What is the best class?

id like to now what the best class is (dlc included)
and who is the best one out of them?

For Raid bosses.

For laid back gameplay.

My personal favorite. Chaotic and wonderful.

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The best class is the one you enjoy playing the most. Try them all. Stick with what works best for you.


Technically the best is salvador because he breaks the games mechanics every time you do anything with him.
But heā€™s also the most pathetic for a player to play as.
I watch random twitch streams a lot and I always skip the sal ones because those people are too boring and simple minded for me unless they are dual wielding flakkers.


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This is too broad of a question to be answered in any meaningful way

Define ā€œbestā€

Is the best one the most powerful ?
the easiest to clear the game with ?
the most fun to play ?
the one that requires the least amount of high end gear to work great ?
the best against bosses ?
the best for mobbing ?
Single player/Multiplayer ?

this is kinda like asking what the best car is without mentioning how many people it needs to sit, your budget, where you live and what you plan to use it forā€¦ I could say a Ferrari (because itā€™s a great performance car) but if you have 4 kids and earn 40k/year, itā€™s a meaningless answer

Likewise, if youā€™re asking that so that you can play the game once without too much trouble, the answer will be different from if your goal is to master the game at OP8 and solo raid bosses in record time

If you donā€™t have a specific goal in mind, then this applies:

since Borderlands 2 is a GAME, and games are meant to be fun, the ā€œbestā€ character is the one you find the most fun playing.


Shove them in the trunk and steal one.


I shoved the Ferrari in my trunk. Admittedly, it isnā€™t very bigā€¦

Every other way you say that sentence sounds really really wrong.

Salvador is the ā€˜easy modeā€™ class, if you use a Grog Nozzle + Unkempt Harold. Heā€™s the easiest (safest) to kill most raid bosses with early on, because he can get some down without as much strategy. For example, my first Hyperius kill was with him, and I literally ground the entire fight by using Grog + Infinity, without really strategizing. As far as fun goesā€¦ Iā€™m going to be perfectly honest and admit that I use him as a change of pace for when I feel like face rolling things. That can be fun. Heā€™s the only class Iā€™ve been able to solo Murderlinā€™s and the Ancient Dragons with on OP8.

Axton has pretty much been the next easiest for me. Second easiest for OP8 Digistruct Peak runs (again, Sal is easy mode), and heā€™s strong for raid solos. Heā€™s very, very good. Badly underrated, in my opinion, and has multiple build and play style options that are highly effective and fun. I would say that heā€™s up there with Gaige for most style options.

Maya is the best class to pair with just about anything else, and is awesome for solo play. Pretty strong in the Peak, very good for solo raiding. The margin for error is smaller with her than Sal or Axton when raiding, but I kill Hyperius, Son of Craw, and Pete faster with her than I do with them.

Gaige is weird. Sheā€™s similar to Axton in power and versatility, but she has quirks to get used to, and Iā€™d say she needs more specific gear to be dominant. Sheā€™s less intuitive for me because of Anarchy, so sheā€™s harder for me to run at OP8 on Peak or raid solos. Havenā€™t completed any raid solos with her at all, and I fail Peak runs with her more than I get through.

Zero is toughest to master, but is among the most powerful. If you get him down, he may be the best for raid solos. Iā€™m still on OP4 or OP5 with him. Havenā€™t been able to get that next win, yet.

Kriegā€¦ Iā€™m not qualified to say.

My top 3, in order:

  1. Maya
  2. Axton
  3. Sal

Is that good? :confused:

[quote=ā€œHandsome_Dad, post:10, topic:1539174ā€]
Salvador is the ā€˜easy modeā€™ class, if you use a Grog Nozzle + Unkempt Harold.
[/quote]There is easier and better. Thatā€™s just the typical thing.

Not really. Heā€™s just better than other things we have to compare.

Yes, very. Look at deputy sal and ladyfist shenanigans.

i would say the most fun one

and btw. does the axe throwing with krieg make more damage than meleeing someone with the axe? or is it same or less damage

Iā€™m of the opinion that Axton is underrated for solo raids. Gee is obnoxious with him (probably more so than Gee is obnoxious for others), but heā€™s fantastic for Hyperius, Craw, Pete, Dex, and probably Vermi (who refuses to spawn for me). Really, the Dragons, Vora, and Gee are annoying or tricky for everyone.

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I main Axton and Iā€™ve written dozens of guides for him including on how to raid how to raid.

Heā€™s not underrated heā€™s under powered.
The two raids you listed are easy for everyone, the other three arenā€™t what I would call raids and Craw is not a raid, itā€™s just a boss with a lot of health.

Dragons are easy for everyone also.
Vora is tricky and Gee doesnā€™t exist in my mind.

What about terra? Heā€™s the most useful on terra because of double up.

ā€œRaid vs not raidā€ aside, you just said only Vora is tricky. How does that support your position? Further, I am clearly a know nothing scrub, and I have taken Axton solo to OP8, and easily clear the Peak and multiple Invincibles with him. How is this possible with an underpowered class?

How are you defining underpowered?

Iā€™ve done the same with all of the characters.

You can do anything solo with an underpowered thing, like you can take down OP8 terra with a lvl1 repeater. It will just take fiveever.

Iā€™m defining underpowered as underpowered.

He has a lot of lack luster skills that donā€™t help on raids minus grit and double up, plus excluding chuckxton he is one of the slowest to kill a raid and chuckxton isnā€™t the easiest thing to do on a controller or without macros.
Heā€™s low tier in raiding and low tier in mobbing and only slightly above gaige in both.
Heā€™s slightly higher than Maya in raiding.

Kreig, Sal, Zero are simply put the best in the game. Maya is one of the best for mobbing also.

Compare him to others and he is fairly underwhelming.

A thrown buzz axe normally does less damage than the normal melee. However, if you spec in the Buzz Axe Bombardier it also counts as a grenade which means it will be boosted by Fuel the Blood. Get enough stacks and 5/5 (or more!) in it and the thrown buzz axe outdamages the normal melee by quite a bit since all the melee damage bonuses on it, including Silence the Voices, are multiplied (not sure about roid though) by FtB. Makes life as Krieg far more safe.
For added fun you can also slap on the Sheriffā€™s Badge as the thrown buzz axe receives the Pistol fire rate boost, because Borderlands logic, making them that much faster. Although itā€™s not advisable on OP8.

That was the worst part about the top gear for krieg. I met so much opposition when I said it wasnā€™t OP8 material just for the axe and stupid for optimization.

Iā€™ll be a bit more specific here with regard to my filter for defining ā€˜underpoweredā€™: to me, ā€˜underpoweredā€™ means that there are specific deficiencies which prevent a subject (class, item, etc) from being used to consistently overcome game objectives.

In other words, if a player does his/her part correctly, and is held back by the class/item/etc, then ā€˜underpoweredā€™ becomes appropriate language. By this definition, it couldnā€™t be true that the Dragons are easy with an underpowered class, to use one example.

ā€˜Low tierā€™ for mobbing? That feels like an intentional troll. Are you Flakking with me?