Need Advice in regards to levelling a friend without ruining the game for him

Hi guys, need some advice

Me and a friend are currently playing through borderlands 2 on the PS4/ both of us are lvl 40ish and we are having a friend join us soon starting at lvl 1.

I want to know if we bring him into true vault hunter mode from the start of the game and quickly carry him up to our level doing missions etc… Whether it will allow him when playing the game solo not in true vault hunter mode to skip through what he has already played or whether it will let him just carry on in true vault hunter dispite not having unlocked it himself.

Want to know whether it’s possible to cut corners without having him tied to just playing with us and then been way over powered when he plays on his own

If there is any other way of catching him up without ruining the experience it would be good to know.

If we have to just start new characters with him and go through the levels with him we will

if it is done in TVHM in your game, then when he plays his game Solo, he will have to complete all NVHM in his game, but when he enters TVHM in his game, the game will give him the optin to skip the parts that were completed in the CO-Op TVHM game.

(note, I am assuming that he has either not started NVHM yet or has just barley started it on his own)

Yes if you level him up to you in your TVHM game then he will be overpowered in his NVHM game

About the only way I can think of at least not to ruin the experience of the game on his main toon, would be to have him start a new toon to play in your co-op game , power level that toon up to your level, equip it/him with decent Guns/Gear and play the game, that way he can take his main up through the game at his own pace.

or yes start new toons and start a new game that way


This is fantastic advice

What Lunatic said. Each playthrough is separate from the others, so the quests he does in True won’t be applied to Normal mode. The same goes with Ultimate mode. I would just start over new and go through Normal mode once so your friend can experience the story and get a handle on the game mechanics. After that, you can take him into True and powerlevel him if necessary.


Thanks for the advice.

Think we will start him on Normal mode using fresh characters but just do main story then power level him on true vault hunter mode where we can then do all the quests with it scaling.