Here I am going to keep a log of my BNK-3R kills until I get a perfect Sham (94%) if you don’t know. I will be doing a minimum of 10 kills a day possibly more. Also, I’m offline so I have no increased drop rates. If you would like to join me, post your drops here (B!tches, Shams or World drops!)
I’ve farmed him forever and only ever got an Axton head. The Sham is my white whale. Also, offline only.
Yesterday I did my allotted 10 kills and got nothing. I got some cool purples from from the chests. Hopefully I have better luck today!
A friend of mine and I were going after Bunker in UVHM a coupld of weeks ago. Not farming, just going thgrough the story. Got a Fire Bee from the red chest, and Bunker dropped a 94% Sham. Farmed him multiple times since then and have gotten absolutely nothing. RNG be damned. I can make 20 runs and get nothing, he makes 3 and get 2 legendaries. Not fair.
Another 10 kills with nothing. Will probably do 15-20 tomorrow. I saw a sniper with 83% slag chance. That’s ridiculously high! Anyways, more hunting for me!
I did 10-15 online bunker kills the other day and got a purple head, a sham and two bitches. I’m loving the increased drops
This is starting to get a bit ridiculous. Bunker glitched out in the 8th kill a flew like way up after I had killed him. I sat there and watched what looked like a B!tch fall straight into the void. My luck. Other than that, no luck.
I used to farm him for hours before and got absolutely nothing. Since the legendary drop tweaks recently I’ve had a lot more luck. I’ve only really been tracking things since seeing this thread yesterday though. From the 10 runs yesterday I got a single corporate bitch, then in 26 runs so far today I’ve had The Sham drop 4 times (It’s never dropped for me in the past even after several hundred runs). The only down side has been that the highest I’ve had is an 84%. Still searching for that elusive 94%. Given the drop rates for it today though I’m fairly confident I’ll get one before too long.
Oh, I also got a pearlescent from the chest a week or so ago, was quite surprised by that.
Nice! I wish I could go online. I don’t have Wifi though, so no luck for me. I have to be offline. I need to do my runs for today and I hope I get something.
Best thing I’ve ever gotten was a pearl from the bunkers chute thing!
The better loot drops from recently have been a bit of a godsend, without them my luck has been really poor with legendaries. Hopefully yours will improve.
No farming but I got a cutting-edge B*tch from the story kill.
So Wednesday night I did 10 kills, nothing. This is really discouraging so I took a break last night and didn’t do any kills. I’ll resume my reign of terror on the Bunker tonight. Hopefully I’ll get something!
Got a corrosive b*tch, junk sham (77%), and the shrapnel slayer siren head in about 15 kills. Not too shabby.
Yesterday I was surprised to see a legendary laying on the ground. I got a freaking Gub from the Bunker. He is one stingy mother.
Wow, that is so lucky in the worst way.
I did another 30 runs yesterday, I got nothing for the first 25 runs, but I got a Cutting Edge & Analytical Bitch in the last 5. Still no perfect Sham though, and also nothing from the chest. Going to do another 20 runs today (To bring the total up to 100) after I finish off Claptastic Voyage with Jack for the first time.
20 more runs actually turned into 80 more runs (I got a bit carried away). I was getting a bit frustrated after about 55 runs as I’d only had a single Bitch drop very early on, then nothing. I found out at that point that I hadn’t been signed in to PSN the entire time, therefore no hot fix with the updated drop rates…I was not amused. After restarting though I came back for a further 25 runs and found a Rustlers Striker & Legendary Hunter Class Mod in the Chest, a Breach Veruc in the Drip Pool and another Proactive Bitch in the pain loot area. I also found heads for both Axton & Gaige (Who I sadly don’t have). Still no perfect Sham though. I’m beginning to think that only the Sham or the Bitch will drop on any given day, I’ve never had both on the same day before.
On my 10th run yesterday, I got a near perfect Sham (93%). Took a break and quit the game for a few hours. Came back and on run #2 he dropped a Rightsizing Bitch (non-elemental).
Only other Sham I have found was in Zed’s chest in Old Fyrestone during Shields Up Weekend, right before UVHM 2 / Digistruct Peak was released.
Geez. My only Sham ever was on my Zer0 (whom I no longer play on unless I’m boring bunker) and it was 82%. I would flip s*** if I got a 93.
I wasn’t able to play this weekend as I was out of town, but I’ll resume hopefully today. Kinda been bunkered down (no pun intended) due to finals and such. Can’t wait for summer!
Off topic slightly, but I had a problem with connecting to a friends game a week or so ago, and as a last resort, I deleted my game and re-downloaded from Steam. Now, before this I used to get stuff sitting half into the floor after killing Bunker, and once had a bitch fall through the floor and was on the ground outside the Angels chambers. It became a habit to check there for money and loot after every kill.
But I have noticed that ever since reloading the game this doesn’t happen anymore. Everything is on top of the ground now. Any one else have this happen? Just curious.
Also, to stay on topic, I have been farming Bunker for a week now to get a netter bitch for mu lvl 69 Zero. Finally got one after about 30 kills over a 3 day period.