Noob questions about TVHM and UVHM

Hello All,
I’m a BL2 noob, only been playing for a couple months now.
Last night I just finished TVHM that put me at level 50. I want to move on to UVHM, but would like to stay in TVHM for bit and maybe improve my skills a bit.
I’ll admit, there where a number of levels in TVHM that gave me trouble but I just powered through. I would like to play back through them. I also like farming guns and would like to do that. And finally I would like to do some of the DLC.
My worry is that if I do these things, I’ll over-level my character for UVHM. Like I said, there was enough in TVHM that gave me problems I’m afraid UVHM would just destroy me whichever way I went right now.
I suppose another option would be to stay in TVHM with my current character and when ready start another character. But then I would have to play through NVHM and TVHM again.
What do you guys suggest?


I’m guessing you have the full game already. That being the case, you’ll continue to gain XP and levels in TVHM (although much more slowly) past level 50. The problem with this is that any gear you find along the way in TVHM will be capped at level 50, while when you start UVHM it will be at your character level. So your weapons will already be out-levelled.

I’d suggest a couple of things, then:

  1. Start a different character and bring them up through NVHM and TVHM. Maybe your struggles were in part because the character you chose did not fit well with your play-style.
  2. Start your main character in to UVHM, but take your time and don’t rush. This will open up a chance to find levelled gear so that even if you can more levels in TVHM, you won’t be completely stuck.
  3. Take a look at the advice thread for UVHM generally and your character specifically - you may just be missing key information. Knowledge is power!

The other thing to be aware of is that your character may have some skills in their tree you are using that don’t scale well in UVHM, so take a look in the relevant section for their skills guide, and then post any questions you may have.


Few questions then i can help more. What character? Which dlcs? Do you mind farming?

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Zer0, I have all the DLCs and I don’t mind farming at all. I rather enjoy it.

Even on my normal play through I farmed quite a bit, even though it got outleveled fairly quick. I had the DPUH, Lyuda, and Hammer Buster for the end of the game. Even though the DPUH was only level 15 it worked well throughout NVHM.

First thing I did after TVHM was farm a Harold, but it’s not DP. I may also farm a Lyuda as I really like that gun, but I be mindful not to over level.

I should also mention I have a Sal character as well, he’s level 34 and nearing the end of NVHM, for a bit I just used him to farm legendaries for Zer0, and also get money and eridium.


DP is grossly overrated anyways. I prefer Intense ( fire rate ) with Zer0.
A Slagga would be a handy thing to get, if you sided with Mick.


Well I’m not a zero player, but I’ll link you this

If you enjoy farming UVHM is a lot easier. Jefe, @nat_zero_six can help a lot more


I’ve farmed that with my Sal character, but never did that mission with Zer0. Should I do that mission(Clan Wars, I think) now? Again, I’m not trying to level up.
I also got a Conference call w/ slag last night when I finished TVHM. I’m guessing the slagga would be more effective? I do understand that slag is almost a necessity in UVHM.

Yes, I’ve farmed a bunch of stuff since I’ve learned about it. So far I’ve been pretty lucky.

I know in TVHM and NVHM sometimes farming alone would raise my level. That’s what I don’t want to happen, from what I understand (before starting UVHM).


Clan Wars is an annoying mission ; but yes, more importantly it gives a ton of XP. I’d just give Sal’s Slagga to Zer0 and find another slagger for Sal ( like a Rubi!! ). That slag CC is a great thing to have, but it will burn through precious ammo just acting as a slag tool. And the Slagga is second only to the Pimpernel as a slag tool - plus it’s extremely effective with B0re.


Mind using this to show your build?

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As far as the farming and leveling go, I would recommend doing it all in uvhm. The reason being tvhm stops at level 50, so if you get yourself up to level 55 you’ll be in trouble in uvhm. The enemies scale to your level, and you’ll only have level 50 gear, which wouldn’t matter so much in normal or true, but uvhm will punish you for using under leveled gear.
Completely honestly, I wouldn’t farm at all until you hit 72/op8 since all that stuff you get would be mostly useless and you might feel as if you’ve wasted tons of time. Then again, it eases the leveling process to have good gear, so it comes down to preference.


I would say yes, just because you’re not getting the Slagga for its stopping power. You’ll inevitably level up some in the process, but not as much as if you were, say, level 48 still. As long as you’re not too far beyond level 51 when you start UVHM you should be fine (level 53 would be my absolute limit before starting UVHM, otherwise it would be Golden Keys times!)

And seeing as how you ran Zer0 - yes, I can see that you might have struggled with a few things through TVHM! Build is really important in UVHM - as important as gear (possibly more so) - so definitely check out the Zer0 community resources and ask any questions about appropriate gear/build there.


I will when I get home, at work now.

I understand that. So I think I will mindfully farm as to now level up and quit if it starts looking like I’m reproaching 51. I mostly just want to get the Lyuda and maybe the Hammer Buster.

I’ll also start another character and pass these things down, once my current has no use for them.

I kind of did that with Sal, but then got carried away playing zer0 and surpassed Sal. Now Sal is overleveled in NVHM, but he only has a couple more missions to TVHM.


Since you want a lyuda, you should do the clan war first and side with Mick. This way you can farm the lyuda, veruc, slagga, and nukem all in one run.


In that case Ill just farm it with Sal, hell, I might still have it. Can’t remember.

Definately will. I’m almost embarrased to admit that I was pretty clueless about DeathMark and Kunai till near the end of TVHM. Learning about those things where game changers. I’ve already glanced over the links above, and it looks like a wealth of info.

Much appreciated guys.

Last thing, how do I keep my wife from getting upset with me for playing BL2 in all my free time. She was not nearly excited about my acquisition of an Unkempt Harold as I was.


Get her to play with you, I’ve met tons of married couples that love the game, since it’s so great for co-op. My girlfriend always wants to load up her Maya whenever she comes over, which is ironic since Xbox is at the bottom of the list of things I usually want to do when she’s around.



Also - did you get a Rubi?

We have a club that meets regluarly to comiserate, right @Sun_Tsunami? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Sounds like all the wives need a club too…


The worst is my son is taking the PS4 to college with him in the fall. How am I going to justify bringing in a new console or PC (that’s for Jefe before he asks)?
I’m going to be a sad lil boy in September. :sob:



You still won’t be able to play Borderlands, but at least you’ll have a system you could play on if someone wasn’t binge-watching whatever it is they binge watch!

Joking aside, @Kurtdawg13’s laptop seems to handle Borderlands ok from what I hear, and I don’t think that was hugely expensive?

Of course, I’d also argue that for the sake of your son’s academic success you need to confiscate the PS4 to make sure it doesn’t go to college with him :man_student:



( but seriously, get your ass on PC, Sun )