Is anyone else having trouble getting elemental infinities to drop?

Me and a buddy have been farming mercy off and on for weeks and it is all NE. Anyone else? Or do the drop gods just think we are funny?


I love the Infinity, but I canā€™t farm them for specifics. I do a lot of Peak runs and let them happen.


Elemental versions are harder to get on a lot of items. Itā€™s the same with elemental Bitches and immune Bees. You just need a lot of luck. Donā€™t worry, itā€™s not you or your buddy. Theyā€™re equally rare for everyone.

I think I read somewhere on here itā€™s just the way the game rolls for weapons parts. Assuming there are no special weapon locked parts or other coded limitations (such as there is no such thing as a legit slag Infinity, and Jakobs weapons outside of those few outliers), there is a chance a given generated weapon will be elemental, and then the game rolls to decide which element it is. The logic being if each individual element (fire, shock, slag, corrosive) had its own chance in that first pool, it would be multiplying the chances for an elemental gun to spawn.

I feel your pain. It took me forever to farm shock, fire, and corrosive Bitches. :slight_smile:

Got quite a few inifinitys, but all rapid though no element lately

I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever even seen an elemental Infinity. I seem to recall several people on these forums claiming that the Infinity is less likely to spawn with an element than other legendaries.

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Iā€™ve seen many an Infinity and only one elemental (shock). But if you farm for a long enough timeā€¦


Thatā€™s the only element Iā€™ve ever had drop. But Doc hates me and doesnā€™t give me many Infinity Pistols to begin with.

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Throughout all my playthroughs on all characters, Iā€™ve had two shock and one corrosive Infinity drop (I remember that one dropped from a BA loader in the Hyperion installation where Old Slappy lives.) No fire ones yet. The rest have been the default Rapid, save for the one Unending Infinity that I found in a cardboard box. ā€˜Unendingā€™ = magazine size boost, in other words completely pointless on an Infinity. :wink: ā€œUnending Infinityā€ sounds kinda cool though, straight from the Redundant Department of Redundancies.


I never farm him but Iā€™ve got quite a few elemental ones in the peak, always to be thrown off the nearest cliff


Hey, I like my infinities! When I first got one it was before I did any research into legendaries so I thought the game had glitched in my favour :stuck_out_tongue:

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I like making the butcher into an infinity with sal


@bsandyman This, I always hate farming Doc Mercy, for me heā€™s as tight or tighter with his drops then Bunker. That being said first time I farmed him on OP 8 he drops a Corrosive Vengeful Infinity at OP 8


I remember my first one: my very first playthrough on my very first character. Doing the Doc Mercy mission, Doc dropped it (beginnerā€™s luck I guess), I picked it up and thought ā€œhmm cool, this is like the Dove from Borderlands 1ā€¦ but itā€™s orange, coolā€¦ā€ (This actually wasnā€™t my first-ever legendaryā€¦ that award goes to a Nasty Surprise that something dropped in Southern Shelf if I remember right.)

Donā€™t really have much use for themā€¦ for awhile I used one a lot with Zer0 because it goes well with OSOK. That corrosive one that dropped was very timely for the upcoming Overlook/Beacon fight. And I used one with Axton to fight Hyperius when I had no idea what I was doing: using the Infinity to kill all the loader minions first, so I could save my ammo for Hyperius himself, heh. What a long, grindy, silly fight that was. :slight_smile:


I have several Infinities but the only elemental one that Iā€™m sure of is a level 68 shock Vengeful Infinity- I may have one other but Iā€™d have to checkā€¦ @Rumplebunny- I too killed Hyperious with Axton using an Infinity (or was it Col Mustard in the Garden with a Wrench?)- this may have to become some sort of challenge at some point :grin:ā€¦


Itā€™s good to know that this is a feature of RNG (if Iā€™m interpreting things right!). Iā€™ve noticed it with quite a few ostensibly elemental legendaries - Iā€™ve only ever seen one elemental Sledgeā€™s Shotgun, never seen an elemental Bitch, same with Emperorā€¦ wouldnā€™t have known some guns could be elemental without checking the Wiki.

Among my many mules Iā€™m sure I have at least one or two elemental Bitches and Emperors (most likely slag) and Iā€™ve only seen a slag Sledgeā€™s Shotgun (Iā€™m using it on Reverend Pain as a matter of fact). I wasnā€™t aware that they could come in other elementsā€¦

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I love Sledgeā€™s Shotgun so much :grin:

Iā€™ve used the corrosive Infinity to kill Hypeā€™s bots, too! Iā€™ve actually done that with Axton and Sal. When I did it with Sal, I used corrosive on the bots, then killed Hype with a fire Infinity. That was not quick.

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You should try the BL1 version. You can send things flying across the map on kill.