaining the click will allow Ryuga to unleash a flurry of attacks, maximum : 5 seconds), left click : ranged attack.
Eternal Tempest : Regenerates 6% of your Health/second, +75% damage resistance. You can use your weapons but you can’t ADS. You are surrounded by an energy barrier that Slags and applies Shock DoTs to nearby enemies.
PLEASE NOTE : Chances to transform depends on how much points you have specced into a specific tree. For example, speccing all of your ponts in the Left and Middle trees will give you 50% chance of ascending into a Tempest and 50% chance of ascending into a Phasewalker.
Left Skill Tree : Consternation
Tier 1 :
Experienced (5)
Increased Gun Damage and Movement Speed by 25%.
Uncorrupted (5)
Slag and Shock Damage increased by 20%.
Tier 2 :
Thick Skin (5)
You gain +50% Shield Capacity and +35% Max Health, but your Shield takes +4 seconds to recharge.
Uncompromising (5)
Kill Skill. Killing an enemy regenerates 5% of your Shield/second and gives you +200% Elemental Effect Chance. Kill Skill duration : 7 seconds.
Tier 3 :
Ascension of the Tempest (1)
Action Skill Override. You have 95% chance of Ascending into an Eternal Tempest. If you didn’t transform into an Eternal Tempest, you will instead replenish 50% of your Max Health and your Cooldown Time will be 5 seconds. This won’t occur 2 times in a row.
Tier 4 :
Secret Powers (1)
As long as your enemies take Elemental Damage, you gain stacks of Secret Powers. You gain +5% Gun Damage and +7,5% Elemental Damage per stack of Secret Powers.
Max stacks : 10.
Hunter (3)
Increases Hipfire Accuracy and Damage dealt while hipfiring by 30%.
Firepower Sponge (1)
Melee Override Ability. While in Tempest form, enemies will shoot you first. In addition, you gain +50% Damage Reduction.
Tier 5 :
Synchronization (5)
Increases your Action Skill Cooldown Rate by 35%
Quick Reaction (5)
When an enemy attacks you with melee, they take Shock Spike damage.
Spike damage Level 1 - 11 depending on points specced into the skill.
In addition, taking damage accelerates your cooldown rate. This ability has a cooldown.
+2 seconds when taking damage. Cooldown : 5 seconds.
Tier 6 :
Unstoppable (1)
Action Skill Improvement. As long as an enemy has an Elemental Effect on him (DoT or Slag), you have 50% chance of not consuming ammo when shooting.
Middle Skill Tree : Recklessness
Tier 1 :
Hawk Eye (5)
You deal +35% Critical Hit Damage and your weapons are 20% more accurate.
Attentive (5)
Increases Reload Speed and Swap Speed by 40%.
Tier 2 :
Oppressive (5)
Your Fire Rate is increased by 35% but your weapons have -10% Stability.
Wallbreaker (5)
Shielded enemies take 20% more damage from all sources.
Tier 3 :
Ascension of the Phasewalker (1)
You have 100% chance of ascending into an Eternal Phasewalker.
In addition, you regenerate 1% of your health/second while Phasewalking.
Tier 4 :
Trance (5)
Your Action Skill lasts 25% longer. In addition, you deal 20% more damage and you have 20% more chance to dodge bullets while Phasewalking when you are below 50% Max Health.
Instinct of Domination (5)
While Phasewalking, enemies take +40% Damage from all sources when they are above 60% Max Health.
Tier 5 :
At All Costs (5)
When Ascension is on Cooldown, you deal +15% Grenade, Gun and Melee Damage.
In addition, you have a 25% chance not to consume ammo when Ascension is on cooldown.
Determinated (1)
You can Phasewalk slower in FFYL.
-50% Phasewalk speed.
Tier 6 :
Takedown (1)
Melee Override Ability. While Phasewalking, you can dash on your enemies and slam them with your shoulder. This will stunlock the enemy, dealing him increased Melee Damage. This ability has a cooldown.
Takedown range : 20 meters. Cooldown : 5 seconds.
Right Skill Tree : Madness
Tier 1 :
Savagery (5)
Your Melee damage is increased by 30%.
Venom (5)
Melee attacks have 10% chance to deal 50% more damage in form of Slag damage.
Tier 2 :
Go Berzerk (5) :
You gain 10% Damage Resistance when your Shield is depleted. In addition, you deal 20% more Melee Damage when your Shield is depleted.
Incitement (5) :
Taking damage will give you a stack of Incitement. Each stack of Incitement gives you +2,5% Melee Damage. Stacks wear off when you don’t take damage for 15 seconds. Max Stack count : 50.
Tier 3 :
On the Move (5)
When moving, you deal +20% Damage (all sources).
Ascension of the Frenzied (1)
You have 100% chances of transforming into an Eternal Frenzy. In addition, if you transform below 50% Health, you will deal +100% Melee Damage.
Inner Warrior (5)
Kill Skill. Killing an enemy with a Melee attack gives you +20% Movement Speed and Gun Damage, and +40% Melee Damage.
Tier 4 :
Bloodlust (5)
Your Melee attack speed is increased by 25%. Killing an enemy adds +2 seconds Action Skill Duration.
Apotheosis (1)
While in Frenzy form, you regenerate 50% of the Overkill damage dealt.
Tier 5 :
Utter Chaos (5)
Action Skill Improvement. Pressing F when transformed into an Eternal Frenzy will cause you to smash the ground with your fists, releasing an Explosive and Slag Nova that stunlocks surrounding enemies.
Cooldown : 10 seconds, Nova damage level 1 - 11 based on how much points you’ve specced into it.
