UVHM without Regular/TVHM

Hello there. Just beat the UVHM with my maya recently (farming some gear atm). And decided to lvlup another character. Is there any way to start game from UVHM/lvl50 character w/o playing the campaighn another 2 times on lower difficulties?

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Not without a piece of third party software we don’t discuss here because of the consoles’ ToS. If you start a new character you’ll have to go through NVHM and TVHM again.


I see, thanks =]

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I deliberately left that info out.


I really hope this changes in BL3. Multiple mandatory playthroughs to get to the highest difficulty needs to go.


Actually there is a way, but it involves a glitch which illegitimately places your characters at the same level of another character, and no it doesn’t involve any third part software. Only a second controller.


I am PC player =]

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Mentioning said software and discussing how to use it are two different things and I don’t see why the former should be censored.


That’s the reason why? Didn’t know this.


You can still use controllers on PC.

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You can’t play split-screen on PC.


Ah. Well then I guess the OP will have to run through NVHM, and TVHM normally.


I figure, people that want it, will find it.

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On PC just find another player willing to share one of their save files and copy that save into your saved game folder. You may have to rename the file if it clashes with one of your save file names. You can reset the progress and delete any gear if you don’t want to use the gear from the save. I’ve done that on every BL game between computers in my house and with friends. I’d bet there are places you can find with Google that have shared saves.

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Now THAT, is VERY much against the ToS, and against the rules of the forums.

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Where in the TOS for the game or the forum rules does it state that a PC player cannot tell someone that he can just copy a save file from one pc to another?

save transfer between players is against the ToS. Maybe read the Eula? And it’s against the rules here because this is the official gearbox forums.

I’m no lawyer but the documents you refer to do not mention save game files at all. For instance the GBX Forum Rules do not mention the discussion of save game files but I suppose in a broad interpretation of the rule against the discussion of duplicating items telling someone they can just copy a save game file from another player into their own game folder and begin playing that character could be a violation of the forum rule. If so the-powers-that-be have my apology for the breach of forum policy. I was simply trying to provide a solution to a fellow PC player’s issue.

Borderlands 2 EULA

GBX Forum Rules

@Poisonedbite if you know of another document that does cover the save game files, please PM me. I want to be as well-informed as possible.

Any persons copying, reproducing, or distributing all or any portion of the Software in any manner or medium, will be willfully violating the copyright laws and may be subject to civil and criminal penalties in the U.S. or their local country

You agree not to:
make a copy of the Software or any part thereof

etc, etc.
as i said, read it.

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