Did you have trouble thinking who you should TVHM/UVHM with?

I just finished the game with Axton, the reason I picked him is simple :slight_smile: I picked Roland in BLā€™s seemed fitting by picking Axton cause he had a turret as well.

Iā€™m in TVHM right now, and Iā€™m just about to head over to the Fire Hawke. Itā€™s just right now, Iā€™m really thinking of trying someone new. (not deleting Axton, oh hell no lol) I mean just make a new character and finish VHM with him, so I have two characters in TVHM.

This is very troublesome I do wanna go through TVHM with my Axton, itā€™s justā€“in a sense I think Iā€™m getting bored of himā€¦not bored enough to delete him but bored enough to kinda wanna explore different characters.

Did you have trouble thinking who youā€™re ā€œMainā€ characters will be? The one that you will go through TVHM/UVHM with?

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I mained commando for soooo long heā€™s OP8 but after a hiatis from bl2 i came back and made my gunzerker after seeing them wreck raid bosses solo so well.
Dude my advice if ur after a change is roll one, theyre f&$@n badass! I soloā€™d terramorphis and hyperius on op8 yesterday after two tries on both. Heaps of fun

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Ah one of my dreams for this game is to fight those raid bosses one on one with my solo characters ;D it does sounds heaps of fun <3

I love Axton he will always hold the title of being my first, itā€™s just right now idkā€¦Iā€™m considering a melee characters mostly towards Zer0. I would also think Krieg but heā€™s my Co-op characters currently :smile:

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If youā€™re getting bored go and try Zer0. He is the most difficult character to play as but is also one of the most lethal when used right.

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Wasnā€™t much trouble to decide which character I started UVHM with, Gaige was the only character back then that was over level 50 already.
Getting to the new cap wasnā€™t fun at first however, now I have her at OP8 and find it too easy.

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My Zer0 was the first character I cleared TVHM/UVHM with, but after that I made a gunzerker and found the world of pure destruction I was missing out on. I can destroy anything aside from Voracidous on him using only 2 guns, my DPUH, and my rubi (I donā€™t have a loot hunt grog so I make due with a rubi). All my characters are level 72 now, but my gunzerker will forever be my main.

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Krieg. Just because he was made with OPā€™s in mind as Gaige does.


I had no trouble at all. My first character was Salvador and for a long time I only played as him. So I took him to 50 in vanilla, then on to 61 and 72.

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i took zer0, maya, and krieg to op8.

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Nope: I knew Iā€™d bring one of each character to at least level 72 as soon as it was released (except for Krieg, as I donā€™t own him). Prior to that, I could fill two skill trees to their capstone and just tickle the top of a third tree. These extra skill points mean that I can now get three full skills in a third tree as well. Maya with Thoughtlock and Ruin can now also get Converge. Axton with Double Up and Gemini can now also get Longbow. Zer0 with Death Bl0ssom and Many Must Fall, can now also get B0re. Those 11 points add a lot of gameplay options and damage output to all the characters; even if I wasnā€™t down for romping through UVHM, those extra skill points had me at hello.

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Nope. I just jumped into it. Didnā€™t even think about it.

That was waaaay before joining the forums, and before my knowledge of UVHM was improved.

I actually reset UVHM with Axton (whom Iā€™ve just got up to 10 days of playtime with) to hit the level cap. My first run gear was all over the place, with Greed and a fire E-Tech sniper rifle. My build wasnā€™t that great either, but once I had joined the forums and found tips on how to beat UVHM it was a cakewalk.

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I tried this game on a friendā€™s system and started with Sal and Zero. Once I got it for my own I started with Axton and eventually did all of them up to OP8. For me it wasnā€™t a question of who to use but of ā€˜do I do everyone to the same level first or hit max level with one and then choose another?ā€™

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You mean Res? :wink:

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Did I mix those trees up? :dancers:

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Would you mind helping me if you have an Xbox one?

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Donā€™t you already have a thread asking for help? Anyway, Iā€™ve asked that it be moved to the XBOX Online play/trade section so youā€™ll more likely get some help.

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Hey thanks a lot dude


2 posts were split to a new topic: Cant pick certain characters

No trouble for me. Finished the game with Gaige, so it just seemed right to take her into TVHM and now Iā€™m in UVHM and getting my butt handed to me every which way possible. Playing solo, btw, and sheā€™s at level 66.

As a break, started Maya and just digging her Phaselock action skill. Currently at level 50 and in TVHM. Wanna see what she can do in UVHM.

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