Toothpick vs Fire Sandhawk

Both have similar properties as well as unlisted pellets.

I’m thinking that with a Bee this gun could be a great replacement of a once per character, hard to level up and reacquire Fire Sandhawk. And the Toothpick even shoots straight lol.

Thoughts anyone?


Yeah, unfortunately it’s still an AR and not an SMG


I don’t have one yet, but just watched Joltz’s video on the toothpick and I agree, definitely worth investigating as a sandhawk alternative. Now if we could just get an alternatives to the pimpernel and fibber so i don’t have to farm for those in all elements again :frowning:


Might actually be an advantage…ammo wise. With the low regard ARs had in this game. That ammo pool is seldom used.

Might also be GREAT on a character like Axton who has some AR perks.

I have also heard that the new AR Relic Mouthwash with a Toothpick also out damages a Fire Bone Relic combo.

This all needs more investigation.

@Derch. Calling Derch…come in Derch, come in…


I think with mouthwash equipped too, it could be better than the sandhawk.


No idea of ultimate DPS but there’s soooo much more reloading with the Toothpick.


What about specking Overload and a Mod like Chaotic Neutral Ranger? With the extra eight points I’m thinking that skill might be perfect and you would still be able to double capstone.


Good idea for Axton. The others less so. Hellborn Krieg could make it extremely good though.

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My mind is racing LOL. Heck, what about a Rifleman Com? It gives a huge magazine boost as well as AR gun damage boost…

Mix that AND an Overload spec and make the build something you could switch in and out of a Legendary Soldier Com with…maybe something like this if you don’t like Grit which I think you said you didn’t somewhere:

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The Rifleman should out-DPS any other COM I think. It would be my first choice.

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For Axton, I think Peak Opener is better. Problem with those two AR’s is they eat ammo real fast.

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I’m sure…but I was thinking…when was the last time I actually used an AR and that Ammo Pool. Ogre was all I could come up with…maybe Seeker on a rare occasion.

And on Axton it might be the ticket.

Maybe carry a Stockpile or Blood Relic until you whittle down to the actual Ammo pool…then switch to Mouthwash

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I don’t think it’s meant to be a direct Sandhawk replacement per se. Given that without fighting the raid boss using the other two parts of the Hygiene set it doesn’t do anything distinct other than its fire pattern and projectile count, it really doesn’t do much past Unique quality by itself. The Sandhawk still has higher projectile count by itself and with The Bee it wrecks the DLC raid boss even faster than the full Hygiene set does, it really only works for mobility and the immunity to the boss’s Corrosive splash attacks.

It does make a good AR alternative choice, granted that we’ve only had the Hail, Kitten and Ogre for the longest time.


I don’t see me using it much but Hellborn Krieg with full EE stacks made this pretty awesome just hip firing.


That’s the way i use the veruc on hellborn krieg…using the bullet split and high rate of fire without ADS…but i think the toothpick will be better at that.


The Sandhawk is better but the Toothpick ain’t bad with the Mouthwash. It has good synergy with Sal because of his ammo regen and it is a solid Inconceivable/Moneyshot gun.

Generally the M2828 Thompson is better on Zer0/Maya and the Peak Opener is better on Krieg/Axton (in addition to being arguably the highest DPS AR in the game).


How do you figure? Toothpick generally is much MUCH better.

Sandhawk I noticed is only very good with Maya or Zero because of how damn slow its bullets go. With un-accelerated bullets I don’t believe how anyone could not prefer the Toothpick.

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Heh no, a somewhat crazy thing to say imo as Toothpick really munches through ammo which is its biggest drawback. And AR ammo is hard to keep up once you’ve used loads.

It is an advantage imo though a big one, it’s fire shoots across the screen unlike the snail pace sandhawk which probably will end up missing.

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Cat…lemme explain my thinking. Before Toothpick, Peak Opener and the Mouthwash Relic an AR was seldom used on Axton. Sure I occasionally used an Ogre or a Kitten or Hail…possibly a Lead Storm…but for the most part, that entire ammo pool was seldom USED.

With the coming of Toothpick/Peak Opener/Mouthwash…now…all of a sudden…we have an additional, totally useabable and POWERFUL ammo pool to add to the fight.

Yes it gets chewed up FAST!

But at least it is being USED now…AND for a short time it is just powerful as heck!


I liked alot of them even before toothpick tbh, I noticed you didn’t mention miniguns (Jacobs, Dahl even other ones) they are excellent.

But yeah I guess you have point, only thing is if you have relic you have to switch

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