What's the Best fire element pistol?

What’s the Best fire element pistol? Need one for those resistant to corrosive like snowmen. As Salvador don’t like 2x Unkempt Harold too slow firing, I can output more damage with 2x Twin Teapot cause it’s fast firing, can kill anything from flesh to robots to shield wielding enemies to flying enemies to armored enemies but not snowman.

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not really a best. But for fire rate, i’d say get yourself a fire butcher.

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fire i mean burn element not fire rate and pistol

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Try a fire anarchist.



The Maliwan Umbrage is a fantastic elemental gun too. It has the same Vladof barrel as the Anarchist


gonna try that on snowmen if effective

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Really though the snowman will die to anything. In like 5 seconds.

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Except for poison. Since I’m using 2x Teapot for Salvador that can kill everything else and don’t like unkempt harold too slow fire rate

Last time I went through that DLC on my LBT build I had to resort to using a Bekah and fire elemental Hail. They resist shock aswel appearantly.

Also, I second the Anarchist.


If I could have only one, I’d take Flynt’s Tinderbox.

For everyone else (and I see you’re playing Salvador), I’d grab a fire Lady Fist and skip Steady As She Goes: great fire pistol plus offhand crit damage if you’re so inclined.

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