So I cannot seem to get past Op. 5. I keep dying at the assassins arena half way through the run. Does anybody have some tips to get through? Any kind sole willing to part ways with (Xbox one) Op 4 Evisceraton Grog, Legendary Killer com, or Legenedary Cat Com (for my co-op partner). THANK YOU!
Try this to start :
As you’re evidently playing Zer0, I found that melee was much, much better in the Assassin arena. If you don’t have a good roid shield, get a Pun-chee from the Torgue seraph vendor - powerful and great recharge rate to keep you protected in between.
I generally leaned more on guns elsewhere on the Peak. I just got to OP8 so it’s still fresh.
Assassins area is the hardest area in the peak especially the 4 assassins spawn. Just group them together using singularity and phaselock before going for the kill. My maya is always in FFYL in that area.
I thought our melee zero and maya 72 gear OP7 run (for us, this is the hardest due to the fixed spawns that are considered worst spawns in the peak) is special until i found that there are pros who did level 61 gear OP8 run, level 50 gear OP8 run. I even saw a Maya and Krieg gearless run in the peak.
First of all i also 2nd Jefe’s recommendation of HD’s thread on the peak. In that thread you will see that HD has a section for each VH toon. If you go to the “Gun Zer0” section you will find the very first reply is from dotanuki, and is accompanied by a video of his. dotanuki plays a style of Zer0 that i use for one of my Zer0’s consisting of both melee and sniper, but at the end of his video walkthrough of the Peak as Zer0 he goes through every spawn that you can get with the Assassin’s x4, good and bad, in which he describes what he likes to do from a positional standpoint for each spawn which is key for this area. Don’t pay to much attention to his gear and build as it’s specific to his "Pimpslapper" build, and speaking from experience it takes some getting used to, but more on the “how and why” of his decisions at the Peak from start to finish.
I hope this helps and feel free to ask if you have probs finding it, and make sure you try to have fun and stay as relaxed as possible when you play, because as challenging as it can be, it’s still just a game to be enjoyed and taking extra time to stop and gather your thoughts, make sure you have the gear you want equipped and your weapons re-loaded, and also to just take the time to think things through which is what most of the Peak is really, thinking on your feet and making the correct decision in that moment. Good luck
Not much to add given the great info from the others above, but I did want to suggest that a Leg Hunter might do you more good than a Leg Killer, as that health bonus on Deception and overall Cooldown bonus is really useful against bigger bosses to give you time to get back above health gate.
Hello friends. Thank you for all the information! I studied up and am excited to share that we made it through OP5…finally!
Time to prep for OP6!
I love this game and this community as I knew I could turn to this forum for help. Thanks again all!