Which do you find more fun? NVHM, TVHM or UVHM?

For me, it’s this order:

TVHM is most fun
NVHM is second most fun
UVHM is not much fun to me

UVHM is most fun for me. Since everything is scaled to my level, I can take everything at my own pace, do side missions when I want to, farm for any available gear at any point, etc. Having everything scaled to me makes it the playthrough I look forward to the most.

NVHM is second most fun for me. Typically, if I’m running NVHM at this point, it’s because I’m trying out a new focus for a character, so I’m learning all kinds of new things as I play through. Recently, I specced a Maya all the way down Harmony for the first time. It was a really fresh experience using a new play style with a character I had already spent so much time with.

TVHM is least fun for me. That’s not to say it isn’t fun, but in TVHM, the novelty of a fresh build has worn off a bit, and I’m still constrained by the level requirements of certain missions and enemies. This is really just a slog to get to UVHM at this point for me.


UVHM, or more specifically, OP 8 because I’ve already beaten the game countless times and understand the mechanics, so mobbing at a lower level just isn’t as challenging for me. I still have trouble defeating raid bosses without taking advantage of certain, shall we say tweaks, but I don’t bother with them because general mobbing is so much fun. I usually play with my wife and a friend of ours, so that makes it more fun. I can see how UVHM would be extremely frustrating solo if you didn’t have decent gear and/or didn’t have a full understanding of the game mechanics.


The worst bit about UVHM is getting to the fun part.
The best bit about UVHM is being at the fun part.

Having recently played a whole raft of new characters from scratch, I can see the charms in each mode.

  • NVHM lets you play however you like, explore, and try stupid things while still managing to get through the story.
  • TVHM lets you build characters in multiple, viable ways, and play with a bit more challenge.
  • UVHM (once you’re over the level 55-60 grind) really brings gear and skills together. It can seem like there’s only one way to play a given character, but that’s not actually the case. It requires a bit more effort to find the gear and build synergies that work well, but the reward is some out-standing game play.

I think TVHM is objectively the ‘best’ game mode in terms of mechanical design, because it’s challenging but not overwhelming (as many do, quite reasonably, find early UVHM), it doesn’t rely on slag (tedious mechanic), and you do have a capstone and quite a few other skills to enjoy. Endgame definitely isn’t the only place to hang out on Pandora! Additionally pretty much all skills are completely viable whereas in UVHM certain builds become a lot more effective than others.

That said, I probably find UVHM the most fun because of the enemy and quest level scaling - in the previous modes I always have to have half an eye on being under or overlevelled which is a bit restrictive. I’ve had a great deal of solo pleasure since moving down to OP3 rather than 8, upon estimable suggestion. It lets me use a much wider set of gear and I can also slide the difficulty. Plus health gating isn’t such a continuous feature, which allows for freer but still challenging playstyle.


I agree with all this. :slight_smile:

Also like to add that I enjoy the “freshness” of starting a new character in NVHM… giving him/her a unique skin and head, and using whatever guns may fall my way as I go through the missions, without having to worry about their stats or rarity color too much.


UVHM and OP8 are the most fun game modes for me because it gave me more skill points to play with on Zer0 and see what would work best…and the felling of getting up that high hill was fun for me



  • I want to be at least 72 because I have the highest number of skill points to throw around, which can provide as versatile a build as is possible.

  • I can reset the game/missions.

  • It’s as easy or as difficult as I want, from one-shotting everything with a stern glance, to much harder than OP8. If I want NVHM or TVHM difficulty (limited skill points included), I can reset the skill points and only spend a few, and adjust the difficulty accordingly. While enemy health values/regeneration are still a thing, this can be overcome as I see fit with the OP system.

  • Higher drop rates than the other modes.

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And depending on character/build, a minimum of op4. On my main build I’m too used to OP8 now however.
Would be too easy otherwise.



Forum won’t let me post unless I type a full sentence, so that’s why I typed this sentence you’re now reading.


I’ll say that! :stuck_out_tongue: I find TVHM pretty annoying. Enemies are strong enough to cause serious problems for certain characters, you have some skill points but generally not nearly enough to do what you need, and if you’re in a situation where “I need item type X to deal with this problem” you generally can’t get item type X in any reliable way.

Whereas in UVHM, if you need X, you just go and get it, problem solved. After experiencing UVHM, taking the other characters through NVHM and especially TVHM is not particularly fun.





UVHM is the only fun one for me, it’s the only one that offers any challenge. Obviously when I first played the game, everything was challenging to start with, but now everything is muscle memory at this point. UVHM can still kick my behind pretty regularly though!


UVHM, when the cap was lv 61. Less skill points to work with, so you needed to think about what to build.
I like the OP system thou, and the 72 cap allowed me to include skills to complement my build.

Anyway, TVHM is kinda boring. And you need to care about not being overleved to start UVHM.
Annoying. :confused:

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Well, the problem for me is having to replay everything for second and then third time. If it wasn’t for that then UVHM best no contest.

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  1. UVHM
  2. Normal
  3. TVHM

I’ve an idea that best fits in the ‘What would you like to see in BL3?’ thread but I can’t seem to find it:
Once you reach max level with a character, have the option to start a new VH of that same character at max level. If you’ve reached level 72/OP8 with Axton for example, it’s a safe bet that you understand the character pretty well so why go thru the entire game all over again with a new Axton? Why not have the option to start that new Axton at level 72" Make this for every character of course, in that you only need to get one of them to max level in order to unlock the option to start all future characters of that class at level 72.


Yeah, i’ve also thought it’d be cool to have a feature where you can farm lower level gear with a maxed character, by setting the level of the game, like you do with OP levels. You could have it so you can only do it once you have 3 maxed characters or something, but I think it’d work.

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I enjoy them all honestly. I don’t have a favorite.

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I think that each has its own charm, but I will admit that I usually have the most trouble in early to mid-60’s…getting Gaige thru there was particularly painful in a couple of spots.