Some of you might not know about this but… +%Granade damage also boosts the overall damage of some weapons, and I am not talking just about the Tediore reloads.
Some of the weapons that cause splash damage get buffed by this stat (actually, the splash damage gets boosted not the bullet itself) Here:
is a short video explaining pretty much how Granade damage works, I recommend you to watch it if you don’t know how it works, it’s interesting.
Also, you can take look at this post about splash damage: [Guide] Splash damage guide
And here is a list of some of the weapons that GET boosted by grenade damage:
Assault Rifles: Kerblaster(child grenade only) Ogre Non-red text Torgue Assault rifles(Non-torgue Barrel) Hail Evil Smasher
The question is, Do you guys think it was intended with a misleading tooltip or it is just a glitch? I mean cmon, your +to grenade damage is boosting your Grog Nozzle/hellfire damage? that is some fine nonsense right there.
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(So long, and thanks for all the fish)
The misleading thing is “grenade damage” since this is a bonus to splash damage, but “splash damage” isn’t as clear and straightforward as “grenade”, and it isn’t a term that is used at all in-game, so they probably used that formulation for the sake of ease of understanding.
I think it was intended, since there are like 3-6 different types of splash in the game, some affected by grenade damage bonus, some not, so they definitely could have made it to not apply if they wanted to.
I think that the fact that it applies to guns with splash is great: it makes the game more interesting and the mechanics deeper. It definitely makes some characters like Axton and Krieg more interesting.
If that helps you make sense of it, you can always think of bullets from guns with splash as tiny grenades, since they do explode on impact.
Doesn’t grenade damage impact the damage dealt by Torgue weapons, as it’s basically an explosive damage bonus? Swear I heard it from somewhere. But I’m too sleepy to care right now
bet here is another thing my innovatory is nothing but legendary weapons and most of them are plasma and the other half is normal rounds y is it all setup like that once all the legendary weapons in my innovatory it changes all my stats on the game?
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(So long, and thanks for all the fish)
Not entirely sure what you’re asking here. However, I will note that you can change the sort order of your inventory. On XB1/360, for example, you use LT/RT to cycle through the different options. One option is to sort by value/rarity.