For the PC gamers here, how do you play Borderlands?

I play on console (PS3) so I use the dual analog controller when hunting for Vaults. But for PC gamers, do you use the keyboard + mouse combo, a custom peripheral (like a for-PC controller to emulate console controllers), or software to connect your console controller with the PC (like Better DS3)?

Do players prefer the keyboard + mouse for action or FPS games like Borderlands, or would using a console controller provide better handling for these games?

I recently changed to PC, and Iā€™ve been using the mouse + keyboard to good effect. I have a controller, but I ended up only using it for Mortal Kombat.

Mouse + Keyboard. Loyal to both xD

Only play racing games with controller.

Corsair M65 mouse, Razer Orbweaver gamepad (a left-hand-only keyboard).

Thatā€™s what steering wheels are for.

Mouse and Keyboard for any shooters, I use controller for fighting games and games like Rocket League. You can get a USB Xbox/PlayStation controller for your PC. You can also wait till November for Steamā€™s own nipple controller.

If itā€™s native controller support I use it (grew up on them so much more familiar/comfortable plus after 10-15 minutes of gaming on a keyboard/mouse my hands cramp)

Since BL2 isnā€™t a competitive game, Iā€™m using an Xbox 360 controller.

And thatā€™s my modus operandi for every game, basically(if I have a choice).

Keyboard always. I hate having one button do 8 things.

[quote=ā€œPoisonedbite, post:8, topic:542109, full:trueā€]
Keyboard always. I hate having one button do 8 things.
[/quote]Actually, the current console controllers have at least 8 buttons to use. Not that youā€™ll always use them, but they are there.

So it seems that keyboard and mouse seem to be more popular among most here. Is that because itā€™s easier to use than a dual analog controller, or because thatā€™s the default input device and never bothered with getting a new controller?

Keyboard and mouse here.

as for:

Itā€™s generally easier, I find the controller to be a bit sluggish and cumbersome to aim properly at small targets (like a head of a distant enemy). Thatā€™s my opinion though, I know a few people who are quite good at FPS games with a controller - those people were playing on consoles since their youth though and theyā€™ve almost never played on PC.

I am used to keyboard and mouse; buying a controller is not a problem, but getting used to it takes some time (I guess it takes longer than to accustomize to a new freshly bought mouse) so I prefer to have fun with controls I am used to it and relatively good at rather than to nerve myself with a controller I am not used to.

Maybe I may try BL2 with a controller sometimes (Man of Low Moral Fiber is good with an XBOX controller, playing on PC), that would be not a problem since BL2 is not a competitive game.

Mouse, Belkin Nostromo keypad (now supported by Razer) and keyboard (if I run out of keys on the Nostromo).

Since the Nostromo is programmable, it means the ā€œimportantā€ keys are always in the same place for every game, It doesnā€™t matter if the developers put ā€œUseā€ on E , F or whatever, itā€™s always the same key for me. More comfortable as well. Recommended.

I also use a strange setup for my mouse. Iā€™ve been playing FPSs since Wolfenstein 3D (over 20 years). The early games on the Build engine (Duke Nukem, Blood) put ā€œForwardā€ on the RMB. I really liked that and stuck with it. So, I use LMB for primary fire, RMB for forward and MMB for melee. I can do all the basics just with the mouse. Outmoded but I like it. And just to be really weird, I like to invert the Y-Axis!

The downside is if someone sits me in front of a game with normal keyboead and mouse, I fail :smile:

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I use almost exactly the same setup for my mouse. The only difference is that I have +moveforward on LMB and +movebackwards on RMB and primary fire is on D. This kind of movement keys on mouse itā€™s like Toxicā€™s style from Quake.

I use K&M 'cause I donā€™t know any differentā€¦like Greybeard, Iā€™ve been using K&M for a LONG time and have worked out a personal set of default keys for the games I own. Make me use a controller and Iā€™d probably blow the world up or something.

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On PC I use K+M. I recently got given an xbox and I am just about managing to play with a controller. I do shoot the floor a lot.

For shooters there is no substitute for keyboard and mouse. I can do OK with a dual-stick controller (first played borderlands on PS3) but it doesnā€™t hold a candle to K&M.

For anything else a cheap peripheral controller.

Keyboard and mouse. When lazy I use a controller. Still better than most console players with the controller i rarely use. Listen console people, get gud or get gon. :sunglasses:

FPS Mouse + Keyboard all the way! Just ordered a new g602 that I am looking forward to, but use my x360 controller for 3rd person and racing games.

This. The last controller Iā€™ve used was the original Nintendo one.

Only anomalies use something else than mouse for aiming in FPS games on PC.

No need to rub it in, I already feel weird enough :stuck_out_tongue:

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