What is one thing (or more) you never get bored of seeing or doing?

For me I HAVE to watch the singing psycho every time I go to Gingerton. I donā€™t know why, I just love it. Also never gets boring letting all the Goliaths level up and watching them rage smash their buddies. :sweat_smile:


Watching the banter between Johnny Waffles and Claptrap in Sanctuary :blush:

Forum ID: Poisd2Strike
GT: Poisd2Strike
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Maya OP8 | Banshee RR / NRR | Binder | Cat | Nurse | Siren | Trickster B / M


Shredding Hyperius with the Legendary Killer (Zer0).

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Sometimes I actually stand right in the middle of the snowmen audience and crouch to watch it. I always at least activate the stage when farming the loot train, even if I donā€™t watch the show. I make my character dance during Claptrapā€™s birthday party, every time. I also love shooting McShooty in the face. His ā€œthank you!ā€ always makes me laugh. I just love those little non-missions. Theyā€™re just a breath of fresh air in every playthrough.

Let me seeā€¦ Oh, I never get tired of seeing Claptrap finally release his anger at the beginning of the Talon of God mission. His line about tearing the planet a new one gets me every time. The line delivery combined with the way he runs away after saying it is just too funny. Itā€™s one of those moments Iā€™m always looking forward to every playthrough.


@Gut0nez Damn, Forgot about that part. Clappy is usually annoying to me, But I LOVE him on that mission.

ā€œStairs?! NOOOOOOOO!!ā€ :joy:


Every single one of his lines during that mission, from the moment you meet him to the point the stairs are revealed, is just pure gold.

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Definitely some of the best dialog in the story imo.

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I always love the ā€œawwww, dammitā€¦ā€ comments you get from tossing a grenade at a wounded Nomad. I bust out laughing every time.

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The ā€œNo. Stop that. Ouchā€ of a Loader as you shoot its various limbs off


Most of the enemiesā€™ lines are fun, and there are so many of them in so many different situations that Iā€™m always hearing something new. I especially like the lines of the Nomads, Bruisers and Marauders, and the dialog between the Marauders at the start of Southpaw Steam and Power.

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I hate the Rats, loot stealing hoppity b*****d, but I do love setting them on fire to hear them say ā€œI smell Deliciousā€

I like claptrap, I find him amusing, but my favourite is when you have to get back to sanctuary after the phase shift, and do the side mission of blowing up the furnaces, and he has to continually explain what a joke is, and how jokes work, and WHY he literally just told the funniest joke that has ever existed.

Also a big fan of the side mission for scooter, and Daisy kills herself rather than live knowing Scooter is interested in her.


Just one? Enraging Goliaths

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@Adabiviak Added ā€œor moreā€ to the title just for you. :+1::slight_smile:

This !

I donā€™t know the english version, but the poetry in french version is soooooo funny :slight_smile:
We recorded it to hear it again and again ! :joy:

Last french sentence could sound like that in english :
" Iā€™ll hang myself at my tombstone
if you donā€™t let me play with your a**hole"

:joy: :joy: :joy:


Digistruct Peak

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As a 5 year Borderlands fan who came back from Destiny i must say using Salvador and the unkempt harold and destroying everything is to much fun.Borderlands gives a lot of freedom and i love that


The Kill Yourself mission from Jack in Eriduim Blights- the first time I played the game hearing that made me want to hurry to the final showdown more than anything, that arrogant SOBā€¦ and the Claptrap dialogue at the Talon of God mission. ā€œYou killed my friends, you destroyed my product line! I, am the last Claptrap unit in existence, and I AM GOING TO TEABAG YOUR CORPSE!!!ā€



  1. Killing enemies with the ā€œworstā€ gear, ā€œbrokenā€ skills, and ā€œun-viableā€ game mechanics: I love playing the game regardless, but the worse the popular opinion is about something, the sweeter the icing on the cake when I use it.
  2. Playing with Physx particles on high: I mean I will still just go play in the purple and green muck sometimes, throw singularity grenades next to damaged tarps to watch them get pulled and shredded, or fill the sky with burning cinders just to make it rain.
  3. Finding rare gear: I continue to play the game because I find the combat to be unparalleled. I already have basically every piece of gear I want, but itā€™s still neat to see an orange or pearlescent drop just because itā€™s a rare event (and they fund my rocket launcher expense account).
  4. Piling on as many game mechanics into a single bit of combat as possible: Really think about how many different things go into calculating damage, both active and passive in regular combat.
  5. Using the vertical spaces in maps. This is one of the first (only?) games where the jump mechanic is a fun addition to the gameplay. Some have it just to clear gaps, but the ability to jump over the top of average-sized enemies adds a lot of fun avenues for dispatching enemies. It also (combined with the map design) allows me to get to places that add another full dimension to strategy and combat options (and the lack of fall damage just makes it even better). Sneaking into enemy encampments the ā€œhardā€ way, finding high rooftops for distance sniping, just exploring all this extra space on the map. Seriously, when I go play any other game, it feels like my feet are hobbled. The Pre-Sequel made this even better with the low gravity, oxygen-assisted jumps, and the butt slam combat mechanic added to it. Can there ever be too many ways to dispatch enemies?

Ulysses the Goliath ā€œescapingā€ from Pandora. I have to watch it every time :smile:


I never invite randoms to my game, with the exception of Claptrapā€™s Birthday Bash.

The requirement is that they play Gaige. Depending on which character I play at the moment, Clappy will have either seven or eight guests at his party.

The poor chap needs the encouragement.