MidgeMong is incredibly hard to beat in TVHM unless your Axton

with Axton throw the turret, which diverts aggro, and then whip out the rocket launcher (with added Axton damage) and take him out

I died multiple times trying to beat him with Salvador, I dare not think how hard it would be with Zero at level 30, I guess he would also be pretty difficult with Krieg (maybe not Gaige as her skill summons an ally similar to Axton)
Does Maya’s skill hold him in place? If so, perhaps not too hard with Maya either.

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Maya can phaselock him, yes. Just let them get outside the door before you do this if you’re intending to use a launcher. Salvador, I imagine, depends on build. A dual launcher Sal shouldn’t have any problem though! Zer0 I’d be doing gun/sniper anyway, so let MM bounce over to that balcony - I’ll just unload from safety over here. Gaige has DT. Axtron’s turret can, if dropped at just the right time in the door, pin MM in place. Krieg is the one I’m unsure about.


way to eat rocket ammo

If I had failed to beat him after 1 try with dual launchers I probably would have been f’d (no ammo left)

I beat him eventually seemingly due to a glitch in the game, he became stuck somewhere and I was able to snipe him

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MM apparantly gunzerks 2 VERY powerful full-auto weapons that he does hit you from far away from
in 1 or 2 hits he has broken your shield and taken you down to very low health
I couldn’t believe how difficult it was to beat him actually

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I’m fairly certain TVHM Zer0 can just place the clone in front of the door and Death blossom + Unf0reseen kills him before he moves and inch if you get a slag proc from the kunais.

I just tried that on a level 50 Zer0 on UVHM. No BAR, no Bee, 5/5 Unf0reseen (no com boosts on anything I did there), lvl 44 slag Pimpernel from TVHM and a level 50 green fire Anarchist from the previous mission.

He had something like 15 % left after the initial burst that all that caused. Killing bl0w would’ve finished him but the Anarchist fire and the next set of Kunais finished him off before execute.

That being said MM is tedious bullet sponge if he manages to get away. Crapton of health + armored parts can make it really slow.

Maya is probably the easiest. You can just catch him right away and unload everything into his head while having all of your buffs on + cloudkill doing it’s thing.

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The last time I fought Midgemong with Krieg I Fastballed him after he jumped across, heh.

He can be a slippery bugger… can be a PITA if he manages to give you the slip and I always want to get that Midgemong Has No Friends BAR challenge if that character hasn’t gotten it yet. :wink:

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I wouldn’t say he’s hard to kill with any character, even in UVHM. Of course it depends on your gear but he’s treated as a simple super badass, no special mechanics or anything… except the fact you are actually fighting 2 npcs if you put it that way.

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Even with Axton I usually wind up playing a game of Peak-A-Boo with him as he jumps all over the place. Maya is probably the one I have the easiest time with, especially if I have a decent shotgun to shove in the bullymong’s face after phaselocking him.

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I died many times with Salvador (at level 30), the apparently over-powered VH, I couldn’t believe how powerful MM was in TVHM

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I think with Axton I beat him quickly because I threw the Nuke Sentry next to him (which did big damage to him) and he diverted his VERY powerful guns to take out the sentry. I was able to blast him with a rocket launcher (which does extra big damage with Axton) while he was distracted.

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I’d imagine that part of the difficulty in taking down Midgemong at level 30 is that Symbiosis is a level 35 mission in TVHM. Which I believe means ol’ Midgey should spawn around level 36 or 37? That’s pretty underleveled to start TVHM, when you don’t have a full compliment of skill points or top-of-the-line gear. Hell, at level 30, you haven’t even gotten your first capstone yet.

If you were closer to on-level for the mission, I would imagine you’d find Midgemong a fairly easy (but still somewhat annoying) encounter.


hmm, I think my Axton was the same level though? Hmm maybe he didn’t have nuke…

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Personally, I think it is more of an annoying fight than a difficult one. I really hate enemies that bounce around and run away constantly. If you don’t get at least one of them killed right as the door opens, prepare to spend a few frustrating minutes playing hide-and-seek.