Tier 6 :
Divine Wind (1)
FFYL Override. If you die while being transformed into an Eternal Frenzy, you will transform into an Eternal Unstable. You will constantly emit Explosive and Slag Novas and you can use your melee attacks, but they are weaker. You move 100% faster. When the FFYL bar empties, you will explode. Getting a kill with the self-explosion will give you 25 stacks of Incitement, recharge your Action Skill and replenish your health.
Log 1 :
Well, this is my diary. I dunno who’s gonna listen to this, but here it is. So, where to begin … I was poor, my mother and my sister needed money. Dahl was recruiting miners on Eden-3, … so, I decided to become a miner, to earn some money for them. I had a pretty good salary, i kept a quarter of it for me and sent the rest to my family. I had good friends that helped me a lot, Dahl also teached us to use a gun, since mines aren’t the most peaceful things in the world. So, things were good for me …
Log 2 :
One day, we were assigned to a Vault Hunt, our new boss was the Colonel Zarpedon himself. I vaguely heared about her, she is just a Dahl representative, nothing to worry about …
So, we went on Elpis, and what a shthole ! I think we did more camp-cleaning than actual mining, I felt like a goddamn soldier instead of a miner ! Our destination was a placed called Bakkaberk, what a shtty name. It took us 6 months to mine all of this. Other miner squads were on the other side of the moon, because Dahl needed Moonstone and other raw materials. Elpis is a very rich moon to be honest … but still a sh*thole.
Log 3 :
When we finished our excavation, we found something called a “Vault”. Basically, it is what Eridians left behind them when they dissapeared, but when we opened it, I didn’t know my life was gonna change that much. These purple fumes … this is what corrupted our mind. But nobody figured out … And when we got deeper into Tycho’s Ribs, the Crackening occured. We couldn’t leave the goddamn thing ! Our only choice was to get deeper into the Vault. We later heard by Zarpedon that Dahl left Elpis, they had left us for dead. The only thing I worry about today is, how my family has been doing, without the money …
To be honest, I didn’t know this mission could eat 10 years of my entire life.
Log 4 :
Eridium became to corrupt our minds even more, and for some people -including me- it mutated our bodies. And Eleseer, what a place … this Vault was too much for our minds. I don’t know how I got my mind back up, but today, I feel sorry for the Lost Legion, I feel sorry for Zarpedon … she gave us a reason to exist, to survive. If she didn’t create the Lost Legion, and fight Hyperion, everybody would’ve starved to death into Eleseer. It’s just a shame that the Eridium corruption made her completely crazy about blowing up Elpis and half Pandora to save the universe. If she did so, she would’ve done 10 times more victimes than Handsome Jack. How many possibilites are there in this story … what could’ve happened if we didn’t open the Vault …? If Elpis blew up …?
Log 5 :
After wiping out the remaining Lost Legion on Elpis, I went to Pandora. There is still one person I have to look for. She is called “Moxxi” and she is very known actually. I found this when I hacked Helios’ ECHO communication archives. She basically betrayed Jack and four other Vault Hunters to blow up the Eye of Helios. Even if this event did turn Jack into an evil person, she doesn’t realise how many people she saved. I also need to go see Doctor Patricia Tannis, I could help her, with my Eternal mutation stuff. I don’t know if I should go back to Eden-3 … they probably think I’m dead, and after all these years … no, I’m becoming a Vault Hunter, I will use what the Lost Legion gave me, but i’ll use it for the right cause now.
So … this is my whole story. My friend, if you’re listening to this, know the importance of the choices that you make, because consequences can influence the entire galaxy.
Quotes :
Joining a game
Let’s roll.
For the fallen …
Nice to meet you, comrades.
deep breath … don’t die.
Killing an enemy
One down !
Surrender or die !
More are coming !
This one won’t cause trouble anymore !
Who’s next ?
Nobody escapes an Eternal.
When leveling up
My ascent keeps going …
How many years now …?
Strength is survival.
They’ll all pay !
Spotting a Badass
In cover, quickly !
holy ■■■■ TROUBLE HERE !
Reload and go !
You don’t scare me, Badass.
You are the next.
Killing a Badass
You can’t stop me, nobody can !
I’m invincible ! Invulnerable !
My powers are better than everything you’ve dreamed of !
Unfortunate … at least for you.
No second wind for you.
When Ascending
Multi Kills
intense war scream
Getting a Critical Kill
Bullseye !
This one is down !
Silent, but deadly …
When the lights go down, when the truth is spoken, when reality shows … things go bad.
I’m hungry, damnit …
We’re sitting here ? Let’s workout then ! Push ups !
My left hand is more purple, even more than before …
For how long I didn’t sleep ?
The Dahl corporation … one day, I’ll wipe out this bullsh*t company.
When finding good loot
I knew Pandora was good business !
Wow, that is next level ■■■■ right here …
Made to kill, but so beautiful.
deep breath another thing to carry …
When stacking Secret Powers
I feel the power inside me.
This is gonna get loud.
1… 2… 3… 4…
When reaching max stacks of Secret Powers
Stacking Incitement
Come here you bitch !
I got some thick skin.
Reaching max Incitement stacks
Told ya, i’m stronger now !
Being revived
Thank you mate !
Appreciate it !
Careful dude !
Reviving an ally
I got ya !
Nobody dies when I’m here !
No more death !
Get up comrade, we’ve got things to do !
Breathe … i’m here now, it’s okay.
Entering FFYL
No, not now !
F*ck meeee …
deep breath
Transforming into an Eternal Unstable
When about to explode
argh, ARGH … FOR MY FAMILY !!!
While Phasewalking
Get good, wankers
Behind ya !
HAHAHAHAHA !!! Too fun !
While transformed into a Tempest
This is my true power !
Tactical superiority !
While transformed into a Frenzy
very intense breathing
Thanks @BanditNation for the post structure !