I thought it could be interesting to hear what everyone thinks of FFS and the changes it brought to the game.
The good, the bad and the ugly. How did you like the DLC? Did you like the level cap raise? How about the new OP level raise? Are you happy with the gear? Did it affect your character in any surprising way? Stuff like that.
I’ll post something later about the other stuff but I’ll start with the DLC itself. I quite liked how it gave a closure to BL2 story. The humor was good, the villain was good, seeing a couple of Tales characters in there was rather refreshing. Vaughn was a bit overacted but I guess it fits his character.
While not confusing to me I’d imagine some people might be wondering what the heck is going on as both TPS epilogue and prologue as well as Tales have happened before this DLC while BL2 for other parts is set to happen before those things. Not a complaing but something I was musing about.
The story itself was good. I do find the post Cassius stuff quite stupid tho. Having that oddly specific ECHO telling you what to do when a halfdead Cassius could’ve talked you through it. Why did Cassius not just take a sample of his own blood when he knew he was infected and the equipment to make it is right there in the same room as him?
The enemies in the DLC are IMO overly strong. Most shields in BL2 are mostly for show but the new Pandora troops shields take way too much punishment before dropping. The melee enemies seem to hit harder than any other melee enemies in the game while also having huge hitboxes preventing you from sidestepping or jumping over them to avoid them if they get too close. The Saplings and New Pandora snipers slagging you is annoying AF and New Pandora loves elemental weapons a bit too much. In short, I’m not a fan of the enemy design in this DLC. New Pandora are also often encountered in either closed / narrow spaces or environments with a lot of vertical changes making it very hard to really approach them with any other way than keeping your distance and slowly whitling them down one by one, super tanky shields don’t make this funnier.
The boss designs were a little lacking IMO. Uranus was good. Cassius is quite boring and overly simple. Hector is just a ■■■■■ with a ton of adds and having to keep staring at the sky to prevent more from spawning doesn’t work too well because they are so high that you need to ignore everything else around you to focus on them. It would’ve worked a lot better if the walls weren’t covered in those enemy vines that I think were used quite enough by that point. Hectors cage being so wide that it prevents you from hitting him with melee is a huge oversight IMO considering there are 2 characters out of the 6 who have full skilltrees built for meleeing things. I’ll admit I don’t know if this is a problem for Krieg and he can still throw axes even if it was but Zero can’t use execute on him. It doesn’t reach him and it’s very dumb.
Haderax is… well, way better than Gee or Voracidous as a design. The earlier raids have seemed like an attempt to always make them harder and harder in each DLC to push for them being proper raid bosses but in Haderax case it seems like that design was given up on as it seems like he’s been balanced for solo players. I definitely would not have wanted another Voracidous so I consider this a good thing but they did make Haderax overly easy with how much his mouth crit takes damage.
While I was going to go over other stuff later, since I mentioned Voracidous who the hells idea was it to double his health? If anything it (and all other Stalkers in BL2) would need their crit spots to be made bigger. Nobody asked for this and I’m quite sure no one enjoys the change. Feel free to correct me if you do like it.
The music in this DLC is great and I very much appreciate the areas having unique soundtracks instead of reusing themes from old maps. That never sat very well with me and I’m glad it was not the case here.
And last but absolutely not least:
I never saw any patch notes released for this DLC and the changes that were made with its release. I tried googling them again just now and came up empty. Why is are there no patch notes? Please inform me if they are up somewhere.