I’ve been messing around a little with the UCP and I have to say it’s fun. It’s sparking my interest in the game again so it’s nice to pull an old friend off the shelves and give it new life.
Problem is, there’s so many changes that I don’t even know where to start. The last time I played OP wasn’t even a thing, so not only am I out of the loop on strategy but I’m also out of the loop with new strategy involving the UCP.
Axton and Maya were always my favorites (because I hate weapon swapping for slag and they can slag with powers), but now there’s so many more viable options with the other characters…apparently even a shock Gaige (which was something I had wanted but the base game never managed to pull it off well). Also saw a really interesting Axton that uses Rough Rider + Pointman, apparently it’s super tanky. The big thing that always turned me away from wanting to continue the game was how stupidly squishy OP levels looked. Health gate abuse and stuff like that felt like too much cheese, not enough actual gameplay.
I’m working on two characters right now, one for solo, one for duo with my wife. Just not sure who I want to play. I suppose that’s a good thing, one super obvious choice is never fun, but some ideas would be great since I’m kind of flying blind right now. Who would you say is the best soloer and the best duoer? Actually, I already know Maya is the best duoer, but if she also happens to be the best soloer…than a new duo char will be needed. Obviously any character can make it to the end with enough patience but some chars have it easier than others, some are less gear reliant, some are less (ugh) slag weapon reliant, etc. Have I mentioned I hate slag weapons -_-;; swap swap swap swap (although the buffed chulainn may be an exception, I always loved shock weapons and this also slags ) . At least Magic Missile is a thing which will save me 99% of that stupid weapon swapping nonsense
It should be noted I’m trying to avoid some of the stupidly OP stuff…Beehawk, Shamfleeting, grognozzle, sal in general…stuff like that. If I need to use it to solo a raid, so be it, but wandering around the world, boss hunting, stuff like that…I would really like to avoid the things that turn the game into a sleeper.
The biggest thing I want out of my character is being tanky without reliance on the grog of silliness. I really hate dying, it makes me feel like I’ve somehow built my character wrong (despite the fact that gear and occasional circumstance can kill, especially BA fire threshers…). I saw a video of the RR axton I mentioned above and they seem surprisingly tanky in OP8. I haven’t found any good video’s of maya or gaige using the UCP (although I did find an interesting looking guide about a binder maya, but no life tap? Still looked interesting, like a pinball machine) so I’m not sure what else I have to work with. Krieg was also always a popular one for tanking damage but he bores me to tears until 32+ so not sure I have the willpower to try him again. I have zero interest in playing zero or sal, but anything else is on the table for suggestions.
Sorry for the long post Thanks for any ideas